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Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

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    Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

    Good morning Novembians

    Papmom - the boys are adorable! And is that some of your quilting handiwork in the background?

    Now we have Sooty back there is no excuse for you all not to come visit me in Portugal next summer on the tour bus

    Already been my morning walk with Elle and now back in bed with my coffee for half an hour indulgence before I hit the gym.

    I have received my reiki manual and want to spend a couple of hours today reading though it. The small town I live in has a Winterfest today with Santa arriving by helicopter to switch on the Christmas lights. The main street is full of coffee shops and gift shops which will all open specially and lots of events taking place. It's mainly for children but I may wander down and see what's going on.

    Wishing everyone a Chilled hangover free Sunday....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

      Morning Chill and all the other November sleepyheads!!

      No, that's a Wallyworld special chill!! I will get my coverlet finished someday but for now I need to finish up my xmas and birthday gifts.

      I definitely think you should head downtown today Chill! Can you go get your parents and bring them too? All the festivities might help you feel like you belong a little bit more. I do wish I lived in a tiny town like that. This city living's not the place for me!!

      Getting up at 6am on a Sunday because I have to go to work is just plain uncivilized!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

        Hi guys! I guess this thread may be switching over to a new week as it is Sunday but just wanted to say thanks for posting the pics to PapMom of her sweethearts! I love quilts too...

        Chill, that festival sounds so quaint I really wish I could beam myself "cross the pond" and go with you...that is right up my alley. I love all things Christmas and can imagine how quaint it would be in Scotland. Here, we have a tree lighting ceremony where Santa comes to town in a lobster boat (I live in the oldest fishing town in the USA) and then there is a tree lighting of a Christmas tree made of Lobster Pots, which is indeed unique. I will post pics in December once it all happens. My mother's boyfriend is actually the town Santa Claus in the parade, so we have a good time. Funny to say that my elderly mother has a "boyfriend" but my father has been deceased for many years and this is the first man that has become a steady companion in her life and I am so happy for them both.

        Hi to everyone onboard today and I'll look for the new week's thread soon!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

          Good morning November Ones!

          I'm seeing some inviting sunshine here this morning. Think I'll go play in the yard for a while as I have lots of stuff I never got around to cutting back especially in my herb garden.

          Papmom & Blondie, I worked every other weekend thru most of my nursing career & never did get used to crawling out of bed at 5 am on sunday mornings Hope your days goes fast!

          chill, I kind of like the small hometown holiday events too
          Hope you enjoy Santa's arrival!

          Wishing everyone a great aF Sunday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

            Out for a run at 5 this morning. I have always been an early bird/insomniac. Chill, like you, I am now snuggled back in bed with coffee and the Sunday paper.
            Seeing the shaman again on Tuesday. Then I will give you all a full report.
            Chill, Santa arrives in a helicopter!?!
            I'm up for Portugal. I have never been to Europe.
            Have a good Sunday


              Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

              Just finished up some yard work, it is brisk and cloudy, a great fall day. We are so lucky that the weather is warmer than usual, sometimes we have snow by this time. The Bears play around 4 so will watch that and read a book. Chili for dinner tonight and the rest of the week.

              Sped, the shaman sounds interesting. I know some people who say they are intuitive, but don't quite know what to believe. I am looking forward to hearing about your experience.

              Chill, I like that you messaged people about your intentions, it is sure that you can open doors by networking, good for you. Tell more about your group experience, you are always doing something new.

              Lav, good day to work out in the yard, I finished up some things that needed to be done and raked leaves out to the road.

              Pap, loved the pics of your pets, they are so darling.

              Off to read and have more tea, have a great relaxing Sunday.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                Blonde-I think I know what town you live in now and I'm trying to think of a subtle way to get an invite for the 2 tree lighting ceremonies!! You are very lucky to live where you do-it's always been a dream of mine to live coastally.

                Star and Lav-I'm a bit envious that you were able to do yard work today. It was so gorgeous out but I had to enjoy from inside. :upset: I think my yard will have to be done for the season. It could use a good raking and one more mowing but unless Thursday is unseasonably warm like today I don't see it happening.

