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AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

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    AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

    Hi guys,

    Still getting used to the fact that is is dark sooooo early these days. Having a quiet evening tonight as Hubs is off teaching a class tonight and won't be home till 10PM. Catching up here and then I'm going to get into the novel I started earlier this week which is turning out to be a great read (it's called East Hope). I'm about half way through.

    Had a nice day just puttering around my house and getting some things done. Made a delicious blueberry lemon tea bread for my husband to snack on (I'm living la viva low carb right now so I'm off any sugar!), but I love to bake and it made the house smell uber yummy this afternoon. That and the organic chicken I roasted for dinner! So much for the vegan diet...I don't eat much meat but every now and again I love a good roast chicken! Turkey too, but I'll save myself for next week

    Sunshine, glad the kitty is back. Love the name...Boris...cute. My cats are named Charlotte and Clawdia. Yes, we really do spell it that way. They are pitch black cats born from the same litter. They are entertaining for sure, especially when you add a jack russell/beagle into the mix who is extremely jealous!:H

    Bear-Well done on staying positive at makes such a difference, doesn't it? You can really choose how your day is going to go just by thinking one way or the other way. It's all in our head most times.

    Hope everyone has had a wicked wonderful Wednesday! Hi to all checking in tonight and I'll see ya on tomorrow's 17th thread!:l
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

      Apologies for being awol...

      My hand started feeling really good and I got carried away on doing all sorts of projects....Whew...just catching up with everyone is a project in itself!

      It feels good to finally be getting a handle on those long standing TO DOs that suffered greatly while I was drinking myself to death. Now that I am living again, I'm tackling tasks as best as I can for a recovering ADHD 29 year old.

      This week,for self improvement and SANITY, I am working on shoring up the daily discipline that is essential for success for those of us who work from home. I am now limiting myself to 30 minutes on the web for non-work browsing or posting before noon and 15 minutes toward the end of the day once tasks are done. As for the evenings at home...I am going for 45 minutes online....I prefer to chat with folks here rather than watch TV.

      Smacking down Al in my life has given me joy and confidence. I'm not going to get cocky tho and think I'll never hear from Al again. In fact, AL came knocking at the brain door last night while I was driving. I ignored the whining, turned up the radio and it disappeared within a minute or so. My singing must be REALLY bad!
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

        I have a cute chemo cap here for someone as soon as she sends me her address!! :H :H

        Turn, there is a package alert for you as well
        Hope you are not over doing the hand.
        Your singing must be as good as mine ~ maybe we should record something - G could provide some nice backup music for us!

        Blondie, blueberry lemon bread sounds really good - yum!

        Kas, are you snowed in up there at the North Pole??

        DG, good luck with the team project (used to hate group projects myself). It's hard to get people all in the mood to work at the same time. My DIL has a lot of problem with her group projects

        bear, dinner must have been good!

        Det, hope you are taking care!

        Sunni, I have saved some energy for tomorrow's 9 hour babysitting marathon. I'll probably drop tomorrow night about 9 pm :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

          oh Lav-that cap is AWESOME!! She is going to be so psyched!!

          AFM-you are my heroine too! The way you have approached this whole life changer has been nothing short of Nobel Prize worthy!! I''m so proud to share your journey with you!

          Turn-don't overdue with that wrist now!! I know how we overachievers are! I'm going to need some of your discipline in a few weeks when I start working for my bro. It's going to be tough to come home and sit right down at the PC and start working instead of playing with my dogs or reading email.

          Kas-Congrats on 9 months!! You rock!! Keep up the great work!!

          Blonde-ooooh, blueberry lemon teabread-swoon!!

          DG-you are so naughty!! What if Greenie and G aren't actually in a tree?
          the end of the semester will be here before you know it. Hang in there!!

          Sunni-did barn kitty come back tonite? I was so sad last nite and then today cheered! Please tell me he came back!!

