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AF Daily - 11/11/11

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    AF Daily - 11/11/11

    fABbies!!!! I'm so glad I got to type in that cool date! And Greenie, I will be open to all the wonderful vibes that are coming our way today!

    I'm so glad to be AF. One of my BIL came here last night. He was hunting yesterday and his prized hunting dog disappeared! He looked all day and then came here after dark to catch a little sleep. I just made him some breakfast and he's heading back to the conservation area in hopes of finding his best friend.

    In the olden days, I would have been MAD about anyone showing up here unexpected late in the evening. I would have been drunk, and angry to have my drinking interrupted. (I of course would have sulked off to my room with a "hidden" bottle to carry on.) I would have had a chip on my shoulder as big as Texas about the inconvenience of it all, and having to get up all hung over. AND make breakfast for an uninvited guest? HORRORS. I of course would have also been secretly embarrassed in hopes that my family member 1) didn't know I was drinking (:H) and 2) didn't know I was hungover. (:H:H) Made all the more hillarious as he is a retired police officer, so I'm sure that kind of crap does not escape him.

    Anyway.....THIS doggygirl is very, very grateful to have the sober life for today. One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - 11/11/11

    Good morning fabbies!
    On the fly (again) but wanted to answer turn's question about 11/11/11. Here's a quickie harmonic convergence reference. It's a combination of physics, metaphysics, numerology, astrology, spirtituality, and it ties into the Mayan calendar thing..... hard to explain in a nutshell. You could google that or awakening or consciousness shift, etc. Last year I participated in this New Reality Transmission | Page 1 Take a look at it for explanation of the idea. I've been participating in telecasts, webinars, etc for a couple years now and using the tools and doing the work. I can feel it and am totally caught up in the excitement. Tuesday a guy came in for a haircut, took one look at me and said "you are a seeker". I said "how do you know"? He said "I can feel it". An interesting conversation followed.

    There are lots of meditations at 11:11 AM and PM (the focus is on AM) that are offered on-line with global participation. Hopefully this is the beginning of a shift in consciousness for the planet which will raise the global vibration and help us out of the mess we created for ourselves. I'm all over it. Seriously, if I had the money I'd be in New Zealand. Luckily I have the flexibility and proximity to run home from work and participate in 2 I've picked. I can already feel the lightness. Or maybe it's the caffeine :H:H:H that is all.

    One last thing....big welcome to blondiegirl and mg72. And lurkers who are thinking it's time to get it together, it IS time. Now is a critical time to be fully present. Give it your best shot.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - 11/11/11

      Morning abbers!

      I hope that your BIL finds his dog DG - we become so close to our pets that it is so hard to lose them.

      I slept like crap last night. Saw 1:30; 3:30; 5:30 and finally climbed out of bed at 6:45. I think my little one has a bladder infection and she was up in pain most of the night. She seems okay this morning albeit a bit tired.

      Yesterday we managed to get to the courthouse to file the papers to sue our customer. I also paid my fine for my DUI charge so that's taken care of now. Today however I think I will be going back to bed. So incredibly exhausted.

      Okay, I'll check back later.

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily - 11/11/11

        Hi All! What a cool date to celebrate being AF! I have to make this post quick as I'm late for working but have a great sober 11/11/11 abbers! I'll check in with ya when I get home tonight. I have 10 days under my belt today but wouldn't it be cool to have 11 on 11/11/11???? hahahaha!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          AF Daily - 11/11/11

          30 minutes into day 14 here. Yeah!

          Great stuff on day 10 Blonde AF. Keep it going.

          A safe, sober, and magical weekend to all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily - 11/11/11

            Morning abbies!

            Sobriety is awesome!!!

            DG, I so can relate to those 'old' feelings of unexpected guests showing up back in the drinking days!! OMG, how dare they!!! Gosh, I don't miss that at all!!

            I am heading down to Victoria this morning. I need to borrow some money off of my mother to get me through until Child Tax day. It has been tough the past few months financially. (I didn't get a child tax benefit cheque since July - stuuuuupid screw ups!) But I have a nice payday coming!! So all is good.

            Ok, I am off to shower. Looking forward to a trip with Little AFM.

            Have a great day! Lest we forget. 11.11.11 xoxo


              AF Daily - 11/11/11

              Hello friends,

              So wonderful to see many new avatars posting here regularly! Also good to see you G!:h

              So many of you rock at recognizing everyone on the thread and I thank you for that as it does make me feel good. I'm afraid I am not so good at it, but I do care about each and everyone one of you!:h

              I continue to deal with kid stuff. Nothing too serious, just have a situation that has been brewing for awhile and could come to a head and either get better or worse. It involves a good friend of mine and our sons. The boys have been growing apart since they got into high school, and I think it is hard for my friend and I to accept. Now the coach has set up a game of one on one in basketball to see who gets the jersey they both want. I think they have to learn these life lessons so I just talk to my son and give my 2 cents.

              Thanks Greenie for the reminder about the date.

