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Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

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    Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

    Good morning abbers!

    Well, I didn't see one started yet and just posted in yesterday's thread so I thought I'd get the party started this morning! How is everyone!

    Hi to all checking in and making it a wonderful AF day today. Today marks 2 weeks for me and I'm really pumped about that! There seem to be some other anniversaries today so congrats to all who are achieving their goals!

    Have a lovely day all, I'm off to work in a few and then I have 2 days off, yay!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

    Actually, speaking of anniversaries, I was thinking that just about every day AF is an anniversary and a cause for celebration and who doesn't love to celebrate something positive every day!

    Today is rather mild for the Boston area...I have a new down jacket and snow boots arriving from LL Bean tomorrow so I am ready for some snow. (OMG, did I just say that?). Well, just for the holidays and then we can fast foward to spring
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

      BlondeAFAmbition;1208906 wrote: Actually, speaking of anniversaries, I was thinking that just about every day AF is an anniversary and a cause for celebration and who doesn't love to celebrate something positive every day!

      You betcha!!! Each AF day should be celebrated!!! I agree! Congrats on your 2 weeks!!

      Well, my hair started to fall out in clumps yesterday. Scared the crap out of me. I was curling it and pulled the curling iron away and the hair came with it, yesterday morning. All day, clump here and a clump there.... sooooooooooooo

      :wow: I feel so liberated!!! LOL! I have a bunch of toques and head wrappings that are cool to wear. Was thinking about a wig, but I went to the Cancer Society in town and tried some on and nah!!! They looked and felt ridiculous to me. So I am not going that route.

      So, that is about all in my exciting life. I have been running around out of town the last 4 days straight, so after I drop Little AFM off at school, I am going to do a whole lotta nothing, but maybe continue knitting this blanket I started on the weekend.

      Have a fantastic day everyone!! xoxo


        Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

        Hi Accountable! Glad you feel so liberated with your new look! Good for you! Enjoy your AF day!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

          Rock on AFM, I once said if I ever had to battle cancer, I would shave my head!!

          Course I buzzcut my hair very short in the hot season, and wear a hat pretty much 24/7 so most wouldnt notice anyway. I hope all is going well with you in your treatment.

          Happy two weeks Blonde, keep it up, dont put your dukes down for ONE minute or the beast may strike......and I dont know about you, but I sure HATE to lose....LOL :goodjob:

          Im gonna search the net for a gold star smiley, I think we need one
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

            Hello friends,

            Congrats on the AF milestones! Kaslo--big kudos on the 10 months!

            I really enjoy reading about everyones af lives.:h

            Peace! It's great to see you back here ex neighbor! I hope you continue to enjoy your new home.

            I am up early since my sons have early basketball practice this week. Yesterday I went back to bed, but this morning, I feel more rested so stayed up and did my dishes and tidied up the kitchen. I'll be gone all day, so don't really want to come home to a mess.

            Teenage son issues again. One of his friend's moms called me yesterday and said she learned they went out of town Saturday (90 miles away) and told us they just stayed in town and drove around a bit. I have had this sense that he has been lying to me. One thing we just don't tolerate is lying, and when this one decides he wants to do something and he knows we'll say no--he does it anyway. Well this time he got caught. I handled it fairly well. I don't blame him for the burning desire to go there that night. He likes a girl up there and they have been having problems, so they decided to go try to work it out. But he doesn't understand my fear and worry with them out and about on these highways. They almost got away with it too. Thank goodness for facebook. They must have stopped and visited a friend that goes to college there and they took a little snapshot and she posted it. Ooopsie!:H I thank God nothing happened to them. Now we just need to figure out the proper punishment. Awhile back I order a book that someone here recommended called Teen-Proofing by John Rosemond. I should have read it as soon as I got it, but it seems like he has some good concepts.

            AFM--I think women look strong and beautiful with a shaved head. Enjoy your new headwear. I know it can be a very difficult thing for cancer patients to lose their hair.:l

            More to bore you with, but I gotta run! Meeting all morning and then back for a winter clothing drive at church!

            Have a good sober day!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

              Nelz;1208917 wrote:
              Im gonna search the net for a gold star smiley, I think we need one
              There ya go

              Gooood morning Fabs and Fabettes!

              AFM - I agree with LVT and you ARE strong and beautiful! A very good friend of mine said the same thing about feeling liberated.

              Blonde, big congratulations on your 2 weeks!!!! And you're right, every AF day deserves to be celebrated.

              Remember the barn kitty? Well, I did bring him home and he happily checked out every nook and corner... and then himself. I haven't been up to feed horses yet and I'm so hoping to see my new buddy at the barn but he could very well have decided that this was a nice visit and went home. In which case, I really hope he made it safely. Fingers crossed.

              Today is a little less hectic and I'm hoping to catch up on some boring accounting and house work stuff. One thing is for sure..
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                sunshine_gg;1208929 wrote: There ya go

                Attached files [img]/converted_files/1707525=6450-attachment.jpg[/img]
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                  Hi fABbies! Quick check in from school for me. Finished my review for the test and figured I would reach out and touch the lifeline!!!

                  Blondie (may I call you that? ) I like your idea of celebrating every AF day. Works for me! :yougo: Thanks for kicking things off today!!

                  Nelz, I used to mark my AF days with these **** And then at the end of the month, one of these :award:. Does anyone remember that? That was probably 2007 maybe 2008.


                  AFM, I can just visualize you blazing a new trail of fashion and fun with awesome scarves and hats! Good for you just shaving it and moving on rather than :upset: over it.

                  Peacenik - I just posted a thread in general about a clinical trial going on right now with SMART Recovery. When I read your post from yesterday that just came to mind. Anyway....SO happy for you that you are in a better place today!!! I remember how lonely things sounded where you were.

