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AF Daily - Wednesday

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    AF Daily - Wednesday

    Hi guys,

    Sorry I haven't been around, my depression has been bad the past couple of days. Feeling really low and tired and useless like I can't do anything right. It's pretty awful when you just want to stay in bed and cry all day for no real reason at all. Hopefully today will be better.

    I haven't checked the threads so I hope everyone is doing well. Love you all.

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Wednesday

    Sorry to hear you are so down, Universal. Why are you having depressing thoughts? I find that when I am in that mode, I really focus on what I am grateful for in the here and now and it leads me to a positive shift in my feelings, which then leads to a better mood overall. I hope you are able to find happiness today. I am making today an AF Wednesday with you
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      AF Daily - Wednesday

      :l Uni! I hope you have a better day today.

      It is that time of the year when SAD hits us too. Shorter daylight hours, yucky weather, etc. So, I am thinking that is part of why you aren't feeling well, maybe?

      Hello to all other fabbies! Gotta run. I have been up since 4am, and have a wicked headache. Gotta take an Aleve and chill for a bit.


        AF Daily - Wednesday

        Good morning FABbies!

        Sorry to hear you're feeling down Uni. I, too, think SAD is wreaking havoc with all of us. AFM, hope you get some sleep and get rid of that headache!

        Nothing great to report here... very blah day, pouring buckets, and I'm procrastinating. Rather successfully, too! I should really get out to feed horses but I'm hoping the rain will let up.

        I think I will try to tackle my desk today. As in FIND my desk today. It's under all this crap, somewhere, I'm sure. Will let you know how I make out

        Have a wonderful Wednesday, peeps and one thing is for sure....
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily - Wednesday

          Hello friends,

          Uni--I hope you feel better soon.:l You too AFM.:l

          :welcome: Blonde AF!

          Sunni--it's sunny here today. But cold.

          I, too suffer from SADD, self diagnosed of course. As soon as the time changes, I feel different. Tired, kinda down. But with the wonderful world of PMS?Menopause who knows what the heck is going on in my body. I take Vit D and try to take my other supps more often than not.

          This morning I feel bad because I was having a discussion with #1 son and I thought he copped an attitude so I lost my temper and cursed at him. It really upset him and he even got teary about it. I feel horrible. I did apologize and tell him I love him, but not feeling like a very good mom right now. Gosh, this parenting thing is such a challenge, huh?

          I have tons to do as usual, so I best get busy. I will try to check back later.

          Remember a bad day sober is better than a good day drunk! (Or something like that):H
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Wednesday

            Oh LVT... I hear ya on the parenting challenges! But, if it makes you feel any better... a few years down the road all (or most) of the outbursts are forgotten and our brats turn into real human beings :H Seriously, my son was hell on wheels for 4 years, enough to drive ya to drink ()... now he's 19 and those days seem light years away. As for our reaction to what they throw at us... we are human and make mistakes :l
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily - Wednesday

              Hey there Abbers!

              Sunny & rather mild here but I won't brag

              Uni my dear - I think I should come to your house with a smudge stick....maybe there is something unhappy lurking there & it's affecting you. Think happy thoughts, just try.

              AFM, hope your headache has resolved by now!!! Take it easy!

              Blondie, glad you dropped in.

              Sunni, when you find your desk will you come look for mine? :H :H
              No kidding, it gets bad!!!

              LVT, I clearly remeber the day my son (about 14-15) at the time, gave me a bunch of lip service when I asked him (nicely) to take the trash out. In a split second, I reached for his throat & pinned him against the wall, his feet off the ground & everything! I had no idea I had that kind of strength :H
              I immediately realized what I had done so I let him go & he tearfully took the trash out as requested. In other words - don't worry about it! At least he knows where you stand now!!!

              Come to think of it, I never tried a move like that on YB ~ maybe I should have

              Have been to Curves & the market. Now I'm off in the other direction to the drugstore, bank & gas station. Still getting embroidery orders from the other Curves members so that's nice!
              Better get moving & then back to work.

              Have a loverly day one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Wednesday

                hey all - sat here in onesie - finished work early and planning a lazy evening - got healthy ready meal and then bath and early bed. Feeling blah as well - weather - got my sad alarm clock with special light and keeping on with positive thoughts.

                Put some washing on - had planned to do CV and funding application for team - too much.
                That can all wait until next week.

                I have found a possible job giving sexual health advice - less hours and less money but walking distance from home and less responsibility.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily - Wednesday

                  Well I made myself get up and do some stuff today. I did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned both bathrooms and read 3 chapters for my homework. Then I went outside and raked some leaves. I still feel very down and blah but at least I did something. However now it is 2pm here and I am absolutly exhausted. I am going to go have a rest. But I do feel better knowing that I didn't stay in bed all day. So that's a good thing I guess.

