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Nouveau Novembre - week 2

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

    G'morning 11-11ers. Thanks for the reminder of the date; it's clear outside, but still foggy in my brain! I saw the most amazing moon-set in the west in the early dawn this morning...

    Chill - I spent the evening searching classes here in CT - surprisingly, there are a lot of people teaching here, so I should be able to do the Levels here. Then it sounds like the Karuna Method is a good next step. I'll google the animal reiki, didn't know there was a different kind for animals. Good luck with Elle...

    PMom - thanks for the information about the classes in MA. That's out of my $$ budget, but good to know for the future. I'm looking at one of the original equine study courses in VA, which also does a course on canines. Right now the Reiki I is the only thing I can afford, so guess I'll start there.

    Lav - heathcare has really changed - some of the Reiki classes I saw are given at the regional hospitals! Hartford apparently has an entire Complementary Care area for their patients.

    Rustop thanks for the Camrosa idea - would that be good for my dog's footpads also?

    Hope all have a magical (thanks Mr G) 11-11-11 day!
    to the light


      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

      Good morning all,

      Have been to Curves & back home to feed myself & animals

      Cyn, I am aware of Reiki in healthcare these days & also the willingness of some insurance providers to cover Tx costs - GOOD!
      I live in a huge horsey area - wonder if anyone is treating the equines around here.

      Rain has stopped & the winds have picked up but at least they will dry up the mud

      Better get busy doing whatever I need to do. Will be watching grandsons tonight while my son & his wife attend a wedding reception!

      Wishing everyone a wonderful 11.11.11 & a special thanks to our Veterans today!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

        Evening everyone you all sound in good form, like you all I?m looking forward to the weekend. My parents are coming by tomorrow and I am taking them out to a really nice country house hotel for lunch. It?s a favourite of theirs and my brother and I sent them there for a long weekend for their 50th Wedding Anniversary a few years ago. When I visited them last week they were a bit down as they have lost a few friends recently so I thought it would cheer them up. I sometimes feel when I spend time with the grandkids I neglect them and reading Rusty?s recent posts about spending more time with her Mum struck home with me.

        It?s inspiring reading all the plans for reiki courses and other ventures, and I must admit all the holistic/complimentary courses sound very relaxing. It must be wonderful to work in that environment daily with humans or animals and I would imagine you would gain as much from giving the treatments as receiving them. I have a friend who is a qualified Bowen Practitioner and she worked on my neck when I was suffering from tension headaches and honestly after 30 mins I was as right as rain and I haven?t been bothered by them since.

        I?m out with some friends to the cinema tomorrow evening and I don?t even know what we are going to see, I think we will decide when we get there, I don?t even know what?s current so it?ll be a surprise for me. Must get off to bed I want to get up early and crack on with the housework and washing before Mum and Dad get here, I don?t know how I have so much to do when I live alone.

        Have a lovely Friday evening guys.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

          Evening guys

          Hope it's been a good one. I had two house sales today! This is pretty unusual and was a great way to finish the week.

          Rustop and Papmom - thanks for your tips for Elle, I'm becoming more convinced it's an allergy but how the hell do you find out what she's allergic to? I also think it's flared up since I moved making me think even more it's something she's in contact with now that she wasn't before but I'm damned if I know what? as I said, luckily she is happy and not scratching or I would be in total despair.

          I'm off to bed now as I have a very early spin class tomorrow at the gym then I'm meeting the one and only friend I've made since I got here for coffee, then in the afternoon I have a reiki session booked! It's been years since I had one and seeing I'm going to study it I thought I'd better remind myself what it's all about.

          Goodnite nouvellas
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

            Dewdrop, that's so nice for you to treat your parents!
            I'm sure they must appreciate you
            I hope you enjoy your time out with friends too.

            Chill, my last Golden Retriever had terrible skin allergies. He used to chew his legs until they were a mess. I never did find out what he was allergic to - just treated his wounds. It can be frustrating, to say the least. Congrats on the two house sales

            I'm trying to wind down after an evening watching my but tiring
            Wishing everyone a good night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

              Good morning everyone

              After some heavy rain yesterday the sun is out today.

              My daughter is home for the week-end. After not seeing her for two weeks its nice catching up. She seems happy and is doing very well academically.

