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Nouveau Novembre - week 2

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

    :welcome: to week two guys

    SD - I'm glad you checked in and hope your Mom gets home today. I know lots of people with stents fitted and they live completely normal lives. Wishing you continued strength in dealing with all this AF.

    What can we get up to this week? I'm feeling frisky!
    On Friday it's 11.11.11 love it! I did declare in Jan that I'd like to be getting married on that date but I guess I will just have to wait till 12.12.12

    Lav keep smudging, Rusty keep trying to travel less.....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

    Good morning everyone

    Week 2 already!!! Where oh Where does the time go to?

    Got back from NY at 5.30 yesterday morning so have a lot of catching up to to do on the posts. Glad your Mom is ok SD. Not sure what smudging is but will read up!!!!

    Well NY was busy, busy, busy. Good news is that my daughter got her citizenship so glad that is out of the way. She shopped till she dropped and I trailed around after her. Exhausted after it. We were not affected by the snow and the weather was perfect, cold and sunny. Had a lovely walk in Central Park before we left.

    Back to reality now and need to do the school run. Big hello to everyone.



      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

      Good morning friends, week two - yikes!!

      Chill, instead of getting married, try doing something fun :H
      Your friskiness can be directed to other activities

      rustop, glad you arrived home safely! Congrats to your daughter on receiving her citizenship & her successful shopping trip

      Trying to keep up with work & my daily routine has me putting off doing any holiday shopping. I know I'll regret that at some point. I also have lots of birthdays to deal with over the next few months

      SD, thank goodness for modern day medicine, huh? A stent placement is good but your Mom is going to have to make some lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, etc). Glad she is OK,
      I hope your stepmom is peaceful.

      OK, gotta get going. Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

        Morning, thanks for getting us going Chill! ('Frisky' - love it, haven't even heard that word for ages.)

        SD - thanks for checking in, good luck with all the upheaval. Rustop - congrats on accomplishing your goal! It sounds like an exhausting but fun time. My Mom will be coming to visit us here in CT for Thanksgiving, and I'm hoping to take her into the city to look at the Holiday windows and the tree at Rockefeller Center...

        Lav - thanks for filling me in on TUT, I'll check it out. Sounds like you have to keep your smudge stick at the ready.

        I am struggling each day to stay focused, and accomplish things. After so many months of imminent deadlines staring me in the face, I am at a loss now as to how to structure my tasks. It's not an issue of not having enough to do - I just don't seem to be able to stay 'on-task'. Ah well, off to write another list, and hope I can tick some of the things off by the end of the day! Can't blame my fuzziness on AL, so have to look deeper, hmmmm.....
        to the light


          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

          Good morning all....

          SD, hope your mom is doing better, so sorry to hear about the heart attack. Plus another family member ill, what a tough time. We are here for you.

          Pap, I don't understand why nursing homes employees are often uncooperative, but listening to my son's past experience working at several, he said it was really hard. He works at a hospital now, and gets support and backup. You are handling things so well, I can tell you feel empowered. Good.

          Dew, unbelievable. That mindset, do more more more for less money, was a major reason I changed jobs. Certain places will work you into the ground, then find someone else when you just can't do it anymore. Plus, nothing is ever good enough. It is no way to live, believe me. I am sure when you start looking seriously, you will find something else. It is scary though, and I admit that I worry about the new job despite it being better. Your health and lifestyle are so important, I am glad you were able to tell your boss that in a calm and rational way. He sounded irrational and angry. I loved Rusty's idea to right things down. Your hike sounded wonderful.

          Chill, what a cool thing to manifest something like that, then later find out it is not really what you want. Your weekend of exercise, relaxation and learning sound wonderful. I am sure your little Elle will heal quickly now that she has the right medicine.

          Cyn, take care of yourself you have had alot of stress lately. How fun to welcome people, and such a good idea to meet people.

          Lav, loved the smudge sight, very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

          I am slowly feeling stronger every day, trying to eat well and rest. No exercise for me yet, I am just not up to it. Monday, it is such a hard day for me. I had a dream last night where I was holding a baby, then a puppy, in a huge building asking people to help me find the elevator. No one would help and I woke up feeling dread. Yikes. Any dream interpreters out there?
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

            Star, glad you are feeling somewhat better
            About the dream.....
            I always have slight feelings of helplessness, dread, etc. this time of year & always have. BUT I chalk it up to decreased sunlight, having to deal with everyone's birthdays just before & just after the holiday, the holidays themselves, money name it!
            Consciously I know that things will work out (they always have) but my subconscious just won't completely let go of all that BS

            Well that's my take on dream interpretation :H :H
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

              Rusty my darling girl! I hope you dont mind me copying this onto week two in case it gets missed :l:l:l

              Rusty;1204669 wrote: Good Morning My Dear Friends,

              SD (((((((HUGS)))))))) Sending you a Green Bay Packer bearhug across WI and MN to South Dakota. I am so sorry about your mom and your stepmom's mom. How are you holding up?

