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AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

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    AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

    Good Mornin? All ?

    Just doing a quick fly by before I have to go to work. I plan to get caught up on what everyone is doing this weekend when I can spend some quality time with the posts. However, I did just want to let all my MWO family know a small bit of news.

    Wait for it?.. Drum Roll!!!!!!..................

    Today is 120 FREAKING AF DAYS!!!

    I didn?t think it would ever get here. Jeez I have been given lots of temptations over the last couple of weeks too.

    But anyway, that?s my news for today.

    Take care all!

    AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

    :goodjob: JUST ME!!! That is fantastic! 120 Days....good for you! Definitely a cause for celebration! I also have a bit of an anniversary to brag marks 100 days of being AF during the course of this year (since I started MWO in January). And 16 days in a row today.

    Hi to everyone who hasn't popped in yet and thanks to Just Me for getting this party started! :H Look forward to getting to know you better. I am new to the abbers threads.

    Have a great day all...I'm off for coffee with some friends and then a busy day of errands and housework before my "weekend" ends and I go back tomorrow for a 6 in a row work week...but at least I get TG and Black Friday off. We put up our real Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and I need to finish making my ornaments by then!

    Cheers everyone!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

        Hello friends,

        Thank you for starting the thread and checking in IJM and CONGRATULATIONS on 120 days! You are doing great!:goodjob:

        Hula!!! Great to see you again!

        Blonde--As a Vet tech, I thought I had heard every name ever given to a pet, but I must admit "Clawdia" is AWESOME! I love it!

        Greenie, I gave #1 son a buzz cut last night--good thing he didn't ask for a do a few days ago, I would have given him a haircut-Greenie style. I would love to see a flat top on the boys! I think they are awesome, and hard to do!

        Lav--you are one talented woman! I'm sure you've told us before, but how do we find you on Ebay? I would love to look at your wares. Would you be willing to sell some of the cancer hats? I have a friend that just found another mass. I would love to buy her your hat. You can pm me or FB me with details! I don't find the hat offensive, but I do lecture my kids constantly about using any form of the F word--so my warning on FB was for them.

        Thanks everyone so much for your love and support here. I do feel much better about things and the way it has all been handled so far. Even hubby. I think we were given our sons to perhaps teach us how to communicate.

        I guess I better get out of my robe and get dressed for the day. I am home all day and have challenged myself to get all of the clutter dealt with and maybe even get the vacuuming and dusting done! Have a great sober day all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

          Good morning Abbers!!!!

          CONGRATS IJM!!!!!
          So glad you have met your goal

          Hello Blondie, Greenie & everyone!
          I'm gearing up for a fun packed, busy & exhausting day watching the grandsons for 9 hours - yikes!!!!! I wonder how many diaper changes that will involve

          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Thursday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

            Cross post LVT!!!

            I'll be in touch
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

              Congrats, IJM!!!!!!!!!! You are doing awesome!!

              Lav, I LOVE you! Love the hat!!! Can't wait to see it in person and I would wear it all of the time!!!!!

              Good morning! I finally slept past 4am this morning! And Lav, made my day, already!!!

              All is good here. It is snowing, and it looks so pretty.

              LVT, in regards to yesterday's post......... please vent away. This is a great place for it. We all understand that life is not always a field of daisy's!! Lots of love to you!!!

              K, gotta grab a cup of coffee!!

              Thanks again Lav!!! I am so excited!! You are such an awesome, kind, thoughtful, woman!!! I looooove it!!!!!!!!!!!! My cold head would love it too!!


                AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                Morning abbers!

                IJM - you friggin rock! That is all.

                Blonde - good for you as well! You are off to a grand start!

                I have to go rake some leaves today. Really not in the mood. Feeling really unhappy lately about my relationship but not sure if it's just the depression. I think I'm just blah about everything. However next week I go see a new psychiatrist as well as my regular psychologist so that should help. The psychiatrist can look at my meds to see if there is something else that can be changed.

                Lav, I want one of those hats too - I love it! PM me if it is possible to buy one.

                Okay, I'm off, have a good AF day guys, I'll check in later.

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                  Hellooooo aberoooos....
                  Way to go IJM

                  And congrats Blond on 16 days, too. Those early days are hard fought. I remember experiencing real joy for the first time in years. Well done.

