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AF Daily - Thursday November 10

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    AF Daily - Thursday November 10

    Those guys are a box of farts sometimes!!!
    Love it Kas - I'll have to mention that to my younger brother who is a scientist :H

    Sunni, will you now pledge alliegence to the green
    Congrats to you today on your 30 AF days :yay:

    LVT - what ADD med is costing you $200/month or am I just confused here - that's a real shame. I feel guilty because I'm sitting here with a real good Rx plan.
    I hope your day is not too bad

    Hi Treya, we cross posted this morning. Hi Det & welcome back mg
    Hello to anyone I've missed.

    I'm working!!!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Thursday November 10

      Hello Abbies,

      I typed a long post yesterday before going out the door and lost it. Arghh.

      Welcome to newbies and returners!!!

      Happy to hear you are feeling better Uni. I've been feeling a bit down the last week as well. Can't put my finger on it. Something I'm learning/relearning in yoga is that we become what we choose to think and attend to. So, I'm staying in action and moving forward!!!

      Happy 30 days Sunni.

      LVT. I sent you a pm about the meds.

      DG, I realize this is a very delayed response to your questions. Here goes...When I get my yoga teacher training certificate, I would really love to start teaching part time at the studio and see what unfolds from there. I don't have any immediate plans for a career switch. The money is too good and I love my job. I'm thinking there might be a way to blend the two at some point but one step at a time . Speaking of work, business has been very slow the past two months and my cash flow stinks. Getting worried about how the bills are going to get paid.

      Greenie, I'm going to be open to 11/11/11

      AFM. Happy to see your spunky self here!!!

      Hello to all. I'm going to hit the return button before I lose this message too.

      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        AF Daily - Thursday November 10

        30 days for the lovely and amazing barn-building, web designing, flower-planting, caring and brilliant Sunni! We're in this to win it, girlie girl and I'm so glad you're in it here with us.

        DoggyG , we did have a Brrrrrricane here. the folks on the west coast of the state were hit with a storm that qualifies as a category 3. So far, there is a report of one person missing from a remote village. There is quite a bit of damage. This time of year…the SHORE ice is usually in place (It grows out from the land and then joins the sea ice. There was no shore ice, though and so the storm surge has really wailed on the coastal villages. Here in Anchorage, we just got snow and not nearly as much as predicted. That's good for the son, since he's shoveling for his recuperating mom.

        Greenie it's great to have you back and all decked out in happy pants! Thanks for reminding us of the 111111. Tell us more about the shift? I'm ready to go with it!

        Uni…I was incredibly depressed when I was drinking. It took a good month of being AF for the residual cloud to lift. I did lotsa sups and vitamins as well since AL messed with the absorption. Last but not least…I FORCED myself to smile. I'm really into faking it till you make it. And it seemed to really help. While it sounds silly, apparently there's something about moving the face muscles into a smiling position that releases the feel good chemicals in our brain. We sure shaft those by drinking…so it feels good to have the happy juice flowing in my brain. Naturally. Okay..maybe unnaturally since I sure didn't feel like smiling at first!

        IF I had only hung around with Kas…I wouldn't have the need to fake the laughs. BOX OF FARTS? OMG…that is hilarious! That's gonna make me giggle all day. Can't wait to try it out on some friends. Sounds like a great xmas gift for the obnoxious one in your life that has everything. sniff sniff...…"What's THIS again?"

        AFM…you sound so….refreshed! How nice that you have some more time off to continue the chillaxing time while your body recovers from all its been through.

        Lav….do your chickens get confused by the fog or do they just settle into that comfy and CLEAN coop and cluck contentedly?

        BlondeAF - way to go on 9 days. You sound like you're here to stay this time around. It took me a bit to get it through my head that I could not drink even one drop…much less one glass. You have made a great decision and we are here to support you. You inspire us, too, you know.

        Marshy, LVT , M3 and Treya it is always great to see you here. I like the idea of cleaning windows , Trey. Seems symbolic in this context.

        Welcome mg72…it's great that you are back and ready to tackle sober living again. I'm like you…modding NEVER worked for mel

        Papmom…Det…ijm….looking to get the latest on your lives? Hope you're knocking it out of the park….
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          AF Daily - Thursday November 10

          Hey Turn!