                Sped-I can't wait to hear all about the Shaman!!

                So you guys won't believe what I did at work today. I offered to stay on on Thursday nites!!! Totally unsolicited too! I have no idea what came over me but my boss sure is happy!! I guess it's an insurance policy in case working for my brother isn't as profitable as I had hoped. I did say that I would revisit everything the first of the year and decide whether I was staying indefinitely or leaving completely. By then the locked dementia unit should be operational and new staff hired. I hope.

                Guess I should rustle something up for dinner. I feel so lonely when I get home at nite that making dinner is a huge effort and has been for years (hence part of the AL problem). I really need to put on my creative thinking cap and figure out a way to make the rest of my house as cozy as the back part (kitchen, bedroom and office). I do think some sort of fireplace is in order!! See, my mind is alway in overdrive. I can't relax for even a minute or to read the sunday paper!! :H
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                  Evening all! had to scurry around here today - had a long drive to return curtains, buy new ones, and look for some organizing things...can you tell I'm trying to get the place super-ready for HB's return? I have a full night ahead of finishing up house things, and getting all ready for me to be gone to NYC for an overnight tomorrow. HB is flying directly there, and will be part of a presentation there tomorrow night. Then we'll train home on Tuesday morning. It's the first time the dogs will have a sitter since we arrived here in CT - I like the person alot, and so do the dogs, thank heavens. But it's always a rush, showing where the food is, how to feed, how to potty, how the house works (I barely know all of this myself!). Poor pups, they will be glad when things settle down - hmmmmm, mid December, maybe --

                  Great to hear from everyone. Chill, Santa arriving in a helicopter, that's a mind-bender. Blonde - love the lobster pot holiday idea. PMom - great pics, thanks. Take care, working on Sundays is the food, check out this blog, I really like it for the great writing, photos, humor, cooking, philosophy - remedial eating. Sped, can't wait to hear more about the Shaman. Star - hope you have gotten a little rest along with the yard-work. Love to think of you sipping your tea. To each and all; Dew, Rusty, Rustop, Sooty, Mr G, LBH if you're out there, and anyone I missed; Take Heart, we are all together on this Sunday evening...
                  to the light


                    Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                    Santa rides around on a fire truck around here :H :H
                    The 'elves' are usually pretty plastered too :H :H

                    Congrats to Shelley & SD on their 5 AF months! What a solid feeling that is!!!! That's when you really begin to believe in yourself!

                    Cyn, NYC is crazy this time of year but I' sure you already know that! Have fun!

                    papmom, hang onto to your hopes for working with your brother. He couldn't possibly turn out to be a bigger PIA than the NH..... You know they are always reaching out for someone (anyone) with a pulse
                    I have plenty of comfortable spots in my house but the eating alone thing is just not nice. I am so used to having people around me. I try to keep a pot of soup or something on hand because I won't cook an entire meal for myself.

                    star, I did get some outside work done but not all of what I had son & his family called looking for a dinner invitation so that was the alternative. I hope this not too cold weather holds up for a while longer. Just had my 1,000 gallon underground propane tank filled - yikes!!! I like it when the heat doesn't come on often!

                    Well, I have to finish up some paperwork then call it a day!
                    Good night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                      Hi Guys!

                      Happy Sober Sunday night! I'm pretty beat from my busy work weekend. For those that have sympathized with my Sunday work worries...I actually like it in some regard...for one thing, my bosses aren't there all day , even though I do like them very much and don't mind having them there, but sometimes it's just nice to run with a shorter crew over all. The only thing I really don't care for about working Sundays is that my hubby works m-f and I work all weekend so we don't have a day off together unless we take vacation. So, that is hard. But, right now, I am grateful for the job and they need me on sundays for now so I'll stick with it for the remainder of the year and then see about switching or at least rotating so I can get a few Sundays a month off. That would be cool.

