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Nouveau Novembre - week 2

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

    Good morning kids!

    Cyn, I'm going to have to give Sooty another nudge....she said she was trying to work her way back

    SD, it's true that it does rain when it pours.
    Grateful to hear that your Mom is home & OK. Have they recommended cardiac rehab for her? It would be a good idea. Grateful also that your stepmom has found peace.
    Staying sober through all this is the best thing you can do for yourself & those around you :l

    Not so cold yet around here chill & rustop but it will come.
    I'm taking full advantage of the decent weather we are having

    Leave it to me to ignore my own advice.
    I didn't get around to smudging last night & don't you know I woke up having the most convoluted dream last night. Did I mention that my husband stopped in for dinner last evening? He was probably here for no more than 1 1/2 hrs but still managed to leave his negative energy behind
    Tonight I WILL SMUDGE.

    Have a great AF hump day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

      Yey, it's hump day!!

      SD, you are probably so happy you are AF during this crisis time. Can you imagine your emotions and physical symptoms if you were drinking with all this stress? Thanks for checking in and know that our support is with you.

      Rusty, the only thing I can say about surviving without my mother is that it took years to not cry. Holidays are still hard, but after seven years, it is better. I can imagine it would be hard on Sunday afternoons on your own. I have family that I live with so I am usually busy cooking and stuff, but Sunday nights I start to have higher anxiety, then restless sleep. A woman I work with was telling me that she struggles with Sunday nights and Mondays, too. My daughter has often struggles with Sunday nights for years. Poor thing, she takes after me.

      Lav, loved the sweat shirt, you are truly an artist. YB has been coming around alot lately, hasn't he? I love the full moon, it is so bright and beautiful.

      Cyn, are't's the full moons beautiful? I woke up one night to a full moon and my white cat was bathed in the moonlight, it was fantastic. It is so light in the summer there are moonshadows, like the Cat Stevens song. I think that after so much time under so much stress, you are entitled and need time to just relax and be kind of mindless. I know that after I first moved here, watched my Mom die, and my son struggle, I took three months off to just grieve and heal. It was the best thing in the world for me. Maybe you need some time off too. Loved you interpretation of the dream, thanks for taking the time to think and give feedback.

      Pap, so sorry about your friend's dog. You are burning the candle at both ends right now so get some me time if you can.

      Chill, liked your meditation of the spaces between words. I will have to try it out.

      I am really busy today, lots of work, and of course right now the work before work (housework). I am going out of town tomorrow night for a wedding, it will be a nice break. I am feeling 100% and noticed with raw food and juices, my energy level is coming back quickly.

      Have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

        A quick flyby for me tonight guys, it’s been a busy week so far and I’m glad that Wednesday’s over. I am feeling really tired tonight so I’m heading for an early night and I don’t even think I’ll read, I was too tired to make any dinner so I’ve pulled together a plate of cheese and crackers with some pickle and salad.

        Rusty I haven’t heard a word from my Manager since last Friday which is not all that unusual however I do know that he has contacted everyone else in our team and offered support while they are pulling together their performance review which has to be submitted next Friday. I’ll give him the benefit if the doubt and assume he’ll get to me before the end of the week but I’m sceptical P3 so sorry to hear about your friend's dog and sorry that you are a bit low with the nursing home situation, sending you lots of hugs.

        I’m struggling to keep my eyes open and it’s not 9pm yet so I’m off and I’ll catch you all later.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

          Good morning Thursday!

          Dewdrop - your boss sounds about 10 years old and like he's gone in a huff!

          I am starting to experience some issues now with my Manager. When I was doing sales I answered only to my Director who is a pleasant and easy to deal with guy. Now I'm doing rentals, I have to deal with her and she is thoroughly awful! She is so rude to all her staff and is permanently shouting at someone. I will not allow her to speak to me like that but I have to bite my tongue until I can work out how best to deal with her. She is 42 and started in the office at 16, because of that she knows how everything works but that is her only qualification to hold her position. Whatever happened to people skills?! I cant believe the way she speaks to staff! I'm a great believer in getting people to feel like a team and praising them when they do a good job to get the best out of them. This girl tells them off right in front of the whole office. I see her as my challenge right now.

          Star - tell me about your raw food eating. I have been doing a bit of juicing as I am following a new regime but it's hard only eating cold food in winter. Soups are now the main part of my menu too.

          Lav - hope the extra smudging worked, full moon tonight and so far I'm feeling pretty normal :nutso:
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

            Good morning everyone

            I guess we meet challenging people whereever we go. Well done Chill on biting your tongue, I bet you will handle her beautifully and if she has any sense she will learn from the experience. It could be that she has a bit of a chip on her shoulder and feels insecure. Dew - hope your work issues get sorted soon. He does indeed sound like a 10 year old.