                  Big hi y'all to Greenie, AFM, LVT, Uni (glad you are seeing yer docs...btw it took six frigging months for my antidepressants to kick in...)
                  Lav you are my hero. That is all

                  Gotta work hard today. I have report that is due. It's very beautiful here with six inches of fresh snow...

                  Everyone be safe sound and sober today please.

                  Kaslo of the unbending schedule

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                    Hey hey Fabs and Fabettes!!!

                    IJM - you ARE da bomb!!! Awesome!

                    And Blondie (as the green one would say).. you are plugging right along, too!
                    Lav, I do believe you WILL drop at the end of the day! :H Have fun with the rug rats!!!

                    I will actually see #2 grand peanut this afternoon as well. His mom is coming over for coffee and cake and there will be no disapproving glares allowed (Det!):H

                    I managed to get one miesely little picture of the mouser this morning, not due to his lack of attendance this time, but my temperamental camera. I think it may have been left out at the barn one too many times. So, here's Boris:

                    Hello to Greenie, Uni, LVT, AFM, Kaslo and everyone else yet to drop by! Have a terrific Thursday!!!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                      Quick phone checkin here. Hooray brother IJM!

                      Hoola good to see you. What u been up to?

                      Off to prison. For work

                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                        cute cat!

                        hello Hula - welcome back

                        IJM - that is super amazeballs - you should be very very pleased with yourself.

                        I am feeling GOOD - no alcohol/cycling/seeing friends/positive thinking plan works - as does cooking fresh food each night. Skating later 9.30pm - really feel like pulling out but i know i will regret it if i do/it's not right to do that.

                        I have got a book today by patrick holford 'the feel good factor' all about supplements and how they can help with depression - going to add omega 3 and chromium to my diet and maybe tyrosine. Also bought 3 cheap slow cooker cookbooks (including one on curries!) that arrived and some herbal red hair dye, exciting!

                        One more day at work then it's the weekend - friends didn't leave until gone midnight last night - they brought booze AND I DIDN'T DRINK!!I was tempted - with the wine but just kept saying no in my head - thinking of how awful hangover/being drunk feels.We are seeing them on 23/12 for christmas dinner - will have more af time under belt by then/take nice af drinks and will drive. Practicing saying no to drinks in my head and will focus on company/food/festive loveliness.
                        We are also getting friend to decorate our living room before christmas -yay!
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                          Hi fABies!!!

                          :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS IJM ON 120 DAYS AF!!!:yougo::yougo:

                          WOW - awesome!!!

                          Just zooming in and out quick - long day! Got 99 out of 110 on my midterm. He gives those 10 extra points as a cushion, so my grade in his grade book is 99/100. WHEW!!!! That gives me a bit of cushion for the final which is quite a relief.

                          Hope everyone is having a fABulous day! One thing is for sure....

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                            :goodjobG!!! Wow, that is fantastic on your go girl!

                            Sunhine, thanks for posting the pic of Boris, he is a handsome chap! Looks very healthy too!

                            LVT25, Yeah, Clawdia popped into my head somehow...since they are twins, I wanted to keep the first initials the same. Although, now one has gotten skinny and the other fat, so instead of real names we respectively call them big kitty and little kitty. Clawdia is the big one

                            Busy day today at home doing housework and then out for errands. Was my last day off till Thanksgiving...I'm preparing for a 6 day stretch of busy days at work. Will be glad to see TG day come and then have Black Friday off to boot!

                            Hope everyone is having a relaxing, sober evening. I am about to head off to bed and finish a novel tonight. Just a few more chapters to go and then it's time to sleeeeep! Loving the great sleep I am getting lately. No more waking up several times a night from AL. The worst was waking up at 3AM and NEVER getting back to sleep because of AL. Glad to see those days are melting into the past.

                            Hi to Bear, Determinator, Kaslo, Universal, Lav, Accountable, ChillGirl et all. Have a lovely evening!:h
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

                              On my phone again sitting down to chow. Huge kudos to her Dogliness
                              For nailing the exam!

                              Ordering the lamb shank. Wooooo!

                              Be well peeps
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