          Glad to read you have shoveling help
          I watched the news last night 7 tried to imagine a category 3 hurricane up your way this time of year. Must be one super icey event!!!
          My chickens are mostly Buff Orpington breed - they are hearty & can put up with most any conditions but do not like to walk on snow. So, when I am able to I go into their fenced area & shovel a path for them because I'm so darned nice :H
          And yes we do have preditors here (namely hawks & raccons) so I keep a good eye on my girls

          Hi M3, good to see you.
          It's rough when business is slow - this happens to be my busiest time of the year so I am grateful

          It about 5 pm so I'm going to take a dinner break then come back to work on some book keeping - ugh.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Thursday November 10

            Hi all! Thanks for the warm welcomes on this thread! :thanks: It's great to be on here and back into the swing of things.

            Sunshine, congrats on your 30 days! That is fabulous! I'll be into double digits tomorrow and a big thanks to everyone here for helping me reach that goal. The next one is to make it till the end of this month AF. I feel I can do it. Wasn't so sure last week when I just started out but now I am feeling much stronger.

            Turn-you are sounding really great and I totally hear ya with the fake it till you make it. And I do think that just the exercise of smiling makes you happier than if you don't crack a smile at all...even smiling when you don't feel like it.

            Lav-I guess I will see you in both and in the Nest! The more the merrier!

            Determinator-Must be beautiful up in your parts! We've got no snow yet in New England but boy is it pouring out tonight. I am actually looking forward to some snow...there's something so wonderful and magical about the first snow. Then of course, Spring can hurry up and the snow can melt :H

            Hi to everyone checking in tonight. It's been a busy day and I'm about to curl up with a cup of tea, a cat, and a good book. Back to work early tomorrow...I'm coming off my mid-week "weekend" and so grateful that I didn't cave in to the drink :h
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              AF Daily - Thursday November 10

              PS, MG72-I had also joined MWO several months ago...last January to be exact. Then I fell off the bandwagon in March and was MIA for a while. Then got back on in early summer but just for a short time, then started drinking more over the summer. Back to my wicked ways. Boom, November is here and where did the year go? And I spent much more of it drinking than sober. I'm back to day 9 now. Well done on 5 days and welcome back. Hopefully we'll both stick around this time...I plan to
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                I blew it and now I'm back where to day 2 feeling lousy and want to just go away from everyone and everything I know it's my drinking that is the problem but I obviously have personality problems also
                sorry I'm in a deep hole to-day and can't shake now know one wants to know me or have anything to do with me doesn't matter what I do i end up on the wrong end of the stick can't concentrate or get interested in anything doesn't matter what I do it's always wrong so I drank and made everything worse


                  AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                  Hi merry. I saw your post on another thread about what happened with your son. Sounds like alcohol is the root of the problems - not YOU. I really believe that we are NOT bad people trying to get good. We are sick people trying to get well. There is a big difference! For me, the trick was to just focus on not picking up that first drink - one day at a time. Things really do begin to change for the better if we can just do that one thing. I know it seems hopeless right now. Please have faith that if many others here have managed to stop drinking, then you can do it too. And if life has gotten better for a lot of us here, then your life can get better too. You are not alone. :l Congratulations on 2 days AF! That is a wonderful start.

                  Welcome BlondeAFAmbition! Congratulations to you on 9 days AF!!! Great to have you with us on AF daily!

                  MG - welcome back!!! I couldn't mod either. Had to give it the old college try though. Glad to have that behind me and to know AF is the only way for me to go.

                  Turnagain - glad your son is there to shovel!

                  Sunni - congrats on 30 days!!

                  M3 - your plan sounds like a good one. I'm sorry to hear the immediate cash flow is not looking good. We really really need this economy to start turning around, don't we? It's touch and go every day around here too.

                  Greenie - REPEAT CUSTOMER!!!! :yougo:

                  Hi Lav, Kas, Marshy, Uni, LVT, Det, AFM, Treya, and anyone yet to come!

                  Got a 19 out of 20 on my quiz from Tuesday, but we negotiated a class wide one point added back for everyone. So 20 out of 20. The midterm is Tuesday. :egad: Much studying remains.

                  One thing is for sure....

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                    G'day Fabber's near and far!

                    Welcome back MG.

                    Chin up, straighten those beautiful shoulders, and up and at 'em Merry. Take care of yourself.

                    It doesn't surprise me one bit that Greenie is getting return customers so early in the game.
                    Best wishes all.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                      G'day Fabber's near and far!

                      Welcome back MG.

                      Chin up, straighten those beautiful shoulders, and up and at 'em Merry. Take care of yourself.

