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AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

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    AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

    Good morning Abbers!!!

    Just wanted to say hello before I take off for Curves!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

    Good morning to you, Lav and all to come!

    I was up just before 4am today. Can't sleep, but not feeling tired, so all is good.

    I am feeling better finally, after chemo last week. What a rough ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA! I was still able to function, but felt 'hungover' for days. That crappy, tired, weak, kind of off, wanna die feeling I use to get on a bender. Maybe all those years of drinking has prepped me for this? If I could purposely handle making myself sick for so long, then chemo should be bearable? 5 more treatments, then I am done. Thank God!

    Anyway, my coffee is calling. I won't bore ya!

    Tomorrow, however, my eldest daughter is coming to spend the night with me and Little AFM. Her 18th birthday is on Wednesday, and so, I am making her favourite dinner the night before and we are going to watch a movie. Then she will head over to her dad's for dinner the next night. I am sooooooooooooo old! UGH! Thankfully I have a 6 year old that keeps me on my toes, and helps me forget how old I really am!! hahaha!

    Have a good one everybody!


      AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

      Good morning Faberoos!

      Lav, m'dear.. I so admire your gusto on a Monday morning.. but... a look on the calendar wouldn't hurt! :H Have a fun workout at Curves!

      AFM.. so good to hear you are feeling better! Hopefully, the next treatment won't linger so long You know, we're probably around the same age.. my kids are 19 and 20.. but I don't think I could keep up with a 6 year old anymore!! Hats off to ya! :H

      I've got mostly work work on the agenda today, plus a few small jobs at the barn in between (another coat of finish on yet another door kinda thing). And I really should get my yard ready for winter, too. There are still quite a few perennials sitting in planters that need to be parked in the ground. *sigh* I really don't agree with this 2 day weekend thing. 5 day weekends and 2 days work would suit me much better.

      Wishing you all a marvelous Monday and one thing is for sure...
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

        Morning fABbies!!!! Lav, thanks for getting us started. Is there such a thing as an automated smudger? Maybe Mr. Doggy should invent one for you! Hope the negative vibe left with YB last night. :l Enjoy your workout!!!

        AFM - you are such an inspiration with your fabulous attitude!!! Have fun with almost-adult-not-so-little AFM for her B-day. You are not old. You are 29 just like the rest of us.

        Sunny - I'm right with you on the need to extend weekends and shorten work weeks. We should occupy someplace over that! :soapbox: hey - I forgot to acknowledge your answer to my question about 1,000 posts ago about what you do! Web related stuff, right? Mr. Doggy does some of that too. He is more the Programming side of things. His sister usually gets involved from the creative side doing the graphic artwork. Is that sort of what you do?

        Kaz - good luck with the selling and moving! You sound excited and I'm happy for you.

        P3 - what a great attitude you have about this job! Apple crisp...not gonna think about that!

        Det - Wow - GEAR SHOPPING! Have fun!

        M3 - Are you able to move today?????? How much longer do you have of yoga teacher training? What are you thinking you will do at that point? Work at a studio? Open your own? Will that involve any shifting of priorities with your current work? Are you annoyed with my questions yet?

        Uni - you are sure juggling a lot of stuff! I take it there were no Hockey Mom Fights yesterday?

        Hi all fABbies I missed yesterday, and all yet to come today! I :crowned: home yet?

        Well - time for me to start homework. I'm already done with my business and personally book keeping for the day. Love getting off to a fast start!!! Sure couldn't do it with a hangover. So.....

        One thing is for sure.....

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

          Hello friends,

          Got home from the quick trip to Missouri to visit the new great-nephew. Wow, is he ever sweet. I hope when I'm a grandma I'm not too old to enjoy them--but I also hope we don't have any anytime soon!

          Busy week ahead catching up on everything I am behind on again.

          Have a great sober week all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

            Yep, DG, that's pretty much it. I've got a programmer who takes care of whatever goes over my head or I just plain don't want to do (VERY handy to have!) but I do everything else
            Ontario Web Design, Hosting & SEO: Serving Sudbury, Manitoulin Island & Northern Ontario, Owen Sound, Wiarton & The Bruce Peninsula, Brampton, Mississauga & Greater Toronto Area

            Soooo... what would we call our protest, then??? :scratchinhead:
            I'm stumped! :H
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

              Damn - did I get the date wrong again? :H :H Oh well.

              AFM, your comparison of hangovers & post chemo effects is interesting! I'm happy to hear you are handling this so well
              btw - my daughter will be 35 in January - yikes - she's older than I am :H

              DG, an automatic smudger......that's a thought!!!!

