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Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

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    Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

    Everyone: I'm back from was quite an adventure, as we were in parts of Italy where there are very few English-speaking tourists. Did I want to drink? Actually yes, there were a few tense moments when I remembered that quick relaxation that comes from the first good glug of a drink. But, alas, I didn't & am the better for it. I now have tools to deal w/tension in a healthier way. We had fun & managed to get along w/each other w/humor & good will. I hope you all are well & happy. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

    Welcome back Mary!!! We sure missed you. I was just thinking about starting a thread so we would have one to welcome you back. You beat me to it!!!

    I'm glad you had a good time. I have only spent brief hours in places where no English was spoken. That is kind of scary. And of course back then AL was my relief from the fear. Glad we have better tools today!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

      Hi AAers, lurkers, etc.! Mary, looking forward to hearing more about your trip and return home as you get settled back into your routine.

      The meeting this morning was awesome. The topic was the 24-hours a day reading which today was about the double personalities we had when drinking. Our round table discussion also discussed how many of us can still feel the tug of positive and negative - sort of like the comic of the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other. It's not always easy to try to live a lifestyle of doing the next right thing. Sometimes it feels more compelling to slide back into selfish mode.

      But today sober, I really do have a choice about which personality I go with moment by moment. When i was drinking, once I had a few, my inner bitch came out full force. Especially in the later years.

      That meeting gave me such a good platform on which to build the day. I was just more aware of staying at peace, and making the positive choices rather than the negative ones throughout the day.

      Life is good!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

        Good morning everyone.

        Mary good to see that you are back safe & sound. I love that you said:
        I now have tools to deal w/tension in a healthier way. We had fun & managed to get along w/each other w/humor & good will I have more and more of these moments in my life thanks to sobriety!!
        Yes, looking forward to reading more about your travels.

        DG, your morning meeting sounds like a good one! It isn't always easy to do the next right thing. I was very reactive during my drinking years. Would react without thinking - sometimes in very negative ways. I seem to respond more now. Mull things over a bit. There is a pause before action sometimes which allows me to evaluate my next step.
        I have found this most evident in my relationship. In the past I could be critical and controlling (out of fear) and these days I find myself able to stop that kind of behaviour before I do it, replacing it either with no action or some loving gesture intead (which leaves both of us feeling good).

        I had 12 people from the fellowship over for lunch on Sunday. Was lovely to get so many together and cook for them. It was a 5th birthday for one of the ladies. Made a little cake with two 'A' candles on it.
        (Bought a box of HAPPY BIRTHDAY candles and used both A's) She was delighted.
        It's so nice to be able to socialise without that constant obsession with alcohol!!

        Lots of work on for the next 2 weeks as I am working towards a huge solo show. I am making sure though that I do at least my 3 meetings a week, eat well and get enough sleep. I am tired, but really do feel like I have approached this exhibition in a much more organised way. The paintings really are some of the best I have done!!

        Anyhow. Off to paint.
        Have a good day everyone.
        Amelia xx

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

          Amelia, I am so excited for you about the exhibition! Sounds like you are finding a good balance during a very busy time. I would love to see pictures of your work sometime if you care to share! I'm guessing you might be taking some during the exhibition?

          I love what you said about your relationship being better utilizing effective tools for communication rather than just blurting out "whatever" based on fear. ME TOO. The worst thing I can do in my marriage is let fear and insecurity drive my behavior.

          Good to see you! I'm thinking about Mary and hoping all is OK in her world...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

            Hey everyone,

            Gosh I have so much exicting stuff to tell you! Glad you had a nice holiday Mary and good to see everyone on here. I'll post properly tomorrow as I'm tired and have the sniffles - but just wanted to drop by and say 'hi' and that it's great to be sober and have you all here.

            K x
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              Weekly AA Thread - Nov. 16 - 20

              Good to see you Kimberly! I can't wait to hear your exciting news!

              Mary - I'm getting a little concerned. I hope everything is OK. I hope you can check in soon.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

