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AF Daily - Thursday

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    AF Daily - Thursday

    Morning abbers!

    Little uni had a fab birthday - thanks everyone! She was with her dad for dinner but we had her for a couple of hours. She grew almost 2 inches since she was 10! We have a measurement chart on the wall.

    Today I'm off to my doctors to see if I can figure out WTF is wrong with me and why I'm so tired. Then the cat has to go in - she has fleas and is ripping out all of her fur, poor thing.

    Okay, I'll be back - have a good morning all!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Thursday

    Happy Birthday, little one! I haven't been on in a while. Our only computer in the house was being funky and somehow my husband was able to fix it. Also, I drank. Last night and a few nights before that. I feel so awful about myself. I think I may go to an AA meeting today. I'm not sure how else to beat this without medical intervention. Aside from meds, has anyone done this on their own? Dumb question, I know. Thanks.
    Living life to the fullest.


      AF Daily - Thursday

      Good morning Fabs!

      Good luck with the doc today, Uni.
      MtnMomma... AA meeting sounds like a good plan. I'm using Antabuse to keep me on the straight and narrow. And Mars bars

      So I actually had 'real' drinking thoughts yesterday. WTF? The stars aligned in AL's favor and true to alkie form, I was on it like a fly on the pile. I'm not exactly happy about my substitution (neither will my scale be) but it got me through it. Grateful for that.

      And, one thing is for sure... today there will be no drinking!
      Back to you.
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily - Thursday

        I've heard of Antabuse and that it makes you sick with one sip of AL? I might need that.
        Living life to the fullest.


          AF Daily - Thursday

          Hi Uni,
          Sorry you're so tired. Hope you get a good result from your trip to the doc.
          Hi Momma,
          Has anyone done it on their own? I don't know about you but I don't think we can do ANYTHING on our own. As Sunshine says, (Hi Sunshine!) we each have to find what works best at any given time. I am surrendering my control over Al daily. Some days are better than others and I'm not having a good patch at present. But don't beat yourself up over lapses. Just get back on the wagon again and begin again. You're in GREAT company! Believe me.

          Treya, what do you mean you can't eat PALEO while running? a ton of pro level athletes are getting better performance, better bloodwork numbers (triglycerides etc) lowered systemic inflammation.
          Hi Det, firstly thanks for taking the time to link that article about LGlut to me. I appreciate it.
          Re Paleo, I find that normally the principles of Paleo are very sound and yes, I agree that they curb the sugar cravings. I jusy have difficulty keeping to Paleo when I'm running or exercising hard. I find my muscles get weak and in general I sense 'under nutrition' I get tired and achy,as if I'm running on empty.(Maybe I'm not eating enough?) On the other hand if I eat more complex carbs it seems to take care of my working muscles more efficiently. I feel I have more energy. It's maybe a low blood sugar issue I'm not sure. I don't know enough about how it works.
          I've been thinking that we are all unique in our needs. We have different levels of (natural) stamina. We have different doshas, blood types, physiques. Some athletes thrive on Paleo whilt others thrive on Vegetarian or even Vegan diets! I know of someone whose cholesterol shot up while on Paleo. I only say that to illustrate that one shoe does not necessarily fit all feet.
          I'm going to keep working at Paleo-maybe upping the intake and see how it works out for me becasue I agree with you -longterm keeping to lean proteind and lots of carbs in the form of vegetables seems like a better way to go for someone who has to work at sugar/glucose balance.
          Anyhoo, I'm of to Zumba to get my 29 year old creaky hips into action.
          Love to all abbers to come,
          AF since 11 July 2011
          You can never get enough of what you don't really want


            AF Daily - Thursday

            Good morning Abbers!

            Granny is getting a slow start this morning but at least I'm allive :H :H

            Uni, hope you can get some bloodwork done, review your meds & supplements.....find the cause of your fatigue.

            MtnMomma, have you read the MWO book yet & used the tools in the Tool box to make a plan?
            Sounds like you're just trying to wing it - that won't work! If you find AA will help you then by all means go. Talking to your doc about medications may be helpful as well.