              LVT, glad you're home safe & sound. You will love the granny stage of life. It actaully is better than parenting - right Sunni?

              OK, lots of work waiting for me!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                Good morning Abstineeners, Lav thanks for staring us out. Or up. I need a bit of a jolt this morning. And as for wrong day, well it appears we are both numerically dyslexic, but thats K.O.

                Must run, work calls, hi to LVT, DG, Sunni, and AFM...well done on enduring the first round. You are so brave.

                will check in ltr.

                love to all, kas

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                  grooviest iphone app ever!

        [/video]]KORG iKaossilator for iPhone : Preview - YouTube

                  just downloaded it last night and played with it in bed instead of sleeping. d-oh!

                  off to set up a trade show.

                  will catch up soon

                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                    Lavande;1204681 wrote:

                    btw - my daughter will be 35 in January - yikes - she's older than I am :H
                    :H LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! In a few years, mine will be older than me too! How awesome is that!?!?! Thanks for the hysterical, full-bellied laugh, Lav!!!!


                      AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                      Anytime AFM

                      Det ~ boys & their toys!!!!
                      Have a fun trade show!

                      Considering I didn't even know the date this morning......
                      I did remember that I had a 1 PM appointment today to get my flu shot & B/P checked. :yay:
                      it's getting harder & harder to maintain my 29 year oldness & my dyslexia is out of control lately :H

                      Hi Kas!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                        :H Lav you're just too funny! And right, too! Grannyhood is awesome!

                        Det.. hmm... you chose THAT over sleep? Really? :H

                        Well, I've got a bit of this and a bit of that done... none quite finished. Story of my life. However, now the barn has mums. Who needs doors - let's get on with the landscaping. 2 house planters down, 6 to go. And I feel a nap coming on
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                          hey AFM keep on keeping on - interesting idea re surviving hangovers - I do find it weird that we put ourselves through hangovers willingly.

                          Long blah day at work - very tired - met friends for cheap food and then came home and tackled washing up mountain. Glad that's out of the way.

                          I'm going to try to get up and do exercise dvd before work tomorrow - have to drive again as got work meeting off site.Found a great job online BUT too far and salary is less than half what I earn - which I could take as there is training BUT with travel expenses not doable. Still it is very possible similar could come up in my town - fingers crossed.

                          Still focusing on what I am saving up each month helps me hang in there. I keep having fantasies about just walking out - I can't do that YET. If it gets really bad by next Summer I will have saved equivalent to redundancy payment.

                          Anyway thought of dealing with this s**t with a hangover is not funny.
                          Tonight is a bit of reading for me, nice bubble bath and then an early bedtime.
                          one day at a time


                            AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                            I have now diagnosed myself with date dyslexia. I went in for pre-op prep this morning, and at the end of the appointment, Doc says..."see you tomorrow" and I say "um...thought surgery was Wednesday." Lav, do you know if ALL 29-year-olds have this problem?

                            Geez! At least I will show up at the appointed time! So now I will be doing a 'RAMBO' sweep of the house and various projects to get stuff under control before I lose the ability to use my right hand for awhile. One of the more pleasurable TO DOs is to catch up with all of you here while I still have use of both hands to type with!

                            AFM - it's great to hear that you're plowing through your treatments with grace and good humor. You've got quite the fan club here rooting you on....we appreciate the updates.

                            DoggyG...or shall I just call you "Ms. A+" You are now our official scholar. But dear Doggy does not rest on her are amazing!

                            Kas...I'm still giggling over your weekend flight posts! Victoria, eh? If I headed down south to visit and brought my toolbox along, would you consider adding a guest suite for a frozen northern neighbor to thaw out?

                            Shout out to all the rest of you Abilicious lovelies... anyone want to come help me shovel a foot of snow off the driveway?

                            P.S. Det...I'm going to have to call the squad at RENO 9-1-1 to seize SIRI if you can't stop playing with her!
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              AF Daily ~ Monday 11/8

                              I could use a nap myself Sunni but it is kinda close to bedtime so I think i'll hold off
                              Mums instaed of barn doors? Well, OK, if you insist :H

                              bear, keep your thinking in positive territory - something may just pop up soon for you in the job world. Good job on the savings ~ I haven't been good about that this year. Having two new grandkids kinda wiped me out. I vow to get back into savings mode asap!

                              Got a good bit of work done today, I'm happy
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

