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Nouveau Novembre - week one

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    Nouveau Novembre - week one

    Cyn and Chill....:h

    Thank you for your kind words....:h Chill, dear lovely, yes, I am trying NOT to travel as much


      Nouveau Novembre - week one

      Good evening folks!

      Wouldn't you know it?
      I got a text message from YB an hour before dinner wanting to know if he could come over. Since my son & his family had just arrived I said OK. Does this mean I need to smudge again tonight? :H

      Rusty, you be careful you traveling woman

      Cyn, TUT = Totally Unique Thoughts!
      Go to TUT's Adventurers Club::Welcome & sign up for the daily message. It's usually a one liner that just makes my day

      Chilll & Dewdrop, glad you both had a good day! Sounds damp & chilly on your side of the Atlantic!

      Where is Jolie? And when does Rustop return?? Papmom, I hope you are not letting the nursing home folks get to you!

      I have a lot of work lined up for this week & that's a good thing. Guess I 'd better fire up that smudge stick again ~ just in case......
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Nouveau Novembre - week one

        Good Evening-

        I apologize, I'm going to have to go back and catch up on reading...just thought I would check in. My mom had a stint put in and was taken to ICU yesterday...she was let out of there today and moved to a regular room. They are hoping she will be able to be released tomorrow if the test results and everything come back ok. I'm taking the day off to be with her. While we were up there I got a call a text from my stepmom letting me know she was there with her mom and that me and my sisters needed to come say good by to her mom(she is dying of cancer)...she was brought in on Saturday as well. The rest of the family has been notified and is on the way. Pretty emotionally draining weekend!

        I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow!! I hope all is well with everyone!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Nouveau Novembre - week one

          (((((SD))))) :h :h :h My thoughts are with you and your whole family during this very trying and sad time. Stay strong SD-your family needs you right now, clear and present. We will be here to hold you up.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Nouveau Novembre - week one

            Good Morning My Dear Friends,

            SD (((((((HUGS)))))))) Sending you a Green Bay Packer bearhug across WI and MN to South Dakota. I am so sorry about your mom and your stepmom's mom. How are you holding up?

            My friends, today, I am reaching out to you as I am in despair. Yesterday, I was so depressed...unusually so....that I took a Xanax (which I usually take only at night because it makes me sleepy) and fell asleep on my sofa, totally forgetting I was going to meet my friend for the Packer game. The resort near my house has a huge screen TV and she wanted to watch it there instead of at my house. So there she sat, waiting for me.:upset: I called her and apologized and I hope she forgives me. I've been really down for 3 days in a row. Someone mentioned...I don't think it was on here.....that when her mother passed away recently that she felt so lost because her mother was her whole social life. That sounds like me!!! I cannot imagine my life without my mom. The reason I am despair is that, although I always tell myself that God has a plan and when your time's up, your time's up (quoted from my dad), I am dreadfully afraid something will happen to my mom when I go to Barcelona on Saturday. The last two times I've gone on a busy trip (both to France), I've come home to find my mother had been hospitalized...and even though I told my sister,"you must call me right away if something happens to mom," she hasn't done what I asked her. She would never lie to me but she told me the reason she keeps me in the dark is that she wants to wait until the doctor tells her what's wrong with my mom...otherwise, what is the point in worrying me. I know that she's right....why call me with the news "Mom's in the hospital with chest pains but we don't know why."

            Well, here it is Monday morning, I'm on a plane in first-class, going to Rhode Island, and I'm bawling again. No, I'm not drinking on it.....I'm just usually such a happy person.

            Chill, Cyn, SD....I am not worthy of the praise you give me with regard to traveling and not complaining. What do you think I'm doing now? I'm bawling because I am going to beautiful places this and tomorrow, Rhode Island, and Saturday, Barcelona, but I would pay to have any one of you go for me. I just want to be near my sister and my mother. No, I can't get someone else to go for me. The only thing I can think of is I'm going to try VERY VERY hard next year to get more local work.

            I'm sorry I'm sounding like a big baby....I just needed to talk to someone. Thanks for listening.

