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AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

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    AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

    Feck I forgot to say JACKRABBIT!

    AFM, :l:l warrior princess!

    Sunnybutt your barn is looking fine! You must be right proud!

    Det, toothbrushes?????? :H:H

    P3 I'm generally uncomfortable in the nursing home. Great admiration for you....:l

    time management bell went thing's for sure!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

    (You guys over the pond!)
    Meanwhile what is wrong with me? I am eating for Britain. This is not good. Since I started running I can't get enough carbs into me-but I'm reaching for the wrong kind. I don't think running is such a good idea after all.
    (Crawls back into her space guiltily)
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


      AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

      Hello Greenie and all to come.

      Typing with one hand - I've just had typhoid and hepatitis jabs for our trip at Christmas and my arm is HEAVY. The nurse asked if I wanted one in each arm but I said I'd have both in one arm so at least I have one good arm for the day!

      Me and GF spent the weekend at the seaside which was lovely. Haven't had a chance to read back yet so hope everyone is doing well.

      My friend who lives in Connecticut is without power after the snow and her family have decamped to a friend's house to keep warm so I hope everyone here is OK.

      Back when I can type better! Have a peaceful day all.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

        fABbies! :yougo: Thanks for kicking us off Greenie. Boy Sunni - that barn looks AWESOME!! My Mom would be so jealous. Hers is quite a big smaller. She has Shetland ponies and miniature horses. Some are home, some with a trainer. She has to really think when someone asks "how many?" That means TOO MANY! She keeps saying she is titling this one and that one in various of our names. I hope I have convinced her that none of us kids want to take those ponies when she is gone - she needs another plan!

        Marshy - where are you going for Christmas again? You are such a world traveler!! Hope your arm feels better soon.

        Treya, I too have to be careful just reaching for any old thing, especially on days when I manage to get some long walking in. My body seems to holler for more food than usual (understandable) and I'm working on NOT reaching for the junk. Sigh. If you find the secret let me know!

        I'm checking in from school. Now I need to get busy and do what I came to do - STUDY!

        One thing is for sure.....

        Hope everyone has a great day!
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

          Good morning all. I'm on the road in Kansas City this week.
          Have a great sober day.
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

            Good morning Abbers!

            Is it OK if I take a granny nap at 10:30 am? :H :H
            Have been up since 6 & been all over the place! I have work to get done before I feed DIL & grandsons dinner before her karate class (I'll be watching the kids of course). Guess a nap is out of the question

            Hello & Happy November to Greenie, Treya, DG, Marshy, cpn & all to come

            Marshy, I had a series of 3 Typhoid shots (way back when) which left me with a hugely swollen arm & a fever!!! Yuck! Where are you going at Christmas?

            OK, workin time. wishing everyone a great AF 11.1.11

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

              Hello friends!

              Nothing too enlightening to say as usual. :H Hello to CPN--loverly to see you here!

              AFM--thinking about you today. I did not know that chemo caused early menopause. That just seems like adding insult to injury. I hope and pray your body handles the drugs easily and you are back to feeling great soon!:l

              Greenie--I am embarrassed to admit that those big kids with no costumes? One of them was mine. He didn't seem to understand why I thought it was wrong to go trick or treating at age 13--esp if you weren't going to bother with a costume. I would have refused to give him any candy. I don't think they went to too many places, and just friends I hope. I tried to explain to him how many little kids trick or treat and candy is so expensive! I like the idea of IJM's block party (except for the al) or some communities have special things planned for the trick or treaters. It seems especially difficult when Halloween is during the week. The last 2 years our coalition sponsored a dance for the middle-grade kids to give them something to do besides bother people for candy, but not this year. Since we live in the country we only had 2 trick or treaters--twin girls and they were the cutest things!!

              Today I am going to get some inside projects done. Last evening I got the leaves off of the yard in preparation for this afternoon's snow storm they are predicting. Yesterday it was a beautiful 70 degrees (F) and tonight it is suppose to be in the single digits. YUCK!!
              Thursday I am going on a road trip to Missouri with my MIL to meet her new great grandson and spend time with our niece, SIL and BIL. I don't want to go very bad. It is a 10 hour drive. Hubby has decided to stay home, so he will be on teenager patrol. I hope he does a better job than he did last time! :H It has been really nice having him sober the last few days, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Just enjoying ODAT!!

              Hello to everyone on the daily af thread! Have a great sober day!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                Morning abberoos!

                My daughter and her friend had an awesome time last night trick or treating. There is so much candy at my house right now it's insane! I've never seen such a haul!

                I did my volunteering at her school this morning, just got home and have to do some laundry and then settle in and get some homework done. Lots of reading, hoping to get an assignment in this week.

                Okay, I'm off - hope everyone has a great day!
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                  Happy Sugar-Free Day after Halloween ABerooooos!

                  not a sugary treat in sight! yay. if I buy Halloween candy I'm screwed, so thankfully I was out exercising late last night and missed the zombie horde.

                  Treya, to make a long story short....try Paleo for 30 days and it will change your life:
                  Robb Wolf | The Paleo Solution book and podcast | Paleo diet, Paleolithic nutrition, intermittent fasting, and fitness
                  and there's nothing to buy, no special pills or diet crap to keep track of.