            Sunni, you know those thoughts are just thoughts & we don't have to act on them. You did a good job, Mars bars & all I love those things!!!

            Treya, I haven't tried Zumba yet but I will at some point! They offer classes at Curves.
            Just the Curves routine has really helped loosen up my hips & knees. It's tough being 29

            Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Thursday

              I am just trying to wing it and I tell myself my drinking isn't that bad. Given family history, I can't believe it isn't worse. The black outs are scary. I have a plan, but haven't put it in motion. My drinking is that bad.
              Living life to the fullest.


                AF Daily - Thursday

                Hey Faboonies. Good morning everyone. I posted and then lost this long post, so this is the short form.

                First, Uni, I am SO glad you are getting the fatigue checked out.

                Mnt Momma, there is a point where you realize whats going on is not a good thing, and it sometimes takes several tries to get clean, but there are some short cuts. Read the advice from the people posting on this thread and focus on the fact that the reason you havent put your plan in place is due to the effects of alcohol on your whole system. Read the Tool Box thread. A couple of times. If you can face it, get some medical advice and possibly a prescription. Keep reading here and keep posting posting posting. Get aquainted with the threads in this site. There is another simpler site called 43 Things (Stop Drinking) and people have managed to quit on that site just by posting there, reading and interacting with other people. I quit just by lurking there, but I have to say that I was DEEPLY committed to quitting, after trying very weakly over several years. What really pushed me over the edge is long and complicated so I wont bore you with it now, but basically I was afraid I was going to develop cirrhosis of the liver, and it probably was already happening, as I was 56 years old with a 30 year history of overindulging in alchohol. I am now 57, healthy and AFree.

                Hey Treya, I am another person who cant do the Paleo diet. We have evolved since Paleolithic times, and some of us have selected for heart disease. So I have to be careful about cholesterol. I think it is possible to lose weight on it. Which is a good thing, while remaining satiated, but I cant put that much cholesterol in my system or the heart disease in my family history is a real possibility.

                Lav, have a great day. Loved what you said re bloodwork...

                Sunni, i have had those same things go through my head too recently. Whats with that? What ever works, is what Im sayin'.

                Everyone have a great AF day. I have a deadline, its snowing those big fat first snow flakes out there, and I only planted the last of the bulbs yesterday! Egads


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Thursday

                  Hi Mtnmomma,
                  If you haven't visited the Newbies forum yet, i highly recommend it. It's what got me to my 30 days after a couple of false starts. I used all the supplements including All One, the CDs and read the book. I also scoured the Tool Box for things that would work for me. Probably the most powerful tool I used was the memory of how horrible I felt during my last hangover and how close I came to being found out at work what I lush I was. These memories still serve me well. I also was very very active on a couple of threads and read everthing thing I could find both on and off this site. I took books out of the library every week it seemed. But ultimately, the best tool you have to NOT TAKE THAT FIRST DRINK NO MATTER WHAT!! That takes a lot of courage and willpower but you can't be successful if you are constantly caving to the urges. And each time you cave, you will get deeper and deeper into the addiction. And then one day, it will be too late.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Thursday

                    Thank you so much for the encouragement and support. The kiddos are rambunctious right now, so I can't stay on, but Kaslo, I bookmarked the 43 Things and it looks wonderful. I'll delve deeper when I have time. I will also visit the Tool Box. Thank you again, everyone!
                    Living life to the fullest.


                      AF Daily - Thursday

                      Wi-fi back on

                      MtnMomma - what is your plan (the one you haven't put in motion)? What do you think you need to start the ball rolling?

                      Lav - I was interested to read about your (almost) war stories!

                      Sunshine-gg - For ages after I stopped drinking I ate all sorts of rubbish - lots of ice-cream, cheesecake etc but didn't worry about it too much. Lesser of two evils, right?

                      Uni - hope you get some answers at the doc's.

                      Hi to Kaslo, Papmom, Treya and all to come.

                      Got to get on with some work. Back later.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF Daily - Thursday

                        Hey all whizzing in - long busy days at work - got all my info together now to do my CV and I am actively looking for other jobs now. Feeling better - can't change it but have accepted what it is and I am lucky to have a job. I am also saving up big amounts each month so if it gets really bad then I can walk out if need be.I'm challenging myself what is the most I can save.It's fun in a strange kind of way.