          LVT-I'm so sorry you have continuing drama with your sons but at least you have us to vent to. I'm not sure what my parents did when we acted up-oh yeah, the Bridge Club. Primitive version of a chat room!! :H I'm sure both of them will turn out to be fine upstanding young men. Most of us do turn out OK.

          Bear-great job-keep it up!

          Greenie-congrats on the flat top!!

          Now it's time to snuggle with the kids and eat some dinner on this rainy night. See you all in the morning!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

            LAV THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!! (you seem really happy being busy )

            My dears, I have the robe rule for in the AM so I can get to work on time. This going to work in the morning thing is new and different to me. I am working to improve my punctuality. And we ALL know how time can get away from you on here.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

              I'm always happy when doing things for other folks

              I'm still trying to picture the flat top greenie & why anyone would want one :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                police officer, lav. (snigger)
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11


                  Lav, the hat is awesome!!!! AFM - we want a picture!! :H
                  Papmom.. yes!!! He did come back briefly... Mr. Wonderful saw him. And, I went and plucked Bubbles up AGAIN and went out to the barn... and he was gone again :blush: Ooops, sorry Bubbles. To add insult to injury it started s***ing on our way out there.
                  Turn... take it easy, will ya!? Us 29 year olds don't heal quite so quickly anymore!
                  Oh Blonde... that sounds scrumptious!

                  I must be pretty awful as a domestic goddess... after me scrubbing the kitchen yesterday, cooking a big dinner tonight and then baking... Mr. Wonderful asked 'You're not pregnant, are you? Something you wanna tell me?' :H

                  And that's about it from me today. Have a wonderful rest of the night, everyone!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                    On my phone here. Not drunk lol. Hotel was by theater so saw immortals which i had high
                    Hopes for but it was pretty dorky. Oh well. Oh i did something dreadfull at
                    Whole foods today. Ill fill you in after din when on laptop.
                    Lav super hat!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                      ok then, back in my hotel room.

                      walked into Whole Foods today and was disturbed to be offered a wine tasting at 11am in the bakery section. WTF? I thought this was a healthy place? anyway I marched straight over to the cake section, got a huge slice of chocolate cake and a cup of coffee, then went out to the community dining area and sat down by a group of folks eating salads, plunked down my cake and enjoyed it immensely. I also enjoyed some penetrating stares by those around me hahahahaaa. oh dear, I'm going straight to hell I'm quite sure. Pretty ironic for the guy that's usually the 'nutrition nag' of the daily thread. ok then...back on the paleo path tomorrow

                      BondeAF the livin la vida lo carb podcast is quite good! I better listen to that twice tonight after my cake. d-oh!

                      anyhooo, dinner alone at the bar of a nice restaurant. enjoyed my pellegrino and here I am.

                      Turn, catch you on chat I hope

                      I bid you all a loverly eve

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                        Thanks for the "welcome back" Greeney. It is reassuring to be here. Thanks all for sharing.


                          AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                          Lavande;1209730 wrote: I have a cute chemo cap here for someone as soon as she sends me her address!! :H :H

                          Turn, there is a package alert for you as well
                          Hope you are not over doing the hand.
                          Your singing must be as good as mine ~ maybe we should record something - G could provide some nice backup music for us!

                          Blondie, blueberry lemon bread sounds really good - yum!

                          Kas, are you snowed in up there at the North Pole??

                          DG, good luck with the team project (used to hate group projects myself). It's hard to get people all in the mood to work at the same time. My DIL has a lot of problem with her group projects

                          bear, dinner must have been good!

                          Det, hope you are taking care!

                          Sunni, I have saved some energy for tomorrow's 9 hour babysitting marathon. I'll probably drop tomorrow night about 9 pm :H
                          I love you Lav!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo You are so talented, and I would wear that PROUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            AF Daily - Wed 11/16/11

                            Hi Gang,

                            Lav, that is such a thoughtful gift! And perfectly matches her Avatar! Awesome job! I think it will look wonderful on you Accountable! Wear it with pride!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

