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AF saturday

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    AF saturday

    Lavande;1203989 wrote: I'm going to bake you a huge loaf of honey whole wheat bread :H
    :whee: Anybody want to share Lav's wonderful bread with me?

    Thanks Lav!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF saturday

      DG-that is so awesome!! You rock girl!! I'm telling you-valedictorian!

      SD-so sorry about your daughter! Glad she is OK! I have seen my share of obnoxious hockey moms and dads in my time and I still don't understand it. You are in good company believe me!!

      Welcome to all our newbies! I hope you stick around-we'll keep you on the straight and narrow and honest!!

      Hey Det! Hope you had a good day at the range

      Lav-did you get lots of work done today?

      I did manage to get the part of the yard cleaned up where my fence is going so I'm happy. Never did the dishes tho-too lazy or tired. Haven't decided which yet :H I still have to find cheap fence has some-the actual stores do not.

      Tomorrow a full day of work but not with at risk residents and we're having a swing band in the afternoon so that should be fun. Then dinner and the Pats game at my sis's afterwards. Too bad my bro and his fam won't come out for it - i miss them and have been worried about them this week even tho I know they were fine. Just bored. Talked to my bro yesterday-he says my tree might grow a new leader and it certainly won't die. Might just look weird for the rest of it's life. They've spent the last 2 days cleaning up and restocking on food. My bro has gotten some extra work with tree removal so that is good.
      Ho hum, boring boring Papmom!

      What isn't boring for all you dog owners out there is that my friend finally got a diagnosis on her poor pup-acute Lyme disease!! I had gotten really upset Thursday nite when she told me the hospital wasn't going to test for it and she was OK with that . I had to email her an apology because after all Austin isn't my dog. This morning she texted me to tell me I was right-his Lyme titers were off the charts. They've sent him home with subQ fluids and antibiotics, Doxy in 3 days and probably Predisone next week. They are guardedly optimistic that he will recover but right now his kidneys are pretty badly compromised. I am guilty of not regularly applying Frontline Plus to my pups because they rarely leave the yard. Well, my yard is not immune to ticks, deer or otherwise so they will be getting a dose tomorrow morning. yes it's expensive but nothing compared to the thousands of dollars spent treating a dog in acute renal failure due to Lyme or some other tick borne disease. Lesson learned.
      Off my :soapbox: now!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF saturday

        Yes please DG!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF saturday

          DoggyGirl, hip hip hoooorayyyyy! a woofing A! fabulous dawling

          Lav's homemade bread? I only get a 'treat meal' once every week or so and I'd happily make that this weeks treat.

          Todays shoot involved a lot of hiking in the snow and blasting wind in sub-freezing weather and VERY little actual shooting. but I'm glad I went. learned some important things about not only pressure-density and it's effects on long range ballistics, but about wearing the appropriate footwear for the snow. ugh! soaked and freezing feet is no dang fun. I'm reading some reviews on waterproof hiking boots tonight for sure.

          Papmom, enjoy the band tomorrow, I love swing music.

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF saturday

            Yay for DG! Awesome... knew you'd come through with flying colours!

            Lav.. bread sounds delish! I'll post grand mother's recipe tomorrow or so. It's not a fancy cake by any means but it has always been my favorite

            Had a delightful 'Thanksgiving' dinner with about 20 friends. The couple who invited us missed their Thanksgiving because Pierre had a motorcycle accident the Thursday before. He's feeling much better now and since he is the 'chef extraordinaire' he decided it was time to put on a big feast I think I was probably the only one not drinking but it didn't detract from the fun one bit. I had a great time and enjoyed the wonderful food and desserts.

            And that is all. Day 25 dusted and done
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF saturday

              Guess I'd better plan on baking a couple of loaves to share with everyone

              Glad you enjoyed your dinner Sunni & enjoyed it AF :yay:
              After the first holiday or two it just became 'normal' for me to not think about drinking.
              I'll look forwrad to your recipe when you have the time - yum!

              Miss hearing from queenie greenie - hope her sister's visit is going well!

              Just smudged my house, haven't done that for a while. I hope I can sleep tonight without the weird dreams I've had the past few nights
              I'm convinced YB leaves a trail of negativity here & he's been here quite a bit lately

              Have a good night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF saturday

                Psst. Det. Check out Sorels footwear. In the snow, hiking boots kind of suck.

                Hey everyone.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF saturday

                  Sunshine, yay for day 25! you go girl!

                  Kas, grazie for the Sorels to google
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

