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AF Daily - 11/11/11

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    AF Daily - 11/11/11

    Hi everyone!!!!! Just a quick pop in before I get back to the books. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for BIL's dog. He was found!!! LOL - they were pheasant hunting in a conservation area when the dog went missing. Turns out, the dog found his way to the small place in this HUGE conservation area where they breed birds that are turned loose into nature. Dog is too smart for his own good! Big sigh of relief all the way around. One thing is for sure....he will be GPS enabled before the next outing. And I will not be drinking.

    Treya - CONGRATULATIONS ON 4 MONTHS AF!!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - 11/11/11

      Glad the dog was found DG!!!!

      I'm having tons of fun with my double dates tonight -
      although, I don't know what that disgusting thing is EB was showing off :H :H

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - 11/11/11

        :H You sure do like 'em young, dontcha!???

        Beautiful lav, and I love the little guys hat! I want one! LOL
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          AF Daily - 11/11/11

          Hi 11/11/11 abbers!

          Made it through Day 10 AF...felt very energized today and happy to be sober:h

          Sounds like everyone had a busy day! I have to work early in the am tomorrow (retail hours...I work Sat and Sunday). But I look forward to Saturdays since I get in early and out early (usually before 4PM). Then Hubs and I are going shopping for a new oven which we need badly!

          Treya, Kudos to you for 4 months! :goodjob: The most I made it in the past was a little over 2 months and I remember how wonderful it felt. Can't wait to get back there again but one day at a time, right?

          Lav, those kiddies are CUTE! Thanks for posting!

          Turn-I love Moose (I'm a Maine girl at heart and they are quite popular in the State of Maine). She is beautiful and I hope she makes it through the winter safely.

          Have a lovely evening Sunhine, ChillGirl, Kaslo and DG and everyone else checking in! Glad today was a success!:l
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            AF Daily - 11/11/11

            Turn, I LOVE the moose momma! She does look pretty big for this early on. I, too, hope she'll fare well this winter.

            I just read through the latter part of yesterday's thread and have a couple of thoughts:

            1. I wish I would keep my big ole trap shut more... I responded to Marshy's post saying something about keeping generator for backup to run water pump and sump pump in case of flooding. Ah yes. Guess what we had today? Flood in basement. Yep. Had nothing to do with hydro; the sump pump is dead.

            2. I really appreciate your encouragement and well wishes re 30 days. That said... most of the time I feel like such a fraud, a failure. I've come to this site THREE years ago and I still haven't got my shit together. I remember the first time I made it to 30 days AF. I felt like a million bucks. I actually DID feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. Now, I feel more like 'blah blah yeah yeah let's see how long until you screw up'. I don't want to screw up again.

            3. Can I borrow 'box of farts' for appropriate occasion, please? Too funny!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF Daily - 11/11/11

              Sunni-there are NO screwups or failures!! Each relapse is a new lesson and another tool in the tool box to use. I really think the hardest thing of all and what keeps anyone from what they consider "success" in this journey is full acceptance that one cannot drink "normally" and that AL acts as a poison to one's system. If those 2 things were not true, most of us would not be on this site and would be successful moderators. I have 18 months of being AF and I don't think I will ever consider myself being successful but I do feel good at the end of each day that I am AF and I feel I have been successful for that day. We are here for you on your very personal journey.

              Turn-I too LOVE Moose (meese?) and have only seen one in my life from afar. I hope Momma Moose is OK and has gorgeous babies!!

              DG-so very glad dog was found! I was holding my breath all day!!

              Greenie-A seeker huh? I'll have to google that. It sounds very exotic and Harry Potterish. Not a bad thing at all!

              Treya-way to go on 4 months!! That is awesome! I promise it will get easier and easier although I can't promise you won't have tough moments. But that's what we're here for.

              Lav-LOVE the photo!! Did you ever find out what that thing was???

              Blonde-congrats on 10 days!! One foot in front of the other!!

              Chill-Love seeing you over here!!

              Kas-you are sooo funny with the box or farts remark!! Love it! Hope you are having a good time at the conference despite Mr. K's snoring. Luckily none of my dogs snore so I can't blame my insomnia on that!