              My friends, today, I am reaching out to you as I am in despair. Yesterday, I was so depressed...unusually so....that I took a Xanax (which I usually take only at night because it makes me sleepy) and fell asleep on my sofa, totally forgetting I was going to meet my friend for the Packer game. The resort near my house has a huge screen TV and she wanted to watch it there instead of at my house. So there she sat, waiting for me.:upset: I called her and apologized and I hope she forgives me. I've been really down for 3 days in a row. Someone mentioned...I don't think it was on here.....that when her mother passed away recently that she felt so lost because her mother was her whole social life. That sounds like me!!! I cannot imagine my life without my mom. The reason I am despair is that, although I always tell myself that God has a plan and when your time's up, your time's up (quoted from my dad), I am dreadfully afraid something will happen to my mom when I go to Barcelona on Saturday. The last two times I've gone on a busy trip (both to France), I've come home to find my mother had been hospitalized...and even though I told my sister,"you must call me right away if something happens to mom," she hasn't done what I asked her. She would never lie to me but she told me the reason she keeps me in the dark is that she wants to wait until the doctor tells her what's wrong with my mom...otherwise, what is the point in worrying me. I know that she's right....why call me with the news "Mom's in the hospital with chest pains but we don't know why."

              Well, here it is Monday morning, I'm on a plane in first-class, going to Rhode Island, and I'm bawling again. No, I'm not drinking on it.....I'm just usually such a happy person.

              Chill, Cyn, SD....I am not worthy of the praise you give me with regard to traveling and not complaining. What do you think I'm doing now? I'm bawling because I am going to beautiful places this and tomorrow, Rhode Island, and Saturday, Barcelona, but I would pay to have any one of you go for me. I just want to be near my sister and my mother. No, I can't get someone else to go for me. The only thing I can think of is I'm going to try VERY VERY hard next year to get more local work.

              I'm sorry I'm sounding like a big baby....I just needed to talk to someone. Thanks for listening.
              I am so sorry you are feeling on a downer and im sending you my BIGGEST possible virtual hug as well as my special positive Chill Vibes. You do
              deserve our praise and so much more my friend, you are such a inspiration and role model to me. You not only run your own business but you cope with the travelling so well. I swear most people would have cracked long before now with all the jetting about you have to do. I wish I could jump on a plane right now and speak to you face to face. All the travelling has such an impact of your life and routine and must be really unsettling. You take it so much in your stride and are totally allowed to throw a wobbly about it every now and then. If I were you id be a moaning pain in the ass!

              No wonder you are stressed about your Mom when she has taken ill when you have been away before. Your Sister has to understand that because she didnt tell you in the past this is causing you more anxiety and even if you are away you would rather know exactly what is going on. Ask her straight to keep you informed and if you can, call her or your Mom each day to set your mind at rest. It doesnt matter what the heck God's plan is, it doesnt make us feel any less pain and your love for your Mom comes accross so strongly in your posts and in how you spend your free time with her.

              Rusty, you are a strong, capable lady but you are also kind, sensitive and totally human. Its ok at times to take off our BGP's and ask for support and that is what I hope we have right here when any of us needs it. I hope you check in later as I will be thinking of you. Do some deep breathing and think of something that makes you feel good.

              Rustop - Welcome back from the Big Apple!

              Star - The baby and the puppy represent some element of helplessness in you as does no one assisting you to find the elevator. It could be related to the health issues you have been having as that must have caused you frustration because it was out of your control.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                Chill - thanks for copying Rusty's post here - I wouldn't have seen it!!

                Rusty, take 3 deep breaths friend!
                They help me calm down no matter what is going on
                Focus on you for today as know know you have no control over what happens in the future.

                Do yourself a huge favor & listen to some guided meditations tonight once you are settled in your hotel. Here's some: Guided Meditations | Chopra Center

                You know we are all in this life boat together :l
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                  Rusty I echo everything Chill has already said and I hope this finds you in a better place mentally. I fully understand the stress of constantly travelling for work and I don?t do anything like the amount of flying you do, it can sound glamorous but it does take its toll on your energy levels and saps the soul I find. Your love and affection for your Mum come through loud and clear in your posts, maybe you should sit your sister down and explain how her best intentions are causing you even more stress and anxiety. Don?t worry at all about offloading, even though you are a very strong lady (leading member of the Brass Ovaries Club ) we all have our low moments ? it?s a simple fact of life. And do you know something it?s not a weakness to feel compassion and love, it?s a huge strength :l

                  SD big hugs coming your way too :l life has a habit of hitting us with a few things at once I have found but hold on tight and come on here and vent. One of the great things about this site is that there is always someone positive and strong when others are down and needing support and we all take turns. Hi to Rustop good to have you back and your trip sounds fabulous, hope you didn?t spend too much !! Quick :wavin: to Star and Cyn
                  and to everyone else.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                    Rusty!!!!!! (Thanks Chill for re-posting this) Yikes, girl, you are having a completely understandable reaction to all the traveling, and the stress about your Mom's health. I can't say it any better than Chill and Dew already have - be kind to yourself in every way possible. And I also agree with them that your sister must understand that 'no news' is just creating anxiety for you. ( I really understand that horrible gnawing anxiety, I have been having it (irrationally) for a month now, and it really makes everything seem so hard.) I finally had to make a deal with my Mom that she will call me no matter what, my part of the deal then is that I won't freak out when she says that something is going on. (now I try to stay calm and organized: "thanks Mom for letting me know, how would you like me to help you right now?). Otherwise she would call me from the hospital after she had herself admitted...uuugh!