                      Pap, come on over for the Tree lighting! I've always loved the coast and feel really at home here in MA. We're on the "other" cape if you catch my drift

                      Cyn, sounds like you were busy all weekend too! Curtains are always such a pain for me to put up. I've resorted to thumbtacks, velcro and duck tape or a combination of the three for some But hey, at least I hide the duck tape

                      Star, sounds like you are another tea fan like me. What are your favorites besides the newly released Candy Cane Lane?

                      Hi Lav! I see you in a few places on MWO now. Hope you're having a great day! Think you'll be making those turkey cupcakes this week? I will make them up early on TG day...the batter is going to be pumpkin spice and the frosting will be chocolate. I think those flavors will go together nicely. Then decorating them is the fun part!!!

                      Hi to everyone...hope you are all having a relaxing evening! See you tomorrow!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                        Another Late Evening Hello!!!

                        Besides this week being Thanksgiving, everything in SD-land is back to "normal"...if there is such a thing!!:H I'm glad to be back in my own home...although it was fun spending the week with my parents foreign exchange student...he is such a neat kid!!

               all have been so busy...traveling, going to (more) workshops, getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, hubby arrivals, welcoming and getting to know new group members (hi again Blondie :hallo: )...:woot: Conquering 5 MONTHS (SpED)!!! Also, I'm sorry I'm sure I sound like an idiot but will you tell me a little about Shaman...I don't think I know what it is... Pap3--You have such cute pets!!! You can tell they are VERY loved!!!
                        OH YEA!!!! WELCOME BACK SOOTY!!!!!!!!! :l I missed you!!! Welcome back to you too Mr. G!!!!!! Gosh, really??? You guys managed to change and do THIS much in two weeks!!!??
                        OH!!!!! And one more thing.....where do I sign up to go to Portugal???!!

                        I too had a busy last couple of weeks...besides my mom's heart attack, my step-moms mother's funeral...I went out on a lunch date (nice guy...TOTALLY not for me....spent the entire time talking about his recent divorce and his ex-wife--BLAH!!) Had my first drs appt. (and test) to begin the process of invitro. (if I decide after the next couple tests I still want to go forward with having a baby). Been on a pretty emotional roller coater..not much support from anyone here, as you can imagine....but I didn't really expect there would be, and I'm honestly ok with that! Honestly!

                        I'm just super glad to be back on here and to be able to check in daily and be back on my routine. It's good for me...I caught myself thinking about wanting wine this week...and I just haven't been that way for so long...Do you think it's because I wasn't here as often?? I'm sure thats all it was...I know it's not what I want!! Well...back to guys are still stuck with me!!! LOL!!!!
                        Have a great Monday!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Nouveau Novembre - Week 3

                          Hi Abbers! Hope this finds you all having a wonderful sober Monday morning so far!

                          SD-Hi to you too! Wow, you have lots and lots going on in your life! So sorry to hear about your Step Mom's passing. My father passed away several years ago in early November and having it be right before the holidays was really tough on my mom and me. It's really tough to loose a close family member anyway, but right before all those family holidays just adds salt to the wound. Coincidentally, I gave up AL for good on the anniversary of his death, Nov 2nd. And I haven't looked back on that decision since! 20 days for me in a row today and 104 for the year, thanks to all of you precious peeps!

                          Had a dream last night that I made it though TG dinner stone cold sober and that everyone else was making a drunk fool of themselves. Woke up feeling good about my resolve. Hoping that is a prediction of the future for this week. I'll make that into reality, except the part about everyone making a drunk fool of But I'm sure there will be some...we've got a heavy drinking crowd lined up. Yikes. I just bought out the rest of the store's stock of Spiced Pumpkin seltzer to arm myself over the holidays. So all I'll be doing is lots of burbs, but it's better than lots of hangovers, haha!

                          Hope you all have a great day! Have a few chores to do this morning till heading in for another busy day at work. 3 more days and then 2 days off...whooo hooo!

                          Be well everyone and I'll see ya tonight!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