                  Hello everyone else - I gotta run!

                  Let's celebrate the day!!!! One thing is for sure...

                  (wish me luck on my test please!)

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                    Good mid morning Abbers!!!

                    Blondie, a big CONGRATS to you on 2 weeks AF

                    AFM, hugs to you & your shaved head
                    I actually had one myself 11 years ago this month for a totally different reason but it was kind of fascinating
                    I think I still have some of those head wraps on my shelf......embroidered some for a girl a few years ago. Maybe you should have one with your avatar stitched on???

                    Hi Nelz, glad you are hanging out with the Absolutely Fabulous here :H

                    LVT ~ taking car keys away, driver's license, etc. worked with my kids, just sayin!
                    I hate to tell you that even when they turn 30 they still find ways to plant worry seeds in your heart & head. Just lkeep thinking good thoughts

                    Sunni, I think the barn kitty could help me out in & around the chicken coop - you know what I mean

                    DG, I sure hope you are planning a nice fall semester break for yourself

                    OK, wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday. I need to get back to work!!!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                      Happy Tuesdays AF'ers from sea to shining sea................

                      BlondeAF thanks for an inspiring kick-start on this fine day

                      sounds like most are doing well, LVT sorry to hear about the teenager woes.

                      I'm completely and incredibly sore after my first night back in jiu jitsu in over a year. I worked out so hard I almost lost consciousness a couple times and saw my vision dimming. uh oh! but I crawled out of there alive and blinging with energy all night. weeeeee!

                      off to seize the day

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                        wow Det that sounds like torture!

                        Afm - good for you i think shaved heads look really feminine - go scarf crazy and stay strong

                        Kaslo - ten months - that is AMAZING - very well done - I'm sure I started one of my quits at the same time as you.Good to see what can be done - and it inspires me.

                        Mad busy day today - cycled to work and ate NO JUNK today - oats, fruit,veg, pulses, meat ,wholemeal bread.Defrosted a chicken/chorizo/tomato and chick pea thing i made with chilli and garlic for dinner - yummm!

                        Feel good - phone counsellor meant to have called 30 mins ago but think i may have been missed off list - thought would help me cope with work stress.

                        Think i'm realising that exercise/being af/positive thinking help with stress more than anything.Part of the problem has been my attitude/thin skin - not just the job :headbanger:

                        Anyway - all good here - plan to sit and watch trash tv and do 30 min of cleaning/tidying.
                        think oh invited friend over but not really up for company.Sure I'll get into it - or have a bath!
                        one day at a time


                          Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                          afm...way to go, shaved heads are freeing. who needs hair anyway?

                          doggy, good luck! i'll have to read back a ways and see what kind of school you are in! how exciting for you!

                          det, almost passing out seems...extreme, but then again, i wouldn't expect anything else from you!

                          lv!!! how's the old hood??? i do miss it in a weird way...the prairie/sandhills are starkly beautiful...but with winter coming, i am really happy to be elsewhere! where i'm at now is a nice mix of rural and city, agriculture and other stuff.

                          lav, HI!

                          blondie, awesome job!

                          bear, exercise is the key, for me...sounds like you are on it. :goodjob:

                          sunshine, kitties!!! yay!!!

                          pap ma, i really and truly don;t think i could live without dogs! :h:H

                          nelz, nice to meet you!


                            Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                            Hello FABulous ones!

                            Quick check-in as my day turned out a bit differently than I thought Go figure, eh?

                            First off.. bad news. The kitty I picked up yesterday for the barn ran off and did not return. Now, I don't want to call the people I got him from in case he hasn't made it back there. I hope he's at his old home safe and sound and I can try again when I can lock him in the barn for a few days.

                            Secondly, I've been gardening today :H I've been moaning about my planters for a month now, so I decided today was the day. Get the hostas out of there and plant them in the ground, collect my umpteen hundred solar lights, etc. And, I ended up taking a bunch of geraniums into the house... 'cause... they're blooming like crazy! In November! :H

                            Also, I wanted to share a really short video of Peanut and his preparation for public office :H
                  [/video]]VID-20111115-00029 - YouTube

                            That's it, that's all for now... I haven't got a THING done as far as cleaning and laundry goes. So here I go!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Tuesday, Nov 15th AF Daily

                              Good day abstinencers. AFM well done on the head shaving. I can imagine its a bit liberating in some respects....your positive attitude blows everything outta the water. I have learned from you. CUTE kid Sunny.

                              Thanks everyone for the well wishes re 10 months. I read the defininition that DG had for binger alcoholics, how many drinks is a binge (5 or 6?) and how often is the definition of a binger alki, = 5 times a that was me times some kind of constant, lets say Bingisticity Bx = b(5)/360 where b = number of episodes of couch+wine+stunned overconsumption, solving for Bx ~ 911. Or the morgue.

                              So thanks to those of you whos congratulations for my entering the 10th month. To tell you the truth, Im kind of fogged up on this front. Somebody with a better head for figures than me (anyone) help me out here. I quit Feb 14, 2011, so does that make me 9th, or 10th?

                              And I call myself a scientist. Oh well.

                              I wish I could report something interesting on the move to Victoria front. Basically it took us 6.5 hours to get to Vancouver from half way across the province (600 kms), then 12 hours to get across Vancouver to the Island (160 kms). Several sailing waits, traffic insane. Then to find that the prices kick BUTT over there. I think we could possibly manage going from affording water front and 3000 sqft, to a yurt on a cement pad by the cemetary. Whats with that? At least Im not going to be drinking about it. AND I did see my grandchildren, that was a big plus.

                              Love to you all.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