            Star - enjoy your wedding and glad that you are feeling better. I must get back to eating healthier after my trip to NY.

            Full moon here too and while I know I was dreaming last night. I cannot remember any of them. Woke at 5 to let one of the doggies out!

            Busy day ahead, doing meals on wheels and I have a meeting this evening.

            Big hello to everyone and have a great Thursday.



              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

              Good morning all....

              Rustop, so good to get up and see your post. We are scheduled to get our first bit of snow, I know your area has already experienced that joyful first. Hope you have a great day.

              Chill, have you ever heard of the liver cleansing diet by Sandra Cabot? You can buy her book used online, she has lots of recipes and that is where I originally learned about juices. I like to cut up carrots, celery, parsley, beet, apple, pineapple and juice it. Today I ran out of all those fresh foods and will have grapefruit. Last night when I got home I cut up onion, tomato, avocado and mixed with a can of tuna and a dash of balsamic vinagar and olive oil. It really sustains me and I feel good. My son was getting a cold and drank the juicer juice (therefore I ran out) and he is 80% better today. Amazing. I crave bad foods, candy and Burger King, but know if I eat it, I will feel heavy, upset stomach, and tired. I go out to eat on Thursdays for lunch and will have a salad, more raw food. So, I am not a purist, but notice improvement physically and mentally when I focus on fresh raw foods. I know you would enjoy the book and it is pretty practical. Your supervisor sounds like a b****, there is no excuse for that type of unmanagement. However, people get away with it every day. The only solution I know is to start looking for another job.

              I am excited to get out of town, wear my new boots, and and have a change of scene. I know I am weird, but I kind of like the change to winter, (just until New Year's Day) and love this time of year. I have to say that the TV advertisements are pushing for Christmas shopping, and I am already sick of it. It is just never enough.

              To all, have a great Thursday.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                Morning all - I had a long post, and then my computer decided to update right in the middle of it! Aaargh! Oh well -

                Good to hear from you this morning Chill, Rustop, and Star. Chill sorry that you have to undergo a nasty Manager - I agree, it sounds like she is very insecure. I know you will figure out a way to handle her. Star, good job on using food as medicine. Each of us has to find the healthy way -- I cannot handle raw foods, but am feeling better now that I can make simple soups and stews from fresh basic ingredients, more veggies and only a little meat.

                When you mentioned TV ads for the holidays, I realized that I haven't turned on the TV once since I've been here. There is a wonderful, tiny ('smallest NPR station in the nation') public radio station, staffed by local people here, and it was invaluable getting the community through the power outage (thank goodness for my battery operated radio). They have wonderful programming, lots of interesting people interviewed, plus the regular NPR things. I feel free from the Ad Men and the holiday hysteria! (this will all change when HB returns - he is a dedicated watcher, even though he says there is 'nothing worth watching'...)

                OK, off to unpack and organize the office....hmmmm, can you tell I've been putting it off? There's a soft velvety fog outside, and all is quiet, helping me focus on 'inside the house' jobs... Hope all have a wonderful day --
                PS - one of the hosts of the radio station reads the stars, and does a spot each morning: I just heard her say that if you are dealing with difficult people, today would NOT be a good day to tell them burning of bridges at this point. FYI, whatever that's worth!
                to the light


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                  Have that same fog here cyn _ just happy it's outside & not in my head :H

                  Good morning everyone! Nice to see everyone checking in today!
                  I'm moving slowly this morning but grateful to be alive & well

                  Must get myself started so I'll wish everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!


                  ps: where is Jolie these days??
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                    Good everyone folks

                    I'm delighted to say we have a clear night and I have been enjoying the full moon!
                    Lav - I hope you are still fog free in your head, I have the feeling this one doesn't have a strong pull on us.

                    Stargazerlily;1206298 wrote:
                    Chill, have you ever heard of the liver cleansing diet by Sandra Cabot?
                    Star - Heard of it?! I have it! :H thank you for the reminder, it's a while since I read it and I remember loving it. Your dinner sounded delicious, I'm very lucky as I like everything that's healthy and actually would NEVER ever eat fast food of any sort, i just dont like it. My weakness are things like chocolate, potato chips, mayo and fresh cream!
                    I'm reading at the moment a book by Jason Vale about food. He's the guy who wrote about kicking the drink and he used to run a stopping smoking clinic for Allan Carr. I've kinda become fascinated by his philosophy on things as it's radical and I like that having my thinking challenged. He actually has the nickname the "juicemaster".