              Chill - The vets checked my JR for mites in the beginning and wanted to send him into the veterninary hospital for a pile of tests regarding allergies. It would have been expensive and upsetting for him. At that stage he was fed up of all of us!! Cannot remember how I came in contact with this alternative guy but he took a hair clipping off his neck and sent it away for analysis and came back with all the plant thing he is allergic to. It makes sense as he usually flares up badly in May right through to October.

              Dew - Its nice that you are able to spend time with your parents. Enjoy them while you have them.

              Everyone else big hello and have a great week-end.



                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                Good morning November friends!

                Woke up to an email from YB - he wants to come over at noon then go out for lunch. Really? Why?

                Think I finally caught up on sleep last night after a crappy week sleep-wise

                Enjoy your daughter's vist Rustop! I used to love seeing my daughter change & grow (mature) duringher first year away.

                Well, have a great day one & all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                  Happy Saturday Nouveauians

                  Its been a busy one and im looking forward to settling in for a quiet evening.

                  Rustop - I will see how it goes with the Vet on Monday but I like the idea of a holistic approach, I just need to find one in my area.

                  Lav - Is this a date?! What is going on with YB? :scratchinhead: I want full details and so will Rusty for the MWO Daily News!

                  Dewdrop - do tell what you end up seeing at the cinema. I have heard good things about "the Help" being as good as the book.

                  My reiki was very relaxing and the girl who did it was also an intuative. She said she saw a big door opening for me in January?! I told her I just want to go back to Portugal but she said thats not on the cards right now but something else is going to change.
                  :question2: Cant think what it would be but im up for anything! :yes2:
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                    :H Don't get your knickers in a twist chill :H

                    YB has been trying to extract his head from his A$$ lately but he has a LONG WAY to go!
                    He invited me out for lunch ~ I ended up buying

                    Chill, I have thought (just a little) about being a medical intuitive but I'm not sure if I would be alble to separate myself from my past experiences & medical knowledge Maybe I should wait & do that my next time around
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                      Oh Dear, I wrote a post that would have been just before yours, Lav, and now just doing an evening check-in and it's not there! Oh well, let's see if I can reconstruct:

                      Chill, congrats on selling 2 houses - way to go! And so interesting what the intuitive said....hmmm, we'll stay tuned...

                      Lav, goodness, you ended up taking YB? There's some nerve!

                      I treated myself to a couple of Farmer's Markets today, then to a TiNY eating place that has wonderful food and great coffee (I rarely have coffee, but this was worth it). Next door was a lovely Tack Shop that looked unusual, so I went in. Turns out that they have used books and videos -- and I came home with 5 (!) videos having to do with Equine and Canine Massage, and one about Animal Communication! Love it when there is that syncronicity...

                      Dew good for you for taking care to have time with your parents, and Rustop so nice to hear about your older daughter. I am lonely this weekend in particular, as HB has been away now for about 3 weeks and has a very big engagement this weekend and I can't be there to support him. So we are doing alot of phone time...

                      We'll thank goodness for the dogs and their company...

                      Rusty, PMom, Sped, Jolie, et al - everybody doing OK? Hope all have a gentle Saturday night --
                      to the light


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                        Hi cyn,
                        Sorry you are feeling lonely this weekend, I totally understand
                        Well, I do have my snoring piggy swissy right at my side!

                        I suppose YB was so stressed by actually suggesting we go to lunch that he didn't think about bringing money along :H
                        I really, really hope to be able to figure all this out someday. It is frustrating to say the least. We've been togther since the age of 16 & 17.....I just don't get it

                        Looks like I'll be spending the day in the litchen tomorrow. Daughter & Lily coming for lunch, DIL & grandsons for dinner. When is my day off?
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                          Good morning guys

                          Cyn - I loved your story about the videos, fantastic! How long is it till your HB joins you? Is he retiring or will he be working away regularly?

                          Lav - in theory you should know YB better than anyone and perhaps you do, him not knowing himself seems to be part of the problem. Maybe it's time for him to stop trying to work it out and just come home. Do you ever ask him too?

                          I think you would be a great medical intuitive! Many medical Drs switch from conventional medicine to holistic practice so your previous knowledge wouldn't be an issue. At this rate we could open a whole new alternative health centre just with the members of this thread!