                    Hang in there, Rusty - big hugs --
                    to the light


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                      Hey everyone,
                      What a busy thread.
                      SD, hope your mom is home by now. Heart stuff is so scary. And Rusty, I envy your closeness to your mother. She must treasure you as a daughter.
                      Lav, I'm envisioning you smudging YB's noxious energies away. I must admit though, he seems like a lonely unhappy man and sometimes I just feel darn sorry for him.
                      Rustop, will having a daughter in school in the US be hard? Glad you had a good time in NYC.
                      Star, take care of yourself.
                      Cyn, one thing I've been practicing is mindfulness, do what's in front of you and stay in the moment. Are you going to eventually buy a house in the NE?
                      Dew, hill walking sounds heavenly.
                      Greetings Pap, Chill. Chill, guess the day of the dead celebration comes from Mexico. People honor their loved ones who have passed on, a remembrance day.

                      Made some travel plans today. A good friend of mine is doing a long 2 month drive through the southern US. In early December, I'm going to meet up with her in New Orleans and spend a week enjoying the Big Easy and then crossing Texas, seeing Austin, San Antonio, Big Bend.
                      In the meantime I am of course my usual endorphin seeking self, exercising in one way or another everyday. Ran through a sleet storm today, fun. Continuing with AA, seriously attempting meditation, reading Pema Chodron, Caroline Myss, spiritual stuff. Have come to realize that spirituality is probably the part of sobriety I never paid much attention to, when that's exactly what I should have been focusing on.

                      Love to all.


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                        Good morning everyone

                        Quick post this morning as we are going to loose power for the day so no computer!!

                        Big cyber hugs to all those of you having a hard time. Hubby travels a lot so I know it is not all that it is cracked up to be. Hope you are feeling a little better today Rusty.

                        Sped - it was my older daughter who thought about going to study in the US. I doubt if the younger one will ever leave home! We needed to get her citizenship sorted before she is 18, hence the trip to NY. Glad you are enjoying the meditation, I too am trying to get back into it.

                        Very cold and frosty here but I enjoy it especially for my walks. Big hello to one and all. Will try to check in later.



                          Nouveau Novembre - week 2


                          Hi Chillgirl,

                          Not to rub it in .. but ... on 11/11/ 2011 I shall be celebrating 11 years of marriage (all happy years).

                          I am staying AF until then (with hubby enlisted for help and explicit instructions not to greet me with a chilled glass of Sauv Blanc each time I come home from work, like he used to).

                          I still have a lot of work ahead in order to stay AF but I am ready for it and I keep reading and learning every day.

                          I am moved by all of you who managed to stay AF for long, despite various highs and lows.

                          thank you
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                            shueaddict;1205051 wrote: Hi Chillgirl,
                            Not to rub it in .. but ... on 11/11/ 2011 I shall be celebrating 11 years of marriage
                            :stomper: :upset: :stomper:

                            Shue that is seriously wonderful :heartsnflowers: and its good to see you here.
                            I havent found anyone weird enough for me anyway :nutso:

                            I was just reflecting this morning on all the things I had to put in place to get AF and yes it was hard work but the benefits outweigh the work by a zillion to one. The highs in life are better and the lows are far less severe.

                            Good Morning Rustop and all to come....... off to seize the day!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                              Good Morning Everyone!:h:h

                              Thank you all for your support yesterday....and a special thanks to Chill for seeing that I put my post on last week's thread. :h

                              I feel much better today....just talking to you all about my feelings made me feel so much better. When I am working overseas, I do call my mom and my sister every's just getting the call back that's the problem. I will talk to my sister again before I leave Saturday.

                              I am in Rhode Island....had a lovely afternoon yesterday visiting Newport, a seaside resort town. Shopped til I dropped....nothing like a bit of retail therapy.:H

                              Welcome, Shueaddict! Congratulations on your 11 year anniversary!

                              Chill-thank you for being your vibrant and supportive self!

                              Shelley-your trip sounds absolutely fabulous...I am so happy for you!

                              Rustop-I think it's great that your daughter is studying in NY. I giggled when you said your other daughter may not ever leave home!:H

                              Dew-your thoughts about anxiety and stress, worrying about my Mum are spot on. I worry particularly because anxiety is a major trigger for drinking...and who the hell needs that?! Any new developments with your boss?

                              Cyn-I hear what you're saying about your mom...I really do. My mom never complains about her health, and we don't know she's been in pain until she has to go to the ER. I wish she would speak up.

                              Jolie-check in, please!

                              Papmom-where are you?

                              SD-I will miss the big game on Sunday! ARRGGHHH...I know they won't televise it in Barcelona!

                              Lots of hugs to Lav, Star, and everyone I may have missed....have a wonderful AF Tuesday!

                              Thank you all again and again for your support yesterday.:h