              Who else came through today? Where is Det and his pics? Where is IJM? Hope all is well!

              Nothing exciting today-early a.m. PT appt, then errands, worked on budget in the afternoon and then off to the NH. Tomorrow is a spur of the moment agility trial if they let me sign up day of and then my sis's party.

              Haven't had dinner yet so will go stuff my face! :H It's cold tonite!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - 11/11/11

                Happy Veterans Day ABeroooos!

                a very busy Aloha Friday here, and have to be up at 6am tomorrow to work. on a Saturday! then Sunday too. arg! sure would be hell if I were in my former 'blurry' days but I'll be A OK.

                Treya fabulous work dear! you must feel grand.

                Turn, only moosies I got here are chocolate great picture BTW.

                Uni have you tried melatonin? you got a Vit D supplement yet? I know.... nag nag nag

                Lav I see you've started a new picture oriented game: "whats this I found up my nose?"

                I did score a couple of very cool old swords at the gunshow this morning. one from Burma (or possibly Thailand) and one is an unusual example from the Philippines. One of my side-hobbies is collecting and restoring antique swords and other unusual weapons (total geek-a-zoid I know).

                off to have a snack

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - 11/11/11

                  sorry Papmom, I couldn't find a good spot to get pictures when I was up in the Sierras. everyplace i pulled over there was a bad angle, or power lines in the shot (I just haaaaate power lines). I'll get some kind of good pic's soon! dunno what they will be. maybe pictures of casino food since I'm working this stupid trade show in a casino all weekend. d-oh!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - 11/11/11

                    Ah Det - I love you to death! Yes, I have been taking all my supplements - vitamin D, Vitamin C, all the B complexes - I think that last night I was just worried because I knew my little one wasn't feeling well so I couldn't rest.

                    Well, we served our customer who didnt' pay us today. Holy CRAP - he's flippin out! It's hillarious because he keeps calling and leaving voicemails (which we are of course taping) and he's just getting himself in deeper. He says he's going to suponea me (go ahead, I was going to be a witness anyway) because he says he spoke to me and I arranged a payment arrangement with him. Funny thing is I have on tape my VOICEMAIL to him asking when Mike could come to pick up payment and I have his return VOICEMAIL taped saying that he didn't have the money. So go ahead buddy, supenoa me, I have everything you said taped! LOL - so this should provide some entertainment for the next couple of months. I'll keep you all posted as it goes. But I gotta say, this is giving me the most fun I've had in a while!

                    DG - glad the doggie was found.

                    Treya - AWESOME girl!

                    I know I have missed tons of you but I'm off to go read some homework - need to get some done.

                    Det - thanks for always taking care of me! You're the best!

                    nighty night guys!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily - 11/11/11

                      The boys went home at 10 pm ~ I'm tired!
                      No, I never found out what that gross thing was on EB's finger :H
                      I wiped his hands & face with a damp paper towel & tossed it. Kids can be disgusting :H

                      Uni, oh how I hate when someone doesn't want to pay........
                      I guess I'm lucky I've only had to turn one customer over to a collection was a big deal & a good amount of $$. Good luck

                      Det, do you like hanging around casinos? I'm way too cheap to enjoy gambling
                      Hope your weekend goes by swiftly!

                      Sunni, I'm almost positive we've all had those feeling of inadequacy or whatever you want to call them. It wasn't until I convinced myself that I could & would do it differently this time that I finally changed that internal dialogue. Throw out the negative thoughts, that's a bad habit that we learn early in life. Replace those thought with positive your own cheerleader. Sounds cheesey but it works I posted this link in the Newbies Nest this morning - it worked wonders for me! Habit Busting Secrets by Lee Milteer
                      Think about giving it a try

                      About the broken sump pump.....been there & done it too......totally annoying.

                      Good night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - 11/11/11

                        Lav, goodness no I hate casinos. they are just the epitome of cheesy, insipid, shameless money grubbing.
                        thankfully I never picked up the gambling habit. I find gambling to be painfully boring. I'm just way too hyperactive.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

