Anyone else order the custom Hypnos?
I liked the Mods Hypnos - ordered the Abs Hypnos and was getting much better success - but wanted to get other healthy messages in at the same time to change my life habits efficiently.
So - I ordered a custom blend of: You Enjoy Excercise (replace bad habit with good) - Positive Mental Attitude (Face adversity with hope) - Total Abs (DUH) - Overcome the Past (find peace with things I have done and release the negative so I can move forward) and Mindfulness - (stay in the moment, observe, remain self-aware, concentrate and find serenity)
I am hoping that by doing this for the foreseeable future I can retrain the brain to better navigate a post-AL world. My thought was that a custom was a one month AL bill so if I get more that I've paid for it...
Has anyone else done anything similar? How has it worked for you? Any tips or thoughts? Dying to hear...