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Nouveau Novembre - week 2

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

    Good morning to all....

    Lav and Chill,thanks for the dream interpretations, both of you have something. I always have a hard time on Sunday nights...

    Rusty, it is so easy to understand your anxiety about your mother and the fears of leaving the country. Having time off on Sunday, negative thoughts have a chance to fill your mind and look at the things you have no control over. You are a great daughter and spend all the time you can with you mother, enjoying your relationship with her on a regular basis. No regrets for you, just wanting her to be around for a long time, normal in my opinion. Sometimes strong emotions are just overwhelming and are best shared. So glad you could ask for support.

    Sped, all your positive activities, AA, exercise, volunteering and now travel and spiritual readings are reflected in your posts. The DUI is over, yet in another way it is not, as you are taking all the good things from it that you can. You are free, from legal charges and from alcohol. An early Christmas present. Your traveling plans sound fun!!

    SD, healing thoughts continue to be sent to your mother. Hope she is on the mend.

    Hello to all, have a wonderful AF Tuesday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Nouveau Novembre - week 2


      Thank you for your kind words. Like my grandmother, I have always HATED Sundays...and I don't know if it's because it's the start of a work week, or what, but whenever I drive home from my mom's on Sunday morning...I get really sad. Then overwhelmed. I am just glad I can come here and vent. I don't know how you manage without your Mom, Star....or Lav....she misses her mom every day. I've gone back and forth with volunteering on the weekends, and then on the plane yesterday, I said "no." After my mom passes...then it will be time for me to volunteer. Like you said, I want to spend as much time as I can with her.


        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

        Morning, everybody! Election day here in CT, so I'm off to the polls.

        Rusty, so glad you are feeling better, good for you for sharing.

        Star - here's another dream interpretation: one book I use says that all images in a dream are representative of you, and babies (puppies) would be about a new, burgeoning part of yourself. It also says that directions in your dreams are important -- so the fact that you are looking for an elevator could mean that you are seeking some 'higher' part of yourself...would that make any sense? (Betty Bethard is the author of the book I'm thinking of).

        Rustop - never say power outage! - anyway, when you get back on, could you share again what you do for meditation? And Lav, and Chill, and Sped anyone else? I'm seriously having a chronic situation of 'monkey-brain' only successful meditation at the moment is knitting...purl 20, knit 12, purl 40, knit 12, purl 20. I can't even get through that! I spend most of my time counting the stitches because I lost concentration in the middle....(insert laughing face here).
        Anyway, have a great day all, welcome Shue, and congrats on your AF desires and your anniversary!
        to the light


          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

          Good morning friends!

          Bright, sunny, heading into the high 60's today ~ perfect

          Shelley, you are so right about YB, he is sad & lonely. I feel sorry for him as well & have told him so many times. He seems to be emerging from his funk......just a little but I'm not pushing him anymore. He just has to do this on his own I'm afraid
          Your traveling plans sound cool - enjoy!

          Hi rustop, shueaddict & chill!

          Rusty, so glad you are feeling better today
          We have to keep ourselves in the present as much as we can, right?

          Greetings to star, cyn & SD!

          I have lots & lots to do so I'll get busy!
          Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday (and election day)

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

            Evening guys

            Busy day for me showing loads of rental properties, I have been given an asignment to carry out the annual checks on properties to see if everything is in order. Over the next few weeks I will visit over 100 properties! Im grateful for the experience.

            Did some home yoga tonight and love the feeling afterward of my posture feeling taller.

            Rusty - Good to hear you have managed to chase away the blues.

            Cyn - even the gurus of meditation suffer from monkey mind, just keep at it, some days are easier than others. Just the fact you are aware of the monkey mind is good. We usually spend our days listening to that monkey without realizing it. :fitmonkey:

            A form of meditation that helps me is "getting in the gap" where you recite something like a line in a prayer slowly word by word. Say for example with the Lord's prayer:- "our" you put your attention on the word "our", seeing it on the screen in your mind, move on to the next word "Father" then you move your attention back to the gap between the two words and rest there for a moment. Then you go on again to "Father" moving along to "who" and again go back the way to the space between the words and so on to "art" "in" "heaven" always going back into that gap. I find the discipline works for me and the space between the words is a really peaceful place. I hope that kinda made sense.

            Another quiet night in for me....... hmmm i think its going to be a long winter.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

              Was just outside saying good night to the chickens & noticed how full the moon is getting.........
              No wonder our collective moods, dreams, etc are off balance

              I recommend everyone firing up a smudge stick tonight & tomorrow night to prepare for the full moon Thursday night :H :H

              I'm stitching up the cutest sweatshirt for a little girl. It's raspberry pink with a metallic silver horse on the front. I'll be back with a pic!

              Hope everyone is having a great evening
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                Turned out cute

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                  Lav - how adorable! What is it about little girls and horses? (Rustop, any ideas?). Actually, my interior little girl is still crazy about horses...and now I've moved to where they are just about within walking distance. I hope when I get myself together that I can hook up with some of the stables to do a little riding, or cleaning out stalls, or grooming or something. (I'll be the world's oldest, least experienced groom!)

                  Chill, thanks for the meditation. I love the idea of dwelling in between the words, and will try it out tonight. My, but you sound busy, at least during the days! Are some of the properties that you are checking out 'antique'? I remember when I was a realtor in MA; I saw some incredible colonial homes with floorboards 12 inches wide, milled I guess from original-growth forests.

