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AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

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    AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

    fABbies!!! Good morning!! Hope the newcomers are doing well out there! If you are struggling, the folks here can sure help. The road to recovery is not easy, no matter which path we are trying to take. Together, we can soften the bumpy ride. There is just no way that me sitting alone with my own thoughts would have ever brought me this far. My thinking is really crazy sometimes. I see now in my battle with sugar the similarities in my early battles with AL.

    * I can start again tomorrow. (duh - tomorrow never comes. How about TODAY!!)
    * A little bit will be OK (duh - when is one cookie ever enough for me?)
    * I'm not really that bad (duh - just because I can eat one piece of cake in front of people and look normal, doen't make it normal to eat the rest of the cake when I'm alone!)
    * Maybe I'm fixed now that I've gone awhile without (duh - how many times have I proven THAT isn't true?)

    Stuff like that. The beauty of MWO and AA is that when I express thoughts like that about AL, someone is all over it to set me straight. I need that check and balance.

    Kas - I have a pair of Sorel boots and I LURVE them!!

    Det - sounds like you were out in winter wonderland yesterday (despite fun reduced due to footwear). Sxxx? I'm still having a hard time with that four letter word.

    Sunni - sounds like you had a fabulous dinner!!!! Usually when I'm somewhere like that where "everyone but me is drinking" - few to none of them are drinking like I drank. Most or all are having one or two and that lasts them all night. What fun is that? (for me, that is torture!)

    Indeed - where is the queen? :crowned: We miss you greenie!

    P3 - Sounds like you gig will be fun today?

    I know I am missing more folks from yesterday....hello to one and all! I feel so hit and miss lately - I catch some but not all of the happenings around here.

    Today I'm going to get some grocery shopping done the second the stores open at 7, then back home for a meeting with sponsee for some general catch up and step work. Then I have a homework plan that will set me up nicely for the week. Procrastination is not my friend! So today I'm going to get it together and see how that affects my stress levels this week. I love what I am doing. I just have to learn how to do it without the *sick* coping mechanism of AL. I need to develop healthy coping mechanisms. There is a long walk in my plans today too - the weather is supposed to be nice. Then tomorrow will be some resistance band training for exercise.

    Life is good. Let's grab some of that goodness today!

    One thing is for sure.....AL takes me in the wrong direction. So, no.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

    Morning DG and all to come!

    Congrats on your test score! That's awesome! Knew you could do it. I am falling behind in my homework due to illness and laziness. Gotta be honest with myself. I don't have the flu anymore but this lingering head cold is really a bitch!

    Another hockey game today. Last night her game went into a shootout - 11 shots!!! That's insane for an 11 year old girls game. But they won! (woo hoo). So off to see the semi-finals today. Hope no-one goes after my girl again, not sure if I can control myself 2 days in a row! LOL

    After the game, home to rake some leaves and hopefully get some reading done for school. Then dinner and the amazing race. Probably some football in there somewhere too!

    Okay, I'm off - have a great day fabbie abbies!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

      Good Morning Long Lost Friends-
      Thanks DG for such a great start to our Sunday. Just wanted to check in to make sure everyone knew I was still alive and still staying on track. I was just talking to my BFF (a lurker here) about going on to this sight. I've procrastinated over the past few days because before I post, I want to read up on all the daily comments. Then I miss a day, and I have even more comments to catch on. Henceforth, the actual time frame to fit in on the computer becomes too long. I keep waiting for that time in my day when I have a good hour to catch up, but it never happens. So at least here's a post for today.
      I've been keeping hecka busy. It's amazing all the things that can be accomplished without the AL! But we all know that. The problem I run into is that I begin taking on projects that take many hours of my day. When that happens, the daily household stuff goes the way side. Then I get behind. I had to force myself to sit down at the computer this morning, because once I got the coffee brewing, I decided, "Hey I need to throw in a load of laundry; Let's clean the kids bathroom; unload the dishwasher; balance the check book." And the list goes on.
      I hope everyone is doing great here. Hello to everyone! We're taking a road trip to Portland, OR today so I won't be on here for the next couple days. Enjoying a little fun.

      On a side note: I thought it was funny when my BFF (whom I will now refer to as "BFF Lurker") couldn't get a hold of me via the phone for a couple days, so she simply went to this website to find out what was going on with me. LOL! So, "Hello BFF Lurker! Yes, we're going to Portland. Talk to ya when I get back. "
      "Today's Test Is Tomorrow's Testimony"


        AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

        Good Sunday morning Abbers!

        Thoroughly enjoyed that extra hour of sleep last night in my freshly smudged room!
        I took the time to smudge my house properly last night to chase away the negativity YB leaves behind. I had a couple nights of weird, disruptive dreams - annoying. I really don't know how the man stands himself, really :H

        DG, I am proud of you for being such a good student. Uni, your're a bit like me in the procrastination department, I understand but we do eventually get the job done, right?

        GAC, I attempted to tell one of my brothers about this website. His drunken posting on Facebook is so awful. His response was to tell me & the whole FB world that I am a total bitch, blocked me on FB & I haven't heard from him since . That was nearly 3 years ago. I hope your friend joins MWO & enjoys th egreat company here

        I have lots to do to keep me out of trouble today - just the way I like it!!!
        Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

          GoAwayCabernet;1204229 wrote:
          On a side note: I thought it was funny when my BFF (whom I will now refer to as "BFF Lurker") couldn't get a hold of me via the phone for a couple days, so she simply went to this website to find out what was going on with me. LOL! So, "Hello BFF Lurker! Yes, we're going to Portland. Talk to ya when I get back. "
          :H:H:H MWO the facebook for alkies???

