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mon 14 nov af daily

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    mon 14 nov af daily

    Hi Abbers or "Fabbers" as Sunshine says!

    Seems like everyone has had a busy day today! Sunshine, I just took a peek at your "gallery" photos and I must say I love the chickens in the house and your horse is georgeous! I took English saddle riding lessons back in my 20's but didn't stick with it due to expense and lack of time but I really enjoyed it and would love to do it again sometime. Maybe with my new found time now that I am not guzzling wine all night I will take it up again. Sounds like quite a workout with all that hay!

    Determinator, I love that you referred to today as "un hung":H So true!

    Peace-That is so giving of you to volunteer at the animal shelter and take in a foster puppy. Sounds like a great place where you are living now and a much better environment to be in with all those activities! Hubby and I are considering moving to a new area (Coastal Maine, a bit north of where we are in Mass) and start can get so much more for your money up there and it's so beautiful. But for now, we both have great jobs where we live and are happy with our house...but Taxachusetts and the messed up politics here really aggrevate us...especially my husband. But I guess we shall bloom where we are planted for now and maybe think about a cottage in Maine we can use for quick that sounds like a plan!

    See you guys on the Nov 15th is coming to a close for me as I'm about to make a cup of tea and dive into a novel. Glad to be back into my was useless to try to read drunk as I couldn't remember what I had read the next day!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      mon 14 nov af daily

      sunshine_gg;1208411 wrote: Hello Fabbies!

      Congratulations Kaslo!
      Lav - free turkey!? Did I miss it? Did you win? As for YB (exactly what does that stand for, btw?) - I'm kinda with Greenie.
      Greenie - so good to see you back, although we don't get to see much of you! And yessss, I am quite over the moon! Well, if I could get there.. after 360 bales of hay, even the top of the stairs looks rather unattainable :H
      Bear - love your frame of mind these past few days! You sound so much better!
      DG - quit stressing! You will pass with flying colours as you have any previous tests. You KNOW your stuff!
      Momof3 - Where's the pictures!!!?? :H
      Det - beautiful knife!!! And, when is the commercial bread version available, again?
      Blonde - you're doing awesome!
      Nelz - you will single handedly keep the sticker industry alive! :H

      And hello to everyone else I've missed!

      Well, the hay thing is done... off to other duties now. And, I MIGHT pick up a kitty for the barn today, too. He's a black/white tom cat from another barn and I actually fell in love with him last year in the Spring when he was only about 3 months old. He just looked like trouble, like he'd always have something up his sleeve. I'll have him fixed when I have the money but in the mean time, he can keep Miss Bubbles company (and she IS fixed) when she's out at what she considers her personal playground.

      Happy Monday, everyone - the forecast here was kinda icky but they were WRONG!!! :woot:
      You made me LOL, darn near a spit take!
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        mon 14 nov af daily

        Kas...I'm sending you a box-o-hugs for 10 months AF! You are inspiring!!!
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          mon 14 nov af daily

          CONGRATS ON 10 AF MONTHS KAS!!!!
          I love reading your posts & having you part of our happy group :l

          Boy, what a surpriisingly nice day here in the neighborhood
          Seems odd having such mild weather this time of year (I'm sure we'll pay for it at some point)!

          Sunni, I should have mentioned.......
          The supermarket where I do most of my shopping just gives you a turkey each year. You shop there all year & save up 'points', them redeem them for a turkey
          Once again I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner on some day other than Thanksgiving but it's something I'm used to doing.......shift workers

          Peacenik - happy to see you back!
          Great that you've relocated & are finding interesting things to do ~ good for the soul!
          I hope you can find some support locally but in the meantime we will be here!

          Must get myself to bed earlier tonight - feeling like a real granny today :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            mon 14 nov af daily

            P3 and DG, you'll like this.[/video]]Useful Dog Tricks performed by Jesse - YouTube
            Little doggie's personality is a bit like that. Minus the tricks.

            Peacenik, Washington state, huh? I can be your uninvited guest (thread joke) and we can go visit Olympia National Park!!

            Nelz, good to see you! I noticed your new goal - rock on!

            Det, :H I didn't think you gave the knife a name - your flashlights might have names, however.

            M3, I know what you mean. sometimes I have to get out the door without even doing a grounding meditation and I mutter to myself in the car that if I wasn't on the computer I could have done several meditiation things.

