G'morning 11-11ers. Thanks for the reminder of the date; it's clear outside, but still foggy in my brain! I saw the most amazing moon-set in the west in the early dawn this morning...
Chill - I spent the evening searching classes here in CT - surprisingly, there are a lot of people teaching here, so I should be able to do the Levels here. Then it sounds like the Karuna Method is a good next step. I'll google the animal reiki, didn't know there was a different kind for animals. Good luck with Elle...
PMom - thanks for the information about the classes in MA. That's out of my $$ budget, but good to know for the future. I'm looking at one of the original equine study courses in VA, which also does a course on canines. Right now the Reiki I is the only thing I can afford, so guess I'll start there.
Lav - heathcare has really changed - some of the Reiki classes I saw are given at the regional hospitals! Hartford apparently has an entire Complementary Care area for their patients.
Rustop thanks for the Camrosa idea - would that be good for my dog's footpads also?
Hope all have a magical (thanks Mr G) 11-11-11 day!