          I know exactly what you're talking about.. the taking on too much, then having routine things back up, or just plain planning too much to do and then feeling disappointed/inadequate when the list doesn't get done. Been there, have the t-shirt. Have a fabulous time in OR!

          Good luck for your girlie tonight Uni! Semi-Finals! Getting exciting, I bet

          DG... ohhhh.. I know those thoughts well! Isn't it rather astounding how reasonably intelligent people can spew out thoughts like that? And actually BELIEVE them? Boggles me mind.

          Yes, the dinner really was just lovely last night. I reflected a bit when we got home. I've only lived on the island for 3 years and I'm not exactly the social butterfly. In fact, I really 'don't get out much'. Never really have. So, whenever there is a large gathering of sorts, I usually know a few people, have met a ton of others (but for the life of me cannot remember their names)... I often feel like an outsider. Last night, I knew all but 3 people. We had tons of laughs, recited stories 'Do you remember when...' I think it was the first time in 3 years that I felt I belonged. It felt really good.

          In other news, my daughter is still very much trying to come to a decision about this pregnancy. In a message yesterday she sent me this: "I love you mom. I know that even if my decisions aren't the ones you want for me, that you'll still support me through them in the end." She's right and I'm glad she knows that. I have a feeling that she will not decide as I wish she would... nothing I can do but be there when she needs me. I think I have made peace with that fact now. I don't feel quite so anxious anymore.

          Wow, this turned out a lot longer than I thought! I better get my butt in gear, son and g/f should be here shortly! Have a super Sunday, everyone!!!

          One thing is for sure... There's no room for AL in my life today!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

            x-post Lav :hallo:

            Uhmmmm.... smudging??? Do tell please! :H
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

              Hi Sunni,
              I know a little about our kids making the decisions that we would make differently. But, they do have to make their own choices & deal with the fallout in order to grow

              I have long felt that YB leaves a trail of negativity around here that affects me in a bad way (teary days, weird dreams, etc). I read about & started smudging a year ago & I swear it makes a difference. I need to make it a regular practice & not wait for the negativity to pile up......
              The Smudging Ceremony

              OK, back to work
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                Hidy ho ABlanders near and far!

                DoggyGirl, thank you for the inspiring start today. I just love your 'tude xxxx

                'faced' book? LOL ok that's not good. so sorry to hear about your brother Lav, what a selfish man, I hope he grows out of it.

                Gowawaycabernet, have a great time in Portland! I used to love hanging out in Powells bookstore. it's a really neat city. I hope your lurker friend comes to play with us. we don't bite very much.

                Sunshine, I hear you on the feeling of being a loner/outsider type. as you've just demonstrated we can indeed wrest free of those old shells of ours. nicely done.

                Uni, you sound great in spite of the cold. keep kickin it!

                today is relaxation/housework/cooking garlic-infused food day. weeeeee!

                snowed a bit more last night so it's just loverly outside in the morning sun.

                be well friends.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                  Good morning Monthly Abstinence subscribers. This is your Kaslo Speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts, and place your tables in the upright locked position for takeoff. The flight through an AF Sunday promises to be a fantastic ride. French Toast is being served on this flight again, as usual and Captain Kaslo expects everyone to relax and enjoy the scenery. I will be checking with all of you to ensure your personal needs are met on this lovely November Sunday.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                    Kas...:H Let's personal needs..... Can you do my homework for me???

                    Det, I think some pictures of the Sxxx are in order!!! What are you cooking?

                    Lav - sounds like the smudging worked. :l YB. :b&d: That is all.

                    Sunni I'm so happy to hear you had a great time SOBER!!! I LOVE when that happens! Your daughter is bless to have you as her Mom. :l

                    GAC - I get that feeling sometimes too - I feel bad when I've been busy and can't seem to catch up on what's going on, and then I feel bad just posting. I am trying to get over that!!!!! We should never feel that way!!! Come and post. Spend as much or as little time as fits in your agenda. Don't worry about catching up when you don't have time. It happens to me for sure...and all of us I suspect.

                    Waving to GACBFF!

                    Wow Uni - Little Uni's hockey team is rockin' it! Hope you have no cause to be a :devil: Hockey Mom today.

                    Went for a LOOOOONG walk. Felt good. Back to school.
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                      "You have included 7 images in your post....."


                      7 images my ass!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                        sunshine_gg;1204249 wrote: MWO the facebook for alkies???
                        Classic Sunny :H

                        I also just wanted to say congrats to DG on getting an A
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                          Thanks Chilli!!!

                          Gold stars still rock my world.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                            tonight is a stew made with organic grass-fed beef and lots of veggies.

                            interesting article on D and depression and a few other interesting niblets of info as well:

                            Vitamin D May Help Treat Depression
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Sunday 11/6

                              No need for hockey fights today! LOL - sadly they lost in the semi's. They gave up though and didn't play well. And we had a couple of really bad calls by the refs. But, whatya gonna do. The girls were not upset at all - I think once you've played for so long you get used to the fact that you will not win them all.

                              Det - I am making organic stew this week too. Got the organic beef and the veggies - gonna mix them up in my crock pot and then cook a fresh loaf of bread to go with it. Not sure what night this week yet, gotta check the hockey schedule! Welcome to my world - therapy, volunteering, meetings, school work and hockey, hockey, hockey. Winter in Canada - gotta love it.

                              I am one month away from getting my liscence back. Can't wait. It is so sad to look outside at my pretty car and know I can't drive it. But it is also a good reality check for me so I'm actually grateful that my God chose to give me this little lesson.

                              Okay, off to make a cup of tea and watch the Amazing Race. Have a great night guys, love you!
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