                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday

                    Evening all,

                    Seems like there's some doom and gloom in the abbers tent today. Not great news here either - job cuts at work. We'll be told exactly who is affected next week. I'll be surprised if they get rid of me completely but I might have some of my shifts cut. Or might indeed be got rid of completely. No point worrying about it yet

                    Lav - I saw someone smudging a shop the other day and thought of you! It was a new age-y type shop and the woman who worked there was wafting the smudging stick about in the window.

                    DG - congrats on the test!

                    Zooming - hello to Uni, BlondeAF, AFM, Sunshine, LVT, Bear and all up come.

                    Chins up! At least we're sober!
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - Wednesday

                      morning all...

                      thanks for all the well wishes for my procedure yesterday. believe it or not...typing is part of my pt for my wrist surgery but with this giant bandage ....well the typos are even more heinous than usual. these simple sentences have taken a few attempts. can't easily get to the shift key on the right side of keyboard so there are going to be few caps. was able to chat here last night most likely to comical effect. it will be interesting to see what lies beneath the wrapping... i'll get a look on friday.

                      uni...those of us in northern latitudes are especially vulnerable to SADD. I take a mega vitamin d-50 something like 50,000 iu once a week. I also am vigilant on the b vits (as a liquid) and I do love my GABA (powder) and of course, vit c. Exercise really works wonders for me in getting rid of the blahs and blues.

                      lvt...when my son was a teen, my hair dresser had her work cut out for her covering all the gray he gave me. adolescence is so trying...I remember apologizing to both my kids for losing my patience every now and then. I was dealing with mental pause at the same time AND was addicted to al. what a crazy combo. it's sooooo calm around here these days!

                      AFM hope your headache has gone away. when my daughter was little she called it a...headcake. it is awful to feel like your noggin is full of half-baked german chocolate. I like feelin like angel cake up there.

                      Marshy I am keeping my fingers crossed you will make it through next week with your job. you have such a great attitude and that will take you through this...

                      Lav...I've got some sage left over from my first AF vacation in Montana...gathered it with my daughter on the side of the road. she dried it and bundled it with thread. I think I am going to smudge the monthly AF thread....let me know when you smell it...hey my bandage will smell a little like pot!

                      greetings super sunni, beautiful bear and all those who are to follow...det - are you too busy with siri to stop in and say hi? Doggy G ...hope you can get your nose out of the books for a break and let us know what up. and where is kas, ijm and our green eyed one?

                      welcome blonde! good to see you venturing beyond the nest. I'm trying to persuade gregorino to sail over here every now and then. this is such a great place to get AF support...and meet more wonderful friends.
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily - Wednesday

                        Turnagain;1205947 wrote: when my daughter was little she called it a...headcake. it is awful to feel like your noggin is full of half-baked german chocolate. I like feelin like angel cake up there.
                        :H You are funny! I am glad your procedure went OK!

                        Headache is gone. Just getting up too early!!! I haven't slept past 4am in a week! I am hoping for a nice long sleep tonight!

                        Uni, I wish I could take away some of those blues of yours from you. It breaks my heart seeing you struggle with your depression. I will keep on praying for you!!

                        Lots of love to the rest of you!!! xoxo


                          AF Daily - Wednesday

                          Greetings Fabbies!

                          Hope you're feeling better Uni. At least you're sober.

                          Welcome Blondie!

                          Sorry to read about your friends dog P3. That is always devastating for me.

                          May all headaches, injuries, depression, job uncertainty's, SAD's, turn completely around and be bathed in a strong, bright, gleaming positive light.

                          A safe sober and magical week to all. :h

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            AF Daily - Wednesday

                            hey ho fellow campers and trailmates!

                            I had a fabbie time away with my sister and hit the ground running upon return. I just had to stop by a bathe in G's strong bright gleaming positive light for a moment.

                            sending everyone major mojo vibes!

                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Wednesday

                              :yay: greenie's back!!!

                              Turnagain, so happy your procedure went well
                              I can't type & I have no bandages - you are doing great!!!!

                              Hi G - always nice to see you

                              OK, so where's DG, Kaslo, Treya, IJM, etc.

                              Hi Marshy & bear!

                              Had a good day, nice weather, work done, dinner with DIL & grandsons - nothing to complain about.
                              Need to get my smudging done so I can sleep without interruption tonight - oh yeah Now where are my Coyote Oldham CDs??
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