                    Cyn - I watch very little TV and would not miss it if I never saw it again. I do like to watch the odd British drama series which I think they do so well but other than that I rarely have it on. I love having music in the background and I'm always listening to podcasts on spiritual show I like. Since moving back to the UK I've also renewed my love of radio which I missed living abroad. I hope your office is taking shape.

                    My latest idea is taking a course as a reiki practitioner. I want to add practical skills to my experience to give me more options. If I can do this course and a few others while I'm working, plus the NLP certificate next year, who knows, maybe I can work out a way to go back to Portugal and earn a living. As a country which will always have the appeal of the weather, ideally if I could do more holistic training perhaps some kind of retreat centre would be possible to work in. No harm in dreaming.......

                    Ok it's off to bed for me with my book and even better tomorrow is Friday! :yay:
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                      Chill! I can't believe it - you took the words right out of my head re: Reiki training. I was literally sitting in front of the computer thinking that I should start it up and email an old friend of mine who has his Reiki ask his advice on how to proceed.

                      I was thinking about it in particular this evening, as my male weimy with the previously broken leg is in more discomfort since we have arrived here in CT. I do my best to limit his activity, but there is so much that his nose wants to explore and I can't keep him out of everything (plus the fact that I feel like a kill-joy!). Anyway, he was standing there, holding up his leg, and looking at me as if to say - can't you do something about this? Well, I think I could, if I had more healing tools at my command.

                      My now not-secret desire for a new direction in my work is to become a canine and equine massage/physical therapist. I've been doing a lot of research about it, and I think it would be a good fit for me. First I'll work on the canine therapy - I understand dogs much better than I do horses, at this point - and see how it goes. If nothing else, I will be able to benefit my dogs!

                      So Chill let me know what kind of training courses you are looking at - I'd love to hear how you are pursuing this. (PS - how is Elle coming along with her medication?)

                      Happy smudging or whatever is occupying this evening for everyone! Talk to you tomorrow in our blissfully un-hung morning.
                      to the light


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                        Chill & cyn -
                        You both having similar ideas is interesting

                        I hope both of your doggies feel better soon!
                        My piggy swissy is on the floor next to me & snoring her head off right now :H :H

                        Don't feel the need to do any smudging tonight. The rain has moved in, can't even see the moon so I think all will be OK
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                          Raining here too, Lav. Well, I guess it's time for you to put your earplugs in, with swissy snoring...have a sweet sleep!
                          to the light


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                            Good morning everyone and welcome to 11.11.11
                            I will be doing a meditation at 11.11am to focus on peace and love :heart:

                            Cyn - I have ordered the study manual for reiki level one degree. Then there is level two and then the masters certificate if I get that far. There is also a separate course for animal reiki which caught my eye too! I will start with one and hope to do the weekend course in Dec. I love your idea of canine therapy!

                            Elle is not doing so good, her skin condition is worse and is quite raw under her chin, I go back to the Vet on Monday. Thankfully she seems oblivious to it and isn't scratching it which is a real bonus. I don't think he was right with it being an infection as the antibiotics have made no difference.

                            Wishing you all a wonderful day and hope all the missing nouvelettes check in.......
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                              Good morning everyone

                              Cyn and Chill - sorry about your doggies and good on you both for considering reki.

                              Chill - My JR has allergies and flares every year. I use a horse barrier cream on him - Camrosa. It protects him on his walks and sooths. He is on cortisone since he was 6 months old and the vet said he would only live to be 5/6. Thanks to the camrosa he is now going on 11!! He is allegic to wild garlic, bluebells etc etc. As we live in the country the only way I could keep him away from everything is to lock him up and that is not fair.

                              Wet and windy here this morning but intend to get my walk in. They are felling trees in the woods where we normally walk and the roadway is pure muck. You should see the state of us and the dogs when we come out. May have to change our walking venue.

                              Big hello to everyone and have a great week-end.



                                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                                good morning 11/11ers!!

                                got to rush to my PT appt but wanted to throw one thing out to Cyn-Bancroft School of Massage in Worcester, MA has one of the best Animal Massage programs in at least New England if not the country. You attend on weekends or they have a new distance learning option with 3 separate weeks on campus. It's pricey-around $5K but oh how I wish I could afford it!! Small Animal Massage Certification Program Calendar & Tuition

                                Chill-Try some witch hazel on Elle while you wait to see the vet again. Hope they do a skin scraping to see if mites or something else is causing the eruption. :l to both of you.

                                OK, off I go.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

