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Friday November 18th AF Daily

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    Friday November 18th AF Daily

    Hi Gang,

    I didn't see a thread posted here yet so I thought I'd get the party started!

    Good morning Abbers! Happy Friday to you! Hope all is well with everyone. I'm about to start a 6 day in a row work week but I do have next Thurs (TG) and Friday off where I usually have to work Fridays so that is fine by me. They would never let me have the day before Thanksgiving off as it's our busiest day of the year, but I love being in with all the action so that is fine by me! And all I have to do for TG is bring desert, so I'll be baking cupcakes while watching the Macy's Day parade on Thursday.:H

    Oh, Lav, I found an incredible recipe for pineapple upside gingerbread in this month's edition of Coastal Living...I may make that in addition to the cupcakes just cause it sounds too good to pass up and it's easy as peas!

    Well, gotta dash for work soon so I'll wish everyone a fabulous Friday and check in with y'all later! 17 days in a row for me so far and 101 for the entire year. Feeling groovy!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    Friday November 18th AF Daily

    Good morning FABbies!

    Thanks for starting things off Blonde! Wow, 6 day work week... isn't that against the law or something!?

    I've had a somewhat long and sleepless night; my daughter had a miscarriage. She went to the hospital 2 days ago because of bleeding/cramping but the ultrasound showed everything was ok. Btw, she had decided to have this baby. While I strongly believe that she was in no way equipped to have another baby, it's heart breaking to see your own child suffer through something like this. Especially, when I'm over 2 hours away and not there to hold her hand.

    I know it's Friday and I should be rejoicing but... but.. there's S*** outside! :upset: And, I'm kinda crawling around... we had to move some heavy, awkward stuff last night and my back just kinda quit and went home.

    So, I think I'm gonna keep a low profile today while one thing is for sure... !
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Friday November 18th AF Daily

      Morning abbers!

      Sunshine - so sorry about your daughter - that's hard, especially when you can't be with her. I'm sure she is strong like her mother though and will get through this. The world works in mysterious ways and I believe everything happens for a reason.

      I am so sore today from raking leaves all day yesterday - major lower back pain and I'm only 37! I see a hot jacuzzi bath in my near future.

      Not much going on here today, some homework and then of course a weekend filled with hockey. I got some more Christmas shopping done yesterday so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm almost done! I love being done early. I have about 5 more presents to buy and then it's time to wrap and forget about it for now.

      Hope everyone has a fabby AF Day!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        Friday November 18th AF Daily

        Hi ladies! And hopefully some gents to come. Blondie thanks for getting us going today!! Wow - 6 day work week. Good that you thrive on those busy crazy days! What kind of work do you do? (sorry if I have missed that along the way, or forgotten!!)

        Sunni, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. It must be hard being so far way. :l

        Hi Uni! I need to get some homework done today too. (and some yard work, but I refuse to think about that!)

        Ice skating is going on and I really want to watch it, but really too much other stuff to do. Oh well. Life is full that's for sure! And one other thing is for sure...

        Have a great day one and all!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Friday November 18th AF Daily

          Good morning everyone. Thanks Blond for starting. What do yOu do that takes a six day work week? Sunni very sorry to hear your daught has had this traumatic experience and you can't be there. That's tremendously frustrating. Uni haven't you been raking since forever? You must have a huge yard Dg.hope you enjoy your day.

          Big shout out to all other FABBERS. I gotta come up with two more reports before dec 15 so gotta fly. One thing is for sure. And I'm glad I'm not feeling like ten pounds of poop in a one pound pail this morning too. Had to say it.

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            Friday November 18th AF Daily

            Sunshine - sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope you get to spend time with her soon.

            DG - hope you manage to sneak in some ice skating.

            Kaslo - belated congratulations on your 10 months? nine months? LOTS of months anyway!

            Hello Blonde, Uni and all to come.

            No news yet on job cuts at work and we were supposed to hear this week. My boss said yesterday that we might not be told until next week now because it's taking the management longer than they thought to make decisions. Idiots.

            I'm off to stay with my dad for the weekend. Remember me saying I was feeling a bit guilty about going on holiday at Christmas instead of visiting him? Well, I spoke to him about it the other day and he's already been invited to my brother's with XYZ, is really looking forward to it and just hadn't bothered to mention it! Dads, eh?

            Have a good day everyone!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Friday November 18th AF Daily

              Checking back in - yes Kaslo, I have a ridiculously large yard with 3 huge trees that just won't stop dropping leaves! Frankly I'm getting kind of sick of it and just wish they would hurry up and drop them all so I can stop!

              Marshy, good news about your dad. Hope you have a great weekend.

              I finally had a shower after being lazy all morning. It's cold here but not too cold to bike up to the drug store and I need to pick up a few things so I'll probably do that. Can't wait until I get my liscence back (less than a month now and counting!).

