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AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

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    AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

    Well, if no one else starts this thread... sigh

    Good morning Fabs and Fabettes!
    Kinda cool and grey-ish here, darn. Could really get used to sunny and mild days.

    I've got nothing exciting on the schedule today. Work, a couple of errands, get more hay for the critters.. that's about it.

    Turn.. thinking of you today.. hope all goes well!

    Shouldn't Greeniebutt be back soon???

    Well, here's to everyone having a terrific Tuesday and one thing is for sure...
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

    :H :H I was waiting for you to start the thread Sunni!

    Good late morning to all the Abbers.
    I've actually been out to ship some packages, stop at the supermarket & stopped to vote (since today is election day around these parts). Somehow I just don't really care who is elected sherrif or register of wills but I voted anyway

    Hope greenie is cutting hair like a green queen

    OK, work to do (yay).

    PS: Turn - you know I'm right on the other side of the curtain watching over you today

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

      On my phone here at tradeshow trying not to eat these damn donuts the
      Put out.

      Hidy ho sunshine and lavande. Wheres the rest of the crew?

      Be well
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

        hello aberoonies - good to be here.
        Cooking dinner in oven - macaroni cheese and mushrooms and in my pjs ready for lazy day. Boss not in today and shock ta da *I enjoyed my job today* cause and effect?
        am continually working on others not controlling my day/mood .

        I am consciously thinking positive - loads of affirmations each morning - and then each time i notice a negative thought i switch it- sure i miss a few but seems to be working so far.

        off now really hungry - loving being sober
        one day at a time


          AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

          fABbies!!!! Well Sunni and Lav, I didn't get my fingers in my ears fast enough! :H :lalala:

          Det - you be safe out there1 Donuts = bad. Beer = :b&d::b&d: and we can't have that!

          Dang. I'm probably out of smilies now.

          Bear - sounds like you are doing some really positive work there!

          Long day at school. Then I came home and exercised. I can't believe it's already 4:30! :egad: I still have much to do, so zoom zoom.

          One thing is for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

            Greetings Fabstar's!

            Quick check in. All brand new here, except for me rather weatherbeaten shell, that exudes character, charm, poetry, and some sort of sparkle i'm sure!(?) :H

            All the best everyone.

            G-bloke. :h

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

              Stick with us and heal up G-man! :h

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

                Need a part time nurse G?
                Maybe I can help

                Howdy everyone! We sure are missing lots of Ab Fabers!

                I just want you to know that i fed YB dinner - not sure why he was here. Am I being used for free meals? Well at least he's not showing up with dirty laundry :H

                I'm working the evning away - but that's a good thing
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

                  My friend's dog died this morning. She found him under the bed. Official diagnosis: Lyme Nephritis or something like that. A very sweet dog was taken way too soon. She is very shaken up and of course grieving as am I. I loved that dog as much as I love my own. RIP Austin.

                  NH saga continues. Director of Nursing had a conference yesterday and my boss was off today so nothing has been reported. I still need to decide if I'm staying but I want to give my boss the benefit of the doubt that she will convey my thoughts and feelings about this whole thing.

                  I'm totally exhausted-been fighting a cold all along this past week. Went to quilting and heading to bed as soon as pets are fed. Probably will call into work tomorrow-need to get some stuff done around the house that is really creating negative energy and sapping mine.

                  Talk to you all tomorrow.
                  :l :h
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

                    RIP Austin and :l P3. The pups are so hard to lose. I hope you and your friend are both doing OK.

                    Lavande;1205535 wrote: I just want you to know that i fed YB dinner - not sure why he was here.
                    For free dinner.

                    Well at least he's not showing up with dirty laundry :H
                    If you do his laundry I will :b&d: you AND him!!! :b&d:

                    That smude-o-matic machine is sounding like a better idea all the time, don't you think Lav? :H

                    Hope all you missing fABbies are out there LIVIN' today!

                    Nighty night all. One thing is for sure....

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily ~ Tuesday, Nov 8th

                      :no: dirty laundry DG ~ don't worry :H

                      papmom, sorry about your friend's dog. It is so sad to lose them :l
                      The lady who delivers mail around here noticed yesterday that Girl Dog is no longer around. She teared up when I told her the story.

                      Hope to see some more Abbers tomorrow!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