                          I was up early and walking Elle this morning, there is something special about being out on Sunday mornings when half the world are still in bed. I was suddenly hit with a wave of gratitude for being sober and started to cry. I remembered so many Sunday mornings spent assessing the damage from the night before. If it was a manageable hangover I'd actually be quite pleased with myself. Walking along feeling good, well slept, healthy and hydrated was just wonderful and I am so so glad I made it to where I am......

                          I'm off to another spin class now, have a grateful Sunday everyone.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                            Good morning friends!

                            Can't believe it's going to wram up to near 70 degrees today - crazy!

                            cyn, hope you are enjoying your books & videos

                            chill, Sunday mornings certainly are quite special now, aren't they?
                            No damage assessments needed any more, just time to reflect & be grateful

                            I actually stopped asking YB to return about a year ago because I knew he was seriously confused & needed to live out his drama.
                            I have been thinking lately about bringing up the subject again. I really wish he just had the fortitude to tell me what it is that he actually wants
                            Well, I am expecting all of my family here today, in shifts so I will not bring up the topic today. I am going to cook, bake & clean up some dog hair before the rug rats get here :H

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                              I too love Sunday mornings. Just ran around the University of New Mexico campus, listening to great music, thinking about all those sleeping students. Incredible sunrise. Sunday afternoons are another story. I think a lot of people talked about this last week, the doldrums of Sunday afternoons.
                              Movies this afternoon. That should help. Taking my former tutees, the sisters from Mexico to see Puss N' Boots. They are like the daughters I never had.

                              Cyn, loved your synchronicity tale. It feels so good when something like that happens and you're present enough to appreciate it.
                              Chill, you are making me want to try reiki. Know nothing about it. About movies, I enjoyed The Help as a movie more than the book.

                              Lav,everyone in my women's therapy group is raving about a book called How to be Sick: A Buddhist inspired guide for the chronically ill and their caregivers. I haven't read it yet but it's in that stack by my bed. I enjoy reading fiction much more than non fiction. Non fiction I have to do in little doses.

                              Dew, as others have commented, it's lovely the way you're making time for your parents.

                              I'm not too much of a football fan, but New Mexico hasn't won a game all season until yesterday. Yahoo!! And I wish those boys at Penn State had won. What a terrible scandal.

                              Shout out to the Rust girls, SD ( 5 months on Friday, girl), all to come.


                                Nouveau Novembre - week 2

                                Good Evening Friends From Barcelona!

                                Now that I'm here I am quite happy...very at peace, I would say. The hotel is on the waterfront and my client, even though he is in the hotel room next to me, has respected my boundaries by not asking me if I want to go for a walk, out to dinner....etc. Heavenly. I took a long run on the boardwalk and stopped at a waterfront cafe for a snack. I did however, have an experience at the airport prior to getting on the plane yesterday afternoon that made me grateful that I am indifferent to alcohol. I saw a couple I hadn't seen in 4 years. They are really lovely people and we worked out at the same gym. I had suspected that the wife had a drink problem as her face is permanently deep-flushed....broken blood vessels, etc. The last time I saw her husband 4 years ago, he was ecstatic because had lost 40 pounds by working out and he said, severely cutting back on the bourbon. He was very good looking with great skin and dancing eyes. Well, I hardly recognized either of they helped themselves to free bourbon and vodka at the Sky Club. He has gained all his weight back and then some....his face now has deep lines of broken blood vessels that look like train tracks. Worse yet....the whites of their eyes are yellow. Isn't that a sign of cirrhosis? I wish they could see what they are doing to themselves.

                                Chill-I got teared up, too....grateful to be AF....thinking of what I had just seen. These people are my age and they have a 13-year-old at home.

                                Lav-I do not know what to think of YB....all I know is the rest of the family just loves being with you.

                                Shelley-I am so glad you got a run in this morning and you are spending time with your "tutees." 5 Months coming up for you...:goodjob: Oh, that scandal at Penn State just makes my blood boil. That assistant so that coach raping a 10-year-old boy and didn't call the police!!! To think those bastards have lived with that secret all those years.

                                SD-lucky get to watch the Packers-Vikings game tomorrow night...lucky girl. 5 months coming up!

                                Cyn-I'm glad you got to go to the Farmer's Market. I enjoy Farmers' Markets so much, I wish we had one around here.

                                Well, I should get some work done. A cheery hello to Star, Dew, Rustop, Papmom, a shoutout to Jolie and anyone I may have missed...have a wonderful AF Sunday!