                  Lav - wow the full moon in the countryside is a whole new experience. I still keep thinking that I left an outdoor light on, it is already so light out all night long. Good idea about the smudging - I'll do it before Thursday!

                  Hope all have a peaceful rest tonight -
                  to the light


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                    My friend's dog died this morning. She found him under the bed. Official diagnosis: Lyme Nephritis or something like that. A very sweet dog was taken way too soon. She is very shaken up and of course grieving as am I. I loved that dog as much as I love my own. RIP Austin.

                    NH saga continues. Director of Nursing had a conference yesterday and my boss was off today so nothing has been reported. I still need to decide if I'm staying but I want to give my boss the benefit of the doubt that she will convey my thoughts and feelings about this whole thing.

                    I'm totally exhausted-been fighting a cold all along this past week. Went to quilting and heading to bed as soon as pets are fed. Probably will call into work tomorrow-need to get some stuff done around the house that is really creating negative energy and sapping mine.

                    Talk to you all tomorrow.
                    :l :h
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                      cyn ~ the cow country full moons are wild, aren't they? :H
                      I see & hear horses all day long. There is a small horse farm directly across the road. I'm afraid I waited too long to think about riding. A fall would put me out of commission with my brittle bones

                      papmom, there is something known as 'nursing home mentality'. It applies not only to the residents but also to the employees. I tried working in a nursing home after my son was born. It was close to home & the scheduling was easier than the hospital but I just couldn't get into the mentality! Trying to reason with the bosses there could end up wasting your time. Don't let them mess with you - just walk. omething better suited to papmom will surely pop up

                      Just orered the free 2012 Chopra Mediatation DVD & calendar - look in your email

                      OK, time to call it a day!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                        Hi All!

                        I'm having such a hard time finding time to spend on here reading and posting to everyone lately, I'm sorry. I've spent so much time with my family or on the phone with my family members. While in the hospital with my on Monday, I got a text from my step-mom (from down the hall) letting me know that her mom passed away at 8:30AM. So my dad and her whole family is on the way here for the funeral on Saturday. On top of all that my sister is FINALLY coming to the realization that her hubby may just not be marriage material...and is in kind of a sad place right now. Anyway....VERY glad I'm sober for all of this!!

                        I just want you all to know I am reading all your posts daily and you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. :l:l I promise when things settle down around here I will be back on track with the posts. There is so much more I want to tell you all...I'll have to catch up with you all next week!!

                        HUGE HUGS to you all!!!!:hug:

                        PS--Super cute sweatshirt!!!:h
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                          BTW--My mom did get released from the hospital on Monday around noon and is feeling pretty good...just pretty tired. SHe is thinking maybe from all the new meds they have her on??? I'm thinking maybe the realization of the whole thing has finally hit her!! I know it has's still hard to believe...scary stuff!! Thank you all for your well means so much!!! You guys are the best!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                            A quick good morning Nouvellettes

                            SD - I just wanted to say that I think you are doing an amazing job coping with so much so early in your sobriety and you should be so so proud of yourself! This is setting the ground for you and you will be gaining so much strength from it.

                            Lav - yup Thursday is total full moon day, do you think it affects us less if we cant see it? I used to always watch it in Portugal but here its usually too cloudy. Cute sweater!

                            Papmom - I'm so sorry about your friends dog, my best friend in Portugal lost one recently and she is a single doggy mom like us with no children, so it devastated her and I felt so helpless being here and not able to give her a hug.

                            Cyn - I'm afraid I'm very much dealing with the lower end of the housing market, I will need my rubber gloves on for most inspections!

                            Right off to walk Elle in the dark :upset: before work. Have a happy humpback everyone!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                              Good morning everyone

                              Dark and dreary here this morning too. Once the clocks change we seem to be in the depth of winter, ugh!!

                              SD - it never rains but it pours. Well done you on staying AF. Know how hard it is to keep up with things on the boards at the best to times. Dont worry about posting, maybe just check in to let us know you are ok.

                              Papmom - Sorry about your friends dog. Hang in there. You too are being tested this year but you will survive.

                              Cyn - I did a meditation course last year - Integrating mindfulness and Awareness into Daily Life - Jon Kabat-Zinn. I have the tapes, body scan, yoga etc. I find it hard to fit into a busy lifestyle but it really did help.

                              Lav - That sweat is adorable, just what my daughter loved when she was younger.

                              Star, Sped, Dew, Cassia and anyone else I missed big hello and happy hump day.



                                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                                Morning all -

                                SD - you are amazing at how you are coping with all of this. Congratulations on keeping your sobriety intact; hold it close to you - good luck with everything.

                                PapMom - SO sorry about the passing of your friend's dog. There's just something about a pet death - hard to bounce back from, I wish your friend peace. Hope you feel better soon. And p.s., sounds like Lav is the voice of experience with the Nursing Home situation...

                                Chill - what a good doggy mommy you are to Elle; walks in the dark can't be fun. Oh dear, sorry about the rubber gloves, but as you say it may be good experience.

                                Rusty, thanks for the info about the Kabat-Zinn meditations; I thought it was his materials, but couldn't remember...

                                Hello to all yet to come, Happy Hump Day! (Or 'pink shirt day' as we House painters used to call it -- Hey, where's Sooty?)
                                to the light