                        I'm glad to be af went out with the team yesterday for food 2 out of 10 had 1 drink - rest on diet coke - it was great - my face actually ached from laughing! Today I cycled to work and tonight I am skating so get to see the lovely laughing people again.

                        I really am going to make myself cycle to work as much as i can/see friends/hit the gym - these things make me feel much happier - they also mean i have a LIFE and are sober activities.

                        I'm focusing on the women for sobriety 13 affirmations and they really are helping me feel stronger and more in control of things.Really working on accepting that i can't drink- at all -ever.I think we can all say that has been a struggle for me!!!:lalala:

                        What helped YOU accept you couldn't drink again?
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily - Thursday

                          bear73;1202726 wrote:

                          What helped YOU accept you couldn't drink again?
                          Bear...there are a lot of surefire ways to deal with the physical aspect of breaking the addiction. But for most of us, the tough part is changing our thinking about drinking. The alcohol not only alters our brain chemistry, it has also affects the circuitry.

                          It takes time to fix all that, but it can be done!

                          This might sound simplistic...but words have power.... so instead of dwelling in the negative mindset of "I can't drink again" I spun it into a positive mantra of "I am free of this addiction!"

                          In the earliest days...I was really just fakin' my feelings about it. I was almost like robo chick: "I - am - free - of - this - addiction - I - no - longer - drink. - No - matter - what. BEEP"

                          I still spend time each morning and evening settling my mind. If there's stress involved, I simply use that time to take deep breaths and I count. That's all. Works wonders.

                          When I know I've got a challenge coming up, I use that time to visualize positive outcomes. For example, when I was faced with a bottomless booze vacation early on in my new run of AF days...I did a very detailed visualization of how I would handle those key moments and saw myself having fun without Al. It was one of the best vacations of my life! I was no longer faking it!

                          A lot of the folks who are succeeding also subscribe to having an 'attitude of gratitude.' Instead of feeling deprived by not being able to drink...there is a deep appreciation for what has been gained by being free of an addiction to poison. I run through my list every day. I'm free of depression, I'm happier, my body is healthier, I have self-respect, my family is no longer worried, my clothes fit so much better, my skin is glowing like the sun, I have a load of new energy and I am catching up on all the projects that were neglected when I was addicted.

                          If you want to do a test run of these concepts....I will support you...PM me or just stick close to the thread...There are a bunch of us who are happy to help you get your GRRRR on BEAR!
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            AF Daily - Thursday

                            MtnMomma;1202652 wrote: I am just trying to wing it and I tell myself my drinking isn't that bad. Given family history, I can't believe it isn't worse. The black outs are scary. I have a plan, but haven't put it in motion. My drinking is that bad.
                            Hi all! Huge show of support for you MtnMomma. The black outs SHOULD be scary. I had no idea how "not normal" they are (for regular people - I know they seem normal to us alcohol dependent people!). Sounds like you have already gotten a lot of good ideas here.

                            In answer to your, I did not and could not quit on my own. I followed the My Way Out program as outlined in the book, with the exception of Topamax. I posted here every day (well, LOTS of times a day.) And then after I relapsed, I "hid" from here. That certainly helped me keep on drinking. When I was finally able to get back on the wagon, I still wasn't totally comfortable in my AF skin. That's when I went to AA. So now I have 24X7 support between everyone here and AA in person. I don't regret any of it.

                            Hate to fly in and out...but long day. Hope everyone is having a good one! One thing is for drinkies for me today. And Det's pumkin is the biggest I've ever seen.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Thursday

                              For those who haven't, please read "Kick The Drink" by Jason Vale.

                              This book did it for me. It answers a lot of the questions you all are asking about what it takes to not feel like you're depriving yourself of something if you don't drink. I swear to God, it was like a switch flipped in my mind.

                              It ended the struggle for me. I'm a different person because of this book. I'm free, and it feels great.

                              Check out "This Book Will Change Your Life" on the General Discussion thread.

                              You owe it to yourself to read this book.