                      It doesn't surprise me one bit that Greenie is getting return customers so early in the game. :h

                      Relaxed, focused, and quietly getting on with it here. Oh, and did i mention happy? (insert very cheesy grin)

                      Best wishes all.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                        :ey: I have a feeling this is you G :H :H

                        Well, Lav's online shopping season has begun!
                        Coming up this month is EB's 3rd BD & my son's BD. Next month is Christmas. January & February 3 more BD's......... Thank goodness for Amazon because there are no stores in cow country.

                        Glad you are back merry!
                        Hope we can help in some way, you are among friends here :l

                        Rain has moved in but that's OK - we've had a nice stretch of weather!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                          Hi to all the newcomers/returners!! :welcome: Please stick with us. Like DG said-life really does get better when AL is out of the picture and if we can do it, anyone can!!

                          Blonde-hi neighbor!! You must have been in the one part of New England that DIDN"T get hit by the noreaster 2 weeks ago if you are wishing for snow!! :H You are welcome to come to Central MA anytime to get your fix! Hmmm, tea, cat, book-my kind of night but insert 3 dogs too!!

                          Merry-I didn't get to read your other post but whatever happened my thoughts are with you. I know all to well the hole we get ourselves into thinking we are not worthy of anything in this world. Once you give your body a chance to detox, get some good food and hydration in you, I'm sure your stinkin' thinkin' will turn around. Please stick close to us and to any other thread you feel comfortable on. We're here to help.

                          MG-welcome back!! I haven't fallen into the "I can mod" trap yet but I know deep down that if I do, it will go from bad to worse in warp speed. AL is poison to my system on a biochemical level. It's not my fault, I'm not a bad person, it's just how it is. Same with most of us here I would guess. Stick close.

                          M3-hope business picks up for you but if not, might be a sign that all this training was pointing you in a certain direction.

                          Lav-glad you're busy with your business right now but I think all your gifts will eat up all your profits :H !! Your kids and GK are lucky to have you!!

                          DG-awesome job on the quiz! I know you'll nail the midterm.

                          Greenie-so glad you had a fab time with sis and that you are happy happy happy (why do I hear the Partridge Family in my head right now???) with your new life. We missed you!!

                          Turn-whew! so glad the hurricane pretty much missed you!! I can't even imagine a hurricane with ice! Yuck! Oh yea, we kind of had one of those in '08 but I don't think the winds came that close. Anyway, hope your paw is feeling better. Wrist surgery sucks. I can say that with authority but rehabbing without AL is the only way to go!!

                          Mr. G-so glad you're sticking with us for now!

                          Deter-pics please!!

                          Where is IJM and did I see Treya fly by?

                          LVT-I too am shocked by the cost of your son's Rx!! There must be another way!! Grave for infant? yes, too sad.

                          All good here. Have most of tomorrow off. Still don't feel great about the NH and how the incident was handled but at least I don't have to do this alone anymore. My bro says he has enough work for me to carve out 5 hours a week so this might be the break I was looking for. we'll talk more this weekend.

                          Burn Notice in 10-gotta run!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                            OMG sunni! Im so sorry! Congrats on 30 days!! Way to go girl-I'm so glad you' re sticking
                            With us. I love your honesty and your sense of humor! Heres to the next 30!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                              :welcome: back, MG72!

                              Kas: 'Box of Farts" :H:H:H OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo stealing this! SO FRICKEN FUNNY!
                              Also, I was in Harrison Hot Springs at the end of August. Such a cute town. Went boating with the ex's family and Little AFM. It was absolutely divine!!

                              k............. gotta shower. had to comment of the 'box of farts' comment!! OMG! I cannot stop laughing!


                                AF Daily - Thursday November 10

                                Heee's back!

                                Thanks to all for the warm welcome back to the thread and AF world. I see many people that were here before and many new ones. I will not name everyone that sent encouraging words but thanks to all of you!

                                Momof3: Teaching yoga has many benefits but income is not one of them. I am fortunate that I do not need money and actually teach as a volunteer. I see some of the teachers that depend on income trying to find other ways to make it. They teach lots of classes, seminars and always seem to be on the go. One disadvantage I found in teaching is that my personal practice fell off. I am recuperating from new surgery so am off right now but when I can return I will get into a more consistent and deeper practice.

                                Blond Ambition and Merry: We three seem to have the least amount of time AF on the thread. BA has ten days, me six and Merry has two AF. How about if we stay in touch on thread and see how many we can string together? Right now I am one day at a time so do not have goal in mind except that I will not drink today.

                                Congradulations to Sunni for 30 days!

                                Great day to all.

