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sun 13 nov

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    sun 13 nov

    Hey all up early for skating - it's a killer 8.30am BUT so worth it and NO WAY alcohol can be part of it. Great alcohol free day yesterday - so nice to be with team and watch amazing roller derby. I am really focused on getting fit now - so many inspiring strong women.

    Positive thought - I am happy to be alcohol free and grateful to not feel awful/hungover/anxious today so I can enjoy my day and reach my goals.This would have been impossible with my old lifestyle.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
    one day at a time

    sun 13 nov

    Hi Bear and thanks for getting things started today! You sound great and I hope you have a blast at roller derby.

    Not adjusted to the short days yet. Seems like night lasts forever!

    One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      sun 13 nov

      Morning abbers!

      Hockey again today. Yesterday little uni had an awesome goal and won the game for her team! It was great to see - we all went nuts!

      I had a spat with hubby yesterday and am feeling really crappy about the whole thing. Not crappy because I was wrong or anything like that (he's got some issues of his own I think) but crappy because I am still angry and upset and I don't like that feeling. We'll have to resolve it today.

      Okay, I'm off to cook breakfast and put my stew in the crockpot. Then to get dressed and off to hockey. Then home and leaves and football.

      Have a good AF Day guys,

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        sun 13 nov

        Hi Abbers and happy Sunday! 12 days for me today. Couldn't do it without you all, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hope you have a super Sunday everyone! Being sober IS where it's at, no question in my mind.
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          sun 13 nov

          Good Sunday

          I am into my second week AF and doing well. I also keep waking up at five A.M. and seem to have trouble adjusting to day light saviings change. This is pretty typical for me and hope it ends soon. The positive is to wake up refreshed, emotions stable with no headache. I had knee surgery six days ago and it is coming along well. I am ready to get back to biking, yoga, hiking, etc.

          Great day to all


            sun 13 nov

            Uni - I know what you mean about just wanting to clear the air! Congrats to Little Uni on her success at hockey!

            BlondeAF - :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 12 DAYS AF!!:yougo:

            Mg - :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 2 WEEKS AF!!:yougo: I didn't realize you had knee surgery!! I hope the recovery is going smoothly.

            I need to stop fiddling around on the net and get my errands done and then study for my mid term! Why is goofing off so much more fun????

            Hey - lots of free publications (WHOLE BIG BOOKS!!) on the The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Homepage web site under "publications." Check it out for topics of interest related to addiction and/or mental health treatment. FREE. Including free ground shipping! (not sure about whether they will ship outside US and if so, how much)

            Off I go...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              sun 13 nov


              YAY!!! Little Uni - WTG!!!

              Hello all!! I am just waiting for my show to come on. It is 6:30am here, and I am finally sleeping past 4 the past two mornings. My Sunday's typically consist of 'Coronation Street'. They play the whole weeks worth from 7:30am until 1pm. LOL! I am an addict. I don't get much of a chance to watch it during the week so I put it on, on Sunday's and do my housework and stuff while I am watching it. I know, what a boring person I am LOL! I don't watch the series so much in the Spring and Summer; but it is a good time killer in the darker, yuckier days!

              Bear, roller derby looks like so much fun!!! I have watched it a few times on TV. You are sounding great!! Keep up the AF!!

              Congrats to all that are celebrating milestones!! Whether it be 1 day or more!

              K - gotta go. Coffee is done and I am in need of one!

              Have a great Sunday everyone!!


                sun 13 nov

                Good morning Abbers!

                Glad to see everyone up & about! The sun is out & it's likely to warm up to near 70 degrees here today ~ nice!

                My day will be filled with cooking, baking, a little cleaning, etc before the rug rats get here :H
                Looking forward to seeing my family today even if they are coming in shifts

                Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  sun 13 nov

                  Zoooooooooming! Hello abbers.

                  Cleaning and making bread and now going to wallow with a book for a while before GF gets home from a course she's doing and we're going out to our local Turkish place for dinner, which means a fantastic salty cheese pizza for me and onion salad.

                  AFM - I used to watch Coronation Street when I was kid, don't think I'd recognise any of the cast members now! (Even though I'm only 29 of course).

                  Hi bear, Lav, DG, Blonde, mg, uni and all to come. Congratulations on all the days and weeks being notched up!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    sun 13 nov

                    Happy AF'ing Sunday ABerooos!

                    up to work again but not as early at least. will see how dreadfully hung over my coworkers are today. I think I'll be stuck with breaking down the booth but that's ok. good practical exercise.

                    oh, at the show yesterday something really freaky happened. was going through my gear bags and inside one of them was a HUGE ugly nasty spider! I'm severely arachnophobia so it was pretty entertaining. eeeeek!

                    a hem...... on a slighty more manly note... back to the gym tonight. having a meeting with my old coach to discuss pumping up my schedule with some muy Thai and grappling on top of what I'm doing now. I have no idea how I'll fit this in my schedule but what the heck

                    BlondeAF, hoooray! so happy for you.