            Blondiegirl, tomorrow witll be 2 weeks! yay!

            Kaz, CONGRATULATIONS ON 10 MONTHS!!:yougo:

            Tomorrow I'm taking an assortment of tea bags to work. I must put a "no coffee at work" rule into place at this early stage in the game or I know what will happen.

            OK on to the pile of receipts and stuff that have to depart this desk.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              mon 14 nov af daily

              :H Greenie
              This little guy is more useful than most husbands!

              Blonde... Oh dear... I guess I should take that picture out of the gallery. I forgot all about it. I lost my lovely Sophie girl in a freak accident this April :upset: It hit me really hard and kinda started a downward spiral. - I guess the cost of lessons very much depends on where you are... in rural areas here it's really very reasonable. Check it out if you decide to move to Maine!

              Lav.. I like the way they do it at your store. Here, you have to spend at least $50 to get a $1 turkey buck (as they call it-towards the purchase of your turkey). However, where I lived before, I actually won a store draw and had a beautiful FREE turkey for Christmas

              Peace.. I admire your restraint. I'm not sure I could have given the pup back!

              Ok, almost 10pm.. dinner is started and I finally got clean. That dread on my head was very close to just getting cut off. Rain, wind, and hay - apparently not good on hair :H

              Good night, peeps... sleep tight!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                mon 14 nov af daily

                thanks all! greenie, come visit anytime...the olympics are AMAZING!!! as are the cascades...the whole area is really inspiring and diverse, and just downright fantastic! i love the pnw!

                sunshine, i found the pup abandoned with a broken hip at a trail head here in yakima, and took care of her until we could get her to the amazing organization called PAWS in seattle where they performed her surgery for FREE and also took care of her afterwards! they are incredible. people in seattle put their money where their mouth is for abandoned, abused and neglected animals. and if we had kept her, i couldn't foster any others because only 3 dogs are allowed per household in city limits...she was a sweetie pie though!

                it's really good to be back here, i was afraid of mwo for a while, and didn;t want to come back with my tail between my legs!

                take care all and have a great night!


                  mon 14 nov af daily

                  Hi Peace and :welcome: No need to be afraid-if none of us made any mistakes or relapsed, there would be no need for this site!! I'm so happy we have another dog lover here! I too have worked in rescue and fostered 6 papillons-all of who went to fabulous homes -including my last one who ended up with me! My city only allows 2 ANIMALS per household but since they can't regulate cats, most of us interpret it to mean 2 dogs. I have 3 and if not for the economy and the lousy housing market, would have been out of here and into the country long ago. I always dreamed of operating my own rescue/shelter. Hope I can do it before I get too old and infirm.

                  Blonde-I say go for the dream of living in Coastal Maine! That's another dream of mine. I almost got it too-was offered a job last year in Unity, Maine and was going to live in Belfast but the salary was so low I couldn't even consider it. Bah.

                  Greenie-I want a Jesse!! I bet I could train DD to most if not all of that but it takes so much time. I have to concentrate on his barking/growling for now.

                  Gave my 2 week sort of notice to my NH boss for the weeknites. I felt bad-she had had a bad day and was very tired but it had to be done. I think she's relieved I'm going to stay on Sundays, at least through the holidays. I hope she won't drag her feet about a replacement for weeknites. One down, 5 more to go as far as I'm concerned. I don't plan to be there the Monday after Thanksgiving but we'll see.

                  My puter time is up-must run!!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    mon 14 nov af daily

                    Hi everyone,

                    Sunshine, I'm really sorry about your horse...hope I didn't bring up any bad feelings but I guess I did. Sorry! :upset: Yes, I would love to take up riding again if we move to a more rural setting...Maine would be perfect. I'll be coming to you for advice my dear!

                    PapMom!!!! A fellow New Englander! I grew up in Bar Harbor, ME...and I love the Belfast area. We were thinking of around Rockland cause that is a really up and coming town but still small and real estate is reasonable. We vacationed in Deer Isle/Stonington last month and drove through Belfast on the way up. Beautiful area. Nice to meet you!:l

                    Kas, 10 months, that is great!!! :goodjob: What an inspiration! Congratulations!

                    Well, I'm not sure how much longer this thread is active as it's the 15th already, so I will be off and looking for that in a minute. Bye everyone!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

