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AF Daily - Thursday November 10

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    AF Daily - Thursday November 10

    Hi fABbies! Happy Thursday! Yesterday was a little nutty as we were without power for about 1/2 the day. It was VERY windy here and I'm sure that has something to do with the outage. We have been without power for over a week before, and we are a very low priority area when there are massive outages. So I am very grateful we were back in business after 1/2 day.

    Uni - sending you positive vibes today. Good for you getting up and busy even though you didn't feel like it. That always helps me - even though i don't want to - when I have days like that. (and I know yours can be especially bad :l)

    Turnagain - healing vibes to you! I saw on that there is a big blizzard in Alaska. I know Alaska is huge - hope you and others at MWO from Alaska are not being impacted.

    Welcome back :crowned:!!!!

    hey ho to everyone else! I am zoom zooming momentarily but wanted to reach out and touch the life line for today! Off to chair the morning AA meeting, and then to school. Life is good. One thing is for sure...I'm not going to turn this into a horrid day by drinking AL.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday November 10

    Hallooooo luverlies! I'm flying out the door on DG's coat tails, into the spectacular glory of a carolina fall day. It almost makes that fecking brutal summer worth it. Happy pants on, heart space open, ready to get the most from another AF day. Yesterday was my first repeat customer! Yay!

    Tomorrow (11/11/11) is a huge day for a positive shift in your being. Keep your heart open and filled with love!

    Rock on!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Thursday November 10

      Morning abbers. I'm up to get the fam out the door. Hubby is not working today which is good and bad. He doesn't understand depression so If I need to sleep he is not that understanding about it. I feel okay today, better than I have been for the past couple of days. I am going to do some homework today and put away the laundry I did yesterday. Then we are suing someone through my hubby's company so I had promised him that I would type up the small claims file so i hope to do that today. I do feel like I have more energy today.

      Thanks to all of you guys who send me energy and understand. It helps a lot.

      I still haven't really read through the other posts so I apologize that I am not posting regarding others stuff but just know that I am thinking of you all and hope you are all doing well. I love you guys so much, you are my lifeline.

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - Thursday November 10

        Mornin' fabulous abbies!

        I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better today!!! I slept from 7pm last night until 4am today. Getting up at 4am wasn't so bad as I actually slept last night. My GF took Little AFM overnight so, I had absolutely NO disturbances. Complete BLISS!

        There is no school today or tomorrow in Little AFM's school district. So, I am just gonna relax and putter at home this extra long weekend, and seeing she has so many friends in our housing complex, she should be kept busy!!

        Uni, I am soooooooooooo glad you are feeling better today. ((hugs))

        I hope everyone has an excellent day! Love you all! xoxo


          AF Daily - Thursday November 10

          Hi, Can I join the Thursday thread? Today is Day 9 for me! Haven't strayed too far from the Newbies Nest so I thought I would test the waters in monthly ab. My first goal is to get to the end of the year without AL (was a heavy red wine drinking for years). So far, I'm feeling really strong and loving the sober life! I have today off from work but I'm meeting up with some girlfriends at a tea shop in 45 mintues to gotta run. Have a great AF 11/10 everyone!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF Daily - Thursday November 10

            BlondeAFAmbition;1206359 wrote: Hi, Can I join the Thursday thread? Today is Day 9 for me! Haven't strayed too far from the Newbies Nest so I thought I would test the waters in monthly ab. My first goal is to get to the end of the year without AL (was a heavy red wine drinking for years). So far, I'm feeling really strong and loving the sober life! I have today off from work but I'm meeting up with some girlfriends at a tea shop in 45 mintues to gotta run. Have a great AF 11/10 everyone!

            Congrats on day 9!!!!!!!!!! We love to see new 'faces' join us! :l


              AF Daily - Thursday November 10


              DG - my friend who lives in Connecticut is trying to get a generator installed because she's so sick of losing power (storm/storm/snow so far this year I think). They get their water from a well so when the power goes out they don't have water either becasue the electric pump from the well doesn't work. Anyway, it's taking her ages to get the generator in place becasue her electrician is swamped with work and there's a shortage of some vital generator part apparently.

              AFM & Uni, glad you're feeling better today.

              Turnagain - hope your hand is healing.

              Greenie - how often do people get their hair cut that you have a repeat customer? Didn't think you'd been doing it very long. Spectacular gloom of a chilly London autumn here :H

              BlondeAF - good going on your sober time! I was a heavy red wine drinker too (among other things :H). Hope you stick around.

              Better do some work. Don't need to give them an excuse to get rid of me :H
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                Morning /afternnon absters,
                Hope it's a great AF day for all.
                B.AF welcome and congrats on nine days. Keep going :goodjob:
                Off to clean some external windows. It's so sunny and the low Autumn sun makes'em look
                well....not really like windows!! And I wanna see some view!
                Yep -heavy red wine drinker here too. (EX!)
                AF since 11 July 2011
                You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                  AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                  Good morning Abbers!

                  I'm sitting in the middle of a dense fog but grateful that it's outside & not inside my head :H :H
                  Gotta love the weather this time of year!