                    MG week two? your rockin!

                    keep up the great work everyone, off and running.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      sun 13 nov

                      Marshy;1207859 wrote: Congratulations on all the days and weeks being notched up!

                      I'm zooming too. Been to the river, and then in the yard all day. I fear the yard will look the same tomorrow. Shame all the leaves can't fall at one time and be done with it. sigh. Only having one day to myself might not be such a good idea.

                      Kaz, are you moving?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        sun 13 nov

                        Hello hello Faberoonies!

                        Rather late check in today - please forgive me, I've been hauling hay since 8:30 this morning. What a terribly uncivilized time for a Sunday. Ya know, I really admire full time farmers. This is hard work! I'm thrilled to bits, though... we were HOPING to fit 250 bales into the assigned space in the barn... we're at 290 now and I'm picking up about 80 more bales tomorrow! Yessssss! That'll take me through to April!

                        To answer your question, Lav... deliveries are generally done in June/July (haying season). But that would have been no good for me because I didn't have a place to keep it dry yet. But yes, that's definitely the plan for next year. I've made 4 trips with the horse trailer today and the place is about a half hour away... not the most efficient way of handling it, I'm sure.

                        Everyone sounds great today, Congrats to mini-Uni, and congratulations on AF mile stones!

                        In other news and for you gardeners out there... look at this:

                        I took the photo 2 days ago. It's the first blooms on that mum. It isn't getting enough sun where it is (surprise! I live in the bush!) but bless it's little heart, it sure is trying! :H

                        That's it, that's all for now - I'm ready for a nana-nap. Hope you're all enjoying the rest of your Sunday!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          sun 13 nov

                          Hello friends,

                          Great to see everyone doing so well in your sobriety!

                          It has been a busy Sunday for me. Sunday school, church and then a 4-H meeting. It is cold and dreary here, and I am thinking about calling it a day. I feel like I accomplished nothing yesterday. My friend started texting me about our sons and their upcoming battle for the jersey. It got me all worked up and worried and I had trouble getting any projects started. I couldn't talk to my son about it as he was gone, so I chatted with another friend about it and that helped, just getting it out and getting an outsider's opinion. Then my son called and he had talked to some of his teammates who suggested us moms respectfully BUTT OUT!:H I love this friend, but she and I have very different parenting techniques. I need to quit second guessing myself so much!

                          Det--I am not arachnophobic, BUT I do not care for spiders--esp when they surprise me. Last weekend at my SIL's, I about freaked out when I pulled back my sheets to go to bed and there was this HUGE UGLY BLACK SPIDER in there!!!! EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!! I panicked and swiped him out of the bed instead of killing him. I found some clean sheets and changed the bedding. I didn't want to embarrass my SIL so I left the old sheets in the laundry room without saying anything. Needless to say I didn't sleep very well there.

                          I am still a little amazed at how much I have changed in the last 3 years. I was so self absorbed and lazy before. Now I am involved in so many more things and really enjoying that! I can't tell you how good it feels to step out of my own little world and do things for others. To be a part of things--mainly kid oriented and enjoy their company! Life is good.

                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            sun 13 nov

                            There are so many spiders around here everyone has the outside of their house sprayed by an exterminator during warmer weather. I've seen spiders as big as my fist - eeeewww

                            Well I had a great day, kids, grandkids & even YB here!
                            Ms Lily is crawling & pulling herself up to standing at 8 1/2 months - she's a real go getter!
                            Will is sitting, clapping hands & verbalizing - he's been fairly silent until now :H
                            EB is a piece of work, turning 3 on the 28th!

                            Sunni, the Apfeltorte was a huge success! Thanks so much for the recipe
                            EB had 2 slices with French vanilla ice cream :H
                            Love your pics!!!

                            Hi greenie, Marshy & Det!
                            LVT, I'm right there with you in the gratitude department! I never would have had such a lovely day if I was still hugging a wine bottle

                            Hi to Uni, AFM, Treya & everyone!
                            Papmom must be busy today.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              sun 13 nov

                              quick pic of my first semi-home made custom knife. started with a damascus blank and finished the grind, and fabricated the white linen micarta scales (handle) and hardware. quite a good learning experience and I'm pleased with the result.

                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

