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sun 13 nov

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    sun 13 nov

    Beautiful Det

    Now can you make a bread knife? :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      sun 13 nov

      a damascus bread knife would be cool eh?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        sun 13 nov


        Busy Papmom checking in!!

        Det-That knife is a real beaut!! You definitely should be very proud of yourself!!

        Congrats to Blonde and MG for their sobriety milestones! Keep it up the great work!

        Bear-there is a noticeable shift in your thinking now-I'm very proud of you. Please don't put yourself in any situations that will compromise your journey right now-The time will come soon enough where you will be strong enough to handle anything!

        Sunni-What a wonderful surprise that your barn will hold way more than 250 bales!! I do know what a pain it is to go pick up hay in small amounts at a time. I know my friend with the 10 dogs, 2 horses and a dozen sheep does it every Sat as she has no place to store it.

        LVT-I'm with you and Det on the spiders!I wouldn't have killed that big black one either but I wouldn't have let him just hang out in my room either! Big spiders in my house get kindly escorted outside-small ones, well they meet their maker usually via my vacuum! :H

        Greenie-great workout you had today! Sorry you will have to do it a few more times before winter sets in (do you even have winter down there?). One day a week is definitely NOT enough time for oneself but we gotta do what we gotta do.

        It's been a very busy weekend. Started at 5am yesterday with an agility trial I needed to get to by 7am. Entered DD in 2 runs-we Q'd and got first place in the first and NQ and 1st place in the second. Too bad because if I hadn't indicated the wrong end of the tunnel in the second run we would have earned our first title in Teacup Agility. Oh well, we had fun and he did the teeter perfectly both runs so I'm happy. There is always January.

        Got home around 2, relaxed for a bit but not really then got ready for my sis's surprise party. Boy was she surprised!! Around 70 people showed up!! You should see the video I shot as she walked through the door!! Kudos to my BIL for pulling this off-Mission Impossible Accomplished!! I found it hysterical that her 14 yr old daughter wasn't let in on the whole thing until yesterday afternoon because she can't keep a secret to save her life! :H Had a great time-whole thing was catered beautifully and deliciously. The only negative was that no arrangements had been made to offer non alcoholic drinks except water so I had to scrounge around for myself while everyone else was served their choice of beer or wine by the servers. No matter, I was happy with my cranberry and seltzer. And, after listening to stories of drunken adventures from years past that involved my bro and sis in their early 20's and graphic details about the mornings after, I actually felt nauseous and was very glad I would not feel like that this morning. Any self pitying thoughts about "why is AL poisonous to me?? why can't I be like the rest of them?" flew out the window very quickly. Stayed much later than I had planned but got to have a nice chat with my bro. He is confident that he has enough work for me to consistently rack up 5-10 hours a week at TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS AN HOUR!!!! I tried to talk him down to $20/hr but he wouldn't hear of it. So, tomorrow I will give my 2 weeks notice to the NH for the weeknite hours. I think I want to stick around for Sundays as I do enjoy them. At least through the holidays.

        Absolutely bushed by the time I got the kids fed and myself ready for bed. Was looking forward to a very deep sleep. Unfortunately LM had other ideas. Seems he got into something in the yard-maybe a mushroom-and got me up every hour on the hour to go out from 12:30 -5am. He NEVER asks to go out, never mind during the night so I knew he was hurting. Had to give him 3 butt baths as well. Poor thing. I called into the NH and let my boss know what was happening and that I would be in at 1pm if he seemed to be improving. Which he did so I did go in. We had fun-had a nice discussion with about 20 of the residents about Thanksgiving Traditions.

        LM seems much better and I just fed him some boiled chicken and rice and I'm praying for an evening of non interrupted sleep!!

        So on that note I will wish you all a good nite and a happy morning!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          sun 13 nov

          Pap, congrats on the teacup agility title!

          oh you guys have to see this. it' stunningly beautiful:

          Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS on Vimeo
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            sun 13 nov

            peeking in to say's been a long time. i have moved to washington, am starting a business, just began hatha yoga today (WOWZERS...good stuff), and am happy to be sober again.



              sun 13 nov

              Peacenik! hey old friend! so good to see you again. yay for being AF

              looking forward to hearing about what you been up to

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                sun 13 nov

                thanks Det but no title yet!! Need one more Q.

                Welcome back Peacnik!! How do you like Washington, what is your new business and where did you live before? Can you tell I'm the nosy one?
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!

