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replacing drinking hours

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    replacing drinking hours

    I am looking for ideas in how we can spend our time in the hours we used to spend drinking. My time to drink would be from six in the evening to about eight thirty. If I have urges they come during those times. Other than that time frame I do not have urge or desire to drink. I find watching TV a waste of time and would like your ideas on what fulfilling activies you do that replace your prior drinking hours.

    replacing drinking hours

    This is a really good question, and I think this issue actually results in relapses because people somehow dont make the connection about what to do. Little hobbies that you used to enjoy before you got into alcohol, what ever they were, are definetely worth reviving. And new ones, but honestly this is something I remember very clearly when i quit being a problem for the first few months... what the hell do I do with myself? And the answer is sometimes not very easy. Books, music, theatre, scrapbooking, garden planning, volunteer work at the local hospital or home for the elderly, evening exercise class, yoga, book clubs, sewing, drawing /painting, writing letters (real actual letters to friends and family)....the list is pretty much endless.

    I had a bunch of photographs, that I worked on in Photoshop, and I spent a tonne of time reading and researching the effects of alcohol on human physiology. I recommend the photography stuff, not the research as much...


    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      replacing drinking hours

      I bought some belly dancing dvd's - I figure even if I can't aggravate the downstairs neighbor with on high impact - I can shake my a$$. I buy full seasons of series I never watched before - because I didn't watch TV - I drank instead.

      It's a start. I'm sure someone else has a million better ideas. my witching hour is 6:30 to 9:30 during the week and pretty much anytime my off weekend...
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        replacing drinking hours

        mg - great topic!

        I used to keep a very long list of ideas so when I got the urge, I didn't have to think. I could just pick something and get busy.

        My very very favorite activity that has replaced some of my former drinking time is VOLUNTEER WORK!!!!! Far far far more rewarding, and very reinforcing for my AF lifestyle.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          replacing drinking hours

          Oooooh! This is a super topic! I find that right now, about 2 weeks into my new sober self, that I am able to eat earlier in the night which has been helping me loose weight. After dinner and catching up with hubby about our day, I come on here and catch up on posts for about an hour. Then I usually make a cup of tea and curl up in bed with a book. I used to be a book worm as a girl and gave that up in my later years due to AL. Now it is satisfying to add completed books to my list. Sometimes, hubs and I will curl up on the sofa and watch a movie, but I agree, I don't find television that rewarding. In the nicer weather and when it is light out in the evenings, I usually take my dog out for a stroll. Or hubs and I have dinner together and then take a walk on the beach. But now it is winter and dark at almost 4PM so that's not happening much! When I have my days off from work, I get so much more done than I used to because instead of drinking by 2PM, I am on to do other more productive things like projects at the house, decorating or yard work, etc. And then there's always the option of a nice, hot bubble bath in the evening to linger in and get the best sleep of your life afterwards!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            replacing drinking hours

            Im still not sure what to do MG. i used to drink from 5.30 till i had had those nearly 2 bottles then quietly pass out. now i come home feed the dogs, put the washing on, tidy up a bit, take dogs for a walk, clean bits and pieces that i have neglected for a long time (my cupboard drawers open now), go on the computer and cook (god did i say cook) a meal. Just little things to avoid the witching hour. I used to get a glass of wine sit at the computer and that was it so the motivation is nice now. i still do the computer but if i feel that AL urge off i get and off i go for a walk. Depends on what interests you i suppose and as you said the idiot box is not much help
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              replacing drinking hours

              thanks to all

              The summary I would make about your answers is if we continue to abstain from AL the time we used to spend drinking fills up with activites that are right for us. We need to have faith that abstaining is the way to go and this works itself out.

              Mollyka, Kaslo, Prairie Fairy and DG: it sounds like this is ancient history to you and now it is pretty effortless to fill your days.

              Blondie and Available: It appears you are new to the game as I am and we just need to keep on keeping on!

              Great day to all and thanks for your help.


                replacing drinking hours

                cooking, tea, yoga, exercising, talking with family, reading, baking, tv, computer...anything but drinking!!!