              Lav-my son just switched to generic Dexadrine spansules. Similar to Adderall. I do not understand why it is so costly because it has been around a long time! I feel like these drug companies are taking advantage. I also feel a little bit like people that don't have prescription coverage have to take up the slack for those that do. (No offense) I'm going to see if we have any other options, but for now just do what we gotta do.

              I have a busy day ahead and a candle party tonight, so I better get on it. Have a great sober weekend all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - 11/11/11

                Hi Guys,
                Turns out 11/11/11 is a good day for me too.
                4 months booze free.
                Have a great day everyone.
                Treya x
                AF since 11 July 2011
                You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                  AF Daily - 11/11/11

                  Good morning FABulous ones!

                  Treya, Congrats on 4 months!! And Blonde and G-Bloke.. congrats on your 10 and 14 days respectively! Great stuff!

                  LVT... I really feel for you. I went through that for years as well when I didn't have any drug coverage. It's not like something you can cut out or 'tighten the belt'. :l

                  Greeniebum, it sounds as if you're really enjoying your new venture! I bet you end up having a heap of very interesting conversations.

                  DG, I hope your BIL finds his pooch. Not only is he a friend/partner, but a good hunting dog takes a lot of time to develop.

                  If anyone is interested, I posted a bit of a report on last night Suffice to say, a good time was had by all!

                  I'm running horribly late (slept in big time and was woke up by DD calling) so I better get mooooo-ving (still feeling pleasantly plump from dinner last night) :H

                  One thing is for sure...
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF Daily - 11/11/11

                    Hello Abbers!

                    Just minutes until 11:11 here

                    Want to say thank you to all our Veterans today!!!

                    DG, I was the same way when people dropped in unexpectedly
                    Hope the doggie is found safe & sound!

                    Greenie - you must be putting out some very special vibes

                    Uni, I wish you some decent rest today.

                    AFM, some day yuo can explain a Child Tax to me......

                    LVT, when I have a minute I'm going to search your drug costs - that's just crazy.

                    Treya - CONGRATS ON 4 AF MONTHS :yay:

                    I overslept today as well Sunni. I think the full moon did keep me awake too late last night.

                    OK, it's officially 11:11 here

                    Oops - hi G!!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - 11/11/11

                      GOOD day, eh? November 11....All the anniversarys and personal triumphs noted here are FANTASTIC. Treya four months is awesome... Sunni yesterday, and Guitarman that is so great, I have read your kind words written for people who are struggling, so wonderful to see you here..,

                      I am at another convention of scientists, (AFM, that expression "box o farts" is north of England, I think). Last night was the banquet and this time I brought Mr Kaslo with me to the resort where the convention is being held. He had fun yesterday taking photos, but last night he wanted to go to the bar, before the banquette and in the end he had consumed rather a lot of Al, for him, and he was fine, but he snores terribly when he drinks, so I was woken up several times, and I think its pretty ironic that looking NOT hungover the day after the banquet is something I would like to be able to do this year, but unfortunately I was sleeping with a stinking ole hogsnoring hub!:H So I have bags under my eyes, and I have to laugh, because I am pretty sure I look like I used to at these affairs. Oh well. The thing is they were pouring the wine copiously, and I only had to say no thanks once and after that they left me alone. Nobody seems to care last night, but it was a major achievement for me. In two days it will be 10 months for me!

                      A shout out to all Fabbers on here! Have a great day, im feeling tired but abstinentulous.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - 11/11/11

                        Good job avoiding the wine Kaslo
                        I used to love, love the free wine (until the next day of course).
                        Have to write myself a note to get your party started first thing Sunday morning

                        You have the snoring husband (mine ran out) but I have the snoring piggy swissy. I guess we're both blessed :H
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - 11/11/11

                          Happy 11 x 3 peeps....

                          TREYA 4 months is simply fabulous! And what a great day to hit that milestone....eeeehaaa!

                          Logging into MWO and reading this thread is one of the highlights of my day...thanks to all for giving and sharing here...I am grateful to be a part of this healing community. Speaking of weird number am 111 days AF!!!! No celebrations please - I did that at 90...but isn't that a great coincidence?

                          I am not going all Northern Exposure on you...but THIS mama was in my backyard yesterday eating what's left of my lilacs. I shooed her away by howling like a wolf - I'm sure my neighbors probably thought about calling the psych unit. It worked and mama meandered off.

                          Dr. Kas, this is the patient I was telling you about. I know the cows are prego now, but geez, I have never seen a moose with such a big belly - ever. What do you think? Something wrong or maybe she's got triplets?

                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            AF Daily - 11/11/11

                            HEY MOOSE!!!!!!

                            Turn, I look out in my yard & see deer but I have never seen a moose :H
                            Wow, if it's going to be triplets we'd better start knitting or boiling water or something.....
                            Very nice, snowy photo

                            I'm awaiting the arrival of my Friday night date(s).....not sure how many are coming :H
                            I have such an exciting life! Well, th eturkey meatballs are ready

                            What's everyone else up to??
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - 11/11/11

                              :new: Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful peaceful AF Friday......

                              Turnagain! Wow I LOVE the photo, Mamma Moose is gorgeous!

                              Ok I just want to type the date one more time before I go bed...... 11.11.11
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996

