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AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

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    AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

    Doggygirl;1210279 wrote: Got 99 out of 110 on my midterm. He gives those 10 extra points as a cushion, so my grade in his grade book is 99/100. WHEW!!!! That gives me a bit of cushion for the final which is quite a relief.
    How awesome is that!??? Congratulations, DG! This concludes all further fretting!:H

    BlondeAFAmbition;1210306 wrote:

    Sunhine, thanks for posting the pic of Boris, he is a handsome chap! Looks very healthy too!
    Go ahead... say it... he's fat :H
    Don't think I mentioned this... Shelby, the wonder dog and Boris got along fabulously right from the start. Tonight, Boris met Miss Bubbles (the spoiled indoor/outdoor/anywhere-she-pleases cat) and ohhhhhhh.. that didn't go so well. Miss Bubbles was not particularly happy about the encounter. Then again... I'm not sure she's ever seen another cat! :H

    Btw I also think Clawdia is a mega cool name!!!

    I had a lovely visit with #2 peanut and his mum this afternoon - I wonder how Lav is holding up!? Lav!!!! Are you still horizontal?

    And now, I'm about to indulge in some mindless tv - be well and sleep tight!!!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

      I'm still alive :H

      OMG, who wants to guess how many diapers I changed today? :H
      It was fun but I'm glad I don't have to watch those two boys every day ~ it's a bit much for the average 29 year old

      Sunni, that is one determined looking cat you have there!
      There is a plethora of field mice around here but my piggy swissy couldn't care less

      DG, congrats on your exam results!
      My DIL strives to gets 'A's in everything too. I don't think I ever tried that hard, honestly!!!

      AFM, I look forward to getting that cap in the mail for you.
      I remember having a seriously cold head myself 11 years ago :l

      Greetigs to Uni, bear, Det, LVT, Kaslo, Blondie & everyone.......I am too tired to come up with any more names tonight!

      wishing everyone a great night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11


        dg-Way to go on the midterm! Yep, no more fretting-you will be getting a 4.0 this semester, I am sure of it!!

        Sunni- I LURVE Boris!! Hope he sticks around!!

        Off to bed-will check in more this weekend!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - THURS 11/17/11

          Lav, I am soooo excited!!! Thank you a million times over!!! I so look forward to seeing it, and wearing it!!!

          CONGRATS, DG!!! Way to go on your mid term!!

          Lots of love to you all!