                  Glad your power is back DG. I can't do anything without power here including work, flushing a toilet or getting a glass of water We dealt with a 4 day power outage 3 months after moving here & immediately had a generator installed. Of course you need to maintain the generator.......that was YB's job

                  Greenie - return customers are the best!!!!!!!

                  Uni & AFM - you both deserve to have a good day

                  Blondie, you know I hang out here & in the Nest ~ keeps me humble!
                  Stick around, we tend to motivate one another!

                  Hi Marshy! I need to get some work done as well. Don't want to have to fire myself :H

                  Turn, how's that wrist today?
                  Have a great AF Thursday one & all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                    Hello friends,

                    Uni, I was proud of you as well for getting up and getting stuff done no matter how tired you felt! I don't suffer from depression, but some days I feel like I get nothing done!

                    AFM--I'm so glad you got some good rest and headache is gone. I went to bed with a headache night before last and woke up with it too. Unfortunately my kids took the brunt of that one. Sounds like you have a lovely long weekend ahead!

                    I'm a little frustrated with my son's ADD prescription (again). The price has almost doubled (not sure why, it is NOT a new drug) so my local pharmacist was nice and told me I better go back to Walgreens for now. I'm trying to find things to cut out of our life in order to come up with the extra $200 per month. I'm thinking about doing my own hair again, and I know I can do a better job cooking meals at home. I just have to convince the boys to come home and eat instead of charging crap in town. Hubby has and HSA so maybe he can put a little more away there.

                    I ordered some more bulk spices and containers. I am anxious to organize my pantry and do some more projects around here. First I am going to tackle the basement mess again. Later I have to dig a grave at the cemetery....for an infant. So sad.

                    So I continue to count my blessings and pray for those suffering in any way shape or form. I also am trying very hard to keep things in perspective.

                    Good job on 9 days BlondeAF! This is the place to be.:welcome:

                    Hi Lav, Marshy, Treya, DG--Greenie good to have you back! Hello to all the abbers!

                    I :h being sober!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                      another returner!

                      It has been a long time since I visted or posted on MWO. I joined your daily board many months ago. I dropped out, decided to mod and it ended up a little worse than before. I am now on day five AF. It is predictable that at some point if we try to drink again the quanity goes up over time. I just decided to stop and get back into MWO. I enjoyed my short stay with you and after reading the thread the last couple of days I decided to jump back in. As a reminder I am a very active person with hobies of biking, tennis, teaching and practicing yoga along with non profit work. I retired from my job a few years back and greatly enjoy my new life. However it is best AF.

                      Great day to all


                        AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                        Good (heavens) afternoon!

                        AFM, Turn... good to see both of you on the mend! Uni, glad today is a better day. Marshy, that's us here, too... generator for backup, mainly for the water pump and the sub pump in case of flooding. Welcome Blonde and welcome back Mg! Good to see you, greenarse!!! Would you believe, I haven't had my hair cut in uhhmmm 2 years, at least? I do some 'dusting' myself but that's about it. Lav.. hope the fog is lifting! LVT... that's a mighty steep bill for meds! Holy! :hallo: DG and whoever I forgot!

                        Well, today is the day. Yep. Thursday. :H
                        No, today I'm to appear at a citizenship ceremony to affirm an oath to queen and motherland. Cripes, I've spent more time here now than in the old country It's also been 30 days since my last drink, so all in all I'm sure it's a good day.

                        Anywho.. gotta zoom off to get some work done before tackling the task of making myself look presentable.

                        Have a happy day, everyone and one thing is for sure...
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                          30 days for Sunshine!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                            Hi Absfabbers! Im at a conference in Harrison Hotsprings, so cant chat for long. AFM you sound like you are coping well, good for you. Read the threads for the last few days, and I am just glad to say I no longer suffer from serious depression, I got some medical help for it, and I take vit D and A on a regular basis, to maintain my seratonin de-inhibition. Regular exercise in fresh air like walking also helps a lot. Its hard to break out of the pattern when you are actually depressed, tho. I take it very seriously, and I know what it does to people. I have had an actual suicide in my immediate family from this disease, I lost my sister to this godawful obsessional disease. However, Im also the kind of person who wants to fix stuff if its broken and move on. Uni, you probably know what I am talking about...I am sure you are getting help, and I hope it kicks in soon, because life is too short darlin'. BlondeAmbition, congrats on 9 days, well done. All others, LVT especially, hope your son and you get to a point of least resistance. Turnagain, well done on paw recovery. Being able to type is a plus, innnit? All others have a great one too. I am very happy to be AF in a room full of scientists, I have to tell you. What a box of farts those guys are sometimes.

                            Well back to the phenolics and sesquiterpenes.


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                              Quick check in from my phone. Congrats to Sunshine!!
                              Welcome back MG. im no modder myself

                              Kas. Ive been making some custom knife handles from phenolic. Same stuff?

                              Im up in the snowy sierras and its sooo pretty here. Will snap a pic if possible
                              Be well loves
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