              Okay, I'm off!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Friday November 18th AF Daily

                Morning to all who have been here and to all yet to come.

                Sunni, I am so sorry about your daughter. You are there for her in many ways, even if you can't be there to hold her hand.

                Marshy - you are a good son...I know your Dad appreciates the time you spend with him. It's too bad you're stuck waiting for the other shoe to drop at work. Idiots is too nice of a word for those who created that situation.

                Blondie you are a great inspiration with your positive attitude - glad you have the two most important days off after your marathon!

                Lav - haven't seen you yet today, but I've been meaning to tell you - WOW! The cap you embroidered for AFM is amazing. You are an incredibly thoughtful and kind person.

                DoggyG and Kas...noses to the grindstones, ladies. Homework...reports....brilliance will flow!

                Uni - are you really the TARGET ad lady? Your Xmas shopping is almost done?! whoa!

                Det...if SIRI lets you check in message to you not eat the cake! Think anchovies and lamb. See you in chat, tonight? I'll be around after 7:30 ast

                I'm getting the stitches out of the wrist today. It will be nice to shower without the plastic Gumby cover on the arm. Got a good and busy weekend ahead! Off to exercise...
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  Friday November 18th AF Daily

                  Hello Fabber Abbers,

                  Sunni, So sorry to hear about your daughter's miscarriage.

                  IJM Fantastic job on 120 (now 121) days. Well done.

                  It's beginning to feel like winter is approaching. Heavy sweaters and winter coats were out today.

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    Friday November 18th AF Daily

                    Afternoon Abbers!

                    I have had a busy but good day so far
                    After Curves I met with my daughter & Lily at Longwood Gardens to see the Fall Mums display & have lunch!

                    Very nice indeed!

                    Greetings to Blondie, Uni, DG, M3, Turn & Kaslo.
                    Sunni, sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she is OK. Some choices are just taken out of our hands :l

                    Now I have to pretend to do a little work ~ just a little
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Friday November 18th AF Daily

                      lav, gorgeous! thanks for sharing.

                      uni, i have a maple in the back yard that has dropped all her leaves, but two of my neighbors have HUGE old maples that still drop their leaves in my snowed two days ago, so i can't rake them up...might be there all winter at this rate. oh's good for the soil...isn't it?

                      marshy my fingers are crossed for you...that sucks that you have to wait even longer.

                      kaslo, thanks for the reminder...i need to scoop some poop too...eeeek!:H

                      dg, still with the skating i see! can you tivo it?

                      sunshine, so sorry you are far away from your daughter, what a rough time for her. :l

                      blondie, YUM!! sounds delicious. congrats on 17 days!



                        Friday November 18th AF Daily

                        hidy ho ABeroooos!

                        Hoping your Aloha Friday is full of healthy fun and merriment.

                        Sunshine extra hugs to you and yours dear xxxxxxx please ensure you get rest and nutrition.

                        6 day work week? that's sounding pretty good to me. I've now gone 12 days without a day off. and I'm still at work. my last shift starts at 9pm tonight. weeeeeeee.....thud. I'm delirious. but better whacked in the head than blowing a .25 that's for sure. Hopefully I get to go home tomorrow. My poor Dx is home alone with terrible residential fires and howling winds in Reno. thousands have been evacuated. eeeeeek!

                        did I mention that parking here in San Fran totally blows donkey? I'll post a pic in a minute here.

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Friday November 18th AF Daily

                          Hey ho fabbies!

                          Thanks for the cheery start blondiegirl! (she says on her way to bed :H)

                          I swear I am about to pass out from eating pasta. And not how much, just that it was pasta, I guess. Like a sleeping pill or something. (shhh don't tell det)

                          Sunnybutt :l:l

                          Marshy, good luck on the job front.

                          peace, I can't see my yard. Pretty sure it's there under the leaves from what looks like the entire neighborhood which fell in one week. grrrrrrr

                          Lav, is that that spectaular garden you go to that's sort of near your house?

                          Uni, that's amazing. I hate christmas shopping.

                          Dg passing up ice skating????? Eeek! No angst - you know you'll do great on the final!

                          Turn, rehab that wrist properly or I'll sic Lav on you. :H

                          M3, I did elephant last night! I think it's harder than crow.

                          kaz I'm glad I'm not feeling like a box of farts.

                          Hey ho to everyone else that lurked or peeked and all that.

                          something's not quite right about going to work on a saturday. It's fine and all - just strange. I'm confused all week about what day it is. But its a sober confusion! :H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Friday November 18th AF Daily

                            and a fine example of California parking:
                            this is directly adjacent to my hotel room here.

                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Friday November 18th AF Daily

                              X-post det! Be a good boy and be rested before you make the drive home! You know how we worry!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