                  LVT, so glad to hear of hubby sobriety. fingers crossed.

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                    AFM - thinking of you today!
                    Everyone else.. have a happy day! Busy here but no time for booze! Yay!

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                      Afternoon all!

                      Treya ? I started running again as well. Don?t give up on it. I think it?s great. I just got back from the health club (I go at lunch every day now) and I always get a ?natural high? after running. The carb thing is your increased metabolism screaming at you. Again, I have this same issue. I just trick it by eating more healthy carbs. I really don?t ?lower? my carbs though. I just go for fruits and whole grains and stay far away from anything processed. So far it has worked for me.

                      Lav ? ?is it ok to have a granny nap at 10:30?? I?d say it is ok anytime Lav wants to have a nap! And for it to be called a ?granny nap? you would have to be over 29 which you are not.

                      Block party last night was a total success. Had lots of neighbors and must have been at least 100 kids coming by for candy. There was more food than could possibly be eaten by the crowd. Absolutely no one even mentioned AL let alone have any. I was really worried about that but it all went smooth. I was afraid that I couldn?t be social without a little help. Turns out that that was just another lie told to me by AL.

                      Got to get back to making the shareholders happy!



                        AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                        Hi IJM,
                        I agree. Will it ever get here?? What is it about 120 days?. I feel like it's been 2 years since 90 days.
                        Det, I can't seem to do Paleo while running. Maybe I'm missing something. I'll go look at it again.
                        Also, sorry to be a pain in the a** but you, (or someone else?) gave me a link for LGlut to help curb sugar cravings. I don't really know how what kind of dosage to be taking or where to buy a good quality supplement in the UK. Can anyone in the UK help? Marshy?
                        I can't believe I ate two chocolate bars in rapid succession today. I'm mad at myself but I couldn't stop!! Eeek!
                        Ok Guys, have a great AF day,
                        AF since 11 July 2011
                        You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                          AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                          Hey Fabsters, just a quick hello. Especially to Treya and others dealing with the first few months post quitting "Assohol" ... I am absolutely certain that our biology is completely messed up for a long time, and it takes a lot to transition through the nutritional nightmare that was addiction / over consumption of an aldehyde and glycol derivative like alcohol. I am just a plant tox person, but the residual biochemistry must be persistent and take a long time to strip from the central nervous system. Im just sayin. So be patient with ourselves is also what Im sayin. Its a miracle of nature that our liver regenerates after all the crap weve put it through.

                          I gotta go take photos of some old aerial photography at a fish and wildlife compensation office that is being closed down by one of our illustrious crown corporations. Sad. I am going to buy some flowers for the staff before i go. Its the least I can do, theyve been canned unceremoniously after 20 years of a job in a great part of BC.

                          Everyone take it easy. Special thoughts of AFM today, who is probably feeling pretty sick at the moment.

                          Peace out

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                            Treya, what do you mean you can't eat PALEO while running? a ton of pro level athletes are getting better performance, better bloodwork numbers (triglycerides etc) lowered systemic inflammation.

                            the main things that has helped me is that my AL and sugar cravings are greatly diminished. also I can eat to total satiety without counting anything. simple is good

                            they may help:

                            What is the Paleo Diet?
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily ~ Tuesday 11/1

                              from this site: night time sugar cravings

                              This is how L-Glutamine works-
                              Through nutritional magic and by the use of L-glutamine, a form of glumatic acid which the brain consumes for energy, we can feed the brain and quiet its craving for sweets.
                              Because L-glutamine can cross the brain barrier easily, and the brain can take it and quickly convert it into glumatic acid, if you take L-glutamine in supplemental form the brain will be able to satisfy its hunger more easily.
                              Glumatic acid serves primarily as a fuel for the brain's operation and as a buffer against excess amonia.
                              The relationship of glumatic acid to glucose (blood sugar) goes beyond the brain-fuel interrelationship. Since the brain can store only a small amount of glucose, it is very dependent on the second-to-second supply of blood sugar which may explain dizziness and other nervous symptoms that accompany hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
                              The grey matter in the brain converts glumatic acid to a special compound that helps regulate brain cell activity. Thus, a shortage of L-glutamine in the diet, and of glumatic acid in the brain, can result in brain damage due to excess ammonia or a brain that cannot get into "high gear."
                              The stress of the dieting can lead some people who are not nessesarily fond of alcohol to drink a lot more than usual in an effort to control the stress level they feel.
                              Also, since alcohol is metabolized very quickly, it is converted to brain fuel, and during your diet your brain can feel hungry and ask for a drink. If you answer it's request and continue to do so you can do more than just wreck your diet program.
                              Dr. Roger Williams, along with his colleagues at Clayton Foundation for Research at the University of Texas, made the vital discovery that not only did L-glutamine protect against poisonous effects of alcohol, it also controlled or stopped completely the craving for it.
                              L-glutamine is a versitile amino acid that can contribute to your diet program if, on your way to your best weight level, you suffer from any of these problems described.
                              L-glutamine is an excellent supplement to curb the cravings for sweetness and alcohol
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

