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AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

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    AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

    Hi Fabbers! Rise and Shine! It's sober Saturday :H

    I guess I'll start the party this morning...although I've got to dash as I'm running behind and need to get to the store to open by 7:30. But couldn't leave without saying a big warm hello to my fellow abbers today! I hope everyone has a beautiful day...what are you all up to? As for me, I'll be working but I get out at a decent hour (4PM) so that will give me most of my evening free with hubby. Can't decide whether or not to stay home for dinner or go out. One thing is for sure...if we go out, I am a cheap date now that I don't drink most of the tab in booze!:H And I never drank the cheap house wine either...always the more expensive Cab. Now it's water with lemon

    Take care everyone and I'll check in later. Ciao for now and have a blessed day!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

    morning Blondie! I'm late here.

    Papmom - I find WFS really inspiring - that (and SMART and here) is what's helped me flip my thinking to positive each am - and work on gratitude (rather than poor me - woe is me it's not fair - still working on that!) for stopping drinking before things go REALLY tits up.

    Later thanksgiving dinner at american friend's house - look forward to it I LOVE turkey and green bean casserole mmm and we have snickerdoodles!!

    Then home early to bed - skate practice tomorrow and a bout - carb up today!

    I have just started taking chromium picolinate for depression - has anyone else heard of this or tried it?particularly atypical depression which REALLY sounds like me - too much sleep,over eat,weight gain,low energy and over sensitive.

    Apparently 600mg per day then gradually reducing - and it's meant to work within 2 days and you know what - i feel calm/awake/energetic on day 1. Will let you all know, hoping to come off prozac in new year. Read a book by Patrick Holford about mental health/food/supplements which is where i first heard of it - I also need to increases B vits,vit D and omega 3s according to tests in the book.

    Apart from that laundry,dying hair,cleaning kitchen and bathroom and quick healthy lunch of baked potato, beans and bit of coleslaw/cheese. Later may plan menu for next week and plan to cook some slow cooker curries mmm.

    Happy Saturday everyone!

    I love being alcohol free - so happy/calm/energetic.
    one day at a time


      AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

      Good morning Abbers!

      I'm following you around everywhere Blondie :H

      Must focus today & split my time between work stuff & housework.
      Today is my 2 1/2 year smoke free anni - yay! Still dealing with mind chatter after all this time but I won't give in Worse, much worse than any AL mind chatter I've ever had......

      I think I saw a birthday thread for our resident green queen - must go check it out!

      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

        Good morning!!

        Lav, congrats on the 2.5 year mark for quitting those nasty ciggies!! I know all too well that it is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Having been there myself!

        Bear, you are doing so well! Keep it up, girlfriend!! Love your positivity!

        Blondie, you are sounding so great too! Keep racking up those AF days!

        Nothing exciting in my neck of the woods. Baked a zillion cupcakes and cookies this week for Little AFM's school. Bake sale and the cookies were just a a special surprise for her class.

        Today, nothing really planned and I like it that way. :H

        Have a great AF day everyone!! xoxo


          AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

          Lav-super congrats on 2.5 year NF! I can't imagine dealing with the chatter after all this time-keep up the good fight-you'll never be able to run after the GKs or do marathon babysitting sessions if you take it up again!!

          Bear-sounding good girl! Don't let the beast win!

          AFM-have fun doing nothing! But, if you get bored come on over because:
          I Decided NOT to go to the craft fair today. There is too much to do around here and next week is a bust with T-Day and the dog show.

          Already did dishes, put laundry in (if that *&% dryer doesn't start working again it's getting kicked to the curb!!) and gave LM a much needed and overdue bath! I'm getting way too old to do this leaning over the bath tub so I think I have to save up for for one of those portable tubs I can stick in my tub and use my hand held shower. Now on to declutter what was once my Dining Room! Then friend is coming over to help me with party favors.

          Whew! busy day already! See you all tonite!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

            Good morning AbFabunknics. Blondaf you sound pumped!

            Bear, yer loaded fer bear! You must have a ton of energy So if you have any to spare please mail it to me in Canada. :H

            Chromium in a short dose maybe, after that I'm not so sure. Ask your doc if this has any potential to form chromium 6? I am possibly completely out to lunch, but just to be sure I would ask.

            Lav, congrats on 2.5 nix the cigs! Well done! Have a nice day in Lavaland.

            AFM I am accepting cookie mail outs as well!

            Pap, y'all have a good day as well. Im watching the Stellers jays wolf down sunflower seeds and peanuts Pretty funny. What a bunch of hoodlums. Day off today. Finally. Blond, I often have to go for ten to twenty day stretches. Madness. Ten to twelve hour days too. Belch! Like Det I'm obsessed.

            Hello to allayez have a good day and happy birthday Greenie!!!


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

              Hello friends,

              Wow, you guys put me to shame. Here I am still in my robe. Did you know it is Saturday? :H

              No, I am just having a hard time getting motivated this morning. It was a long day yesterday and the boys stayed at a school lock in fun night last night so it is nice and peaceful here.

              I can't get my mind off my friend who is literally on his death bed, and his wife who is one of my best friends and their 13 year old daughter. I feel so bad that I am not there with them, but she asked for people to let them be with family. I am honoring her wishes and she knows if she needs me or wants me I will be there in a heartbeat. Sometimes I wonder if we should go anyway, like others have been doing. But I really see no sense in that. What a difficult situation. It breaks my heart.

              I think I better stay busy to keep my mind off of it somewhat. I have plans to make noodles for our church Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

              Happy happy Birthday, Greenie!!!

              Have a great weekend all.:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                Happy Birthday, greenarse!!! :l

                And good morning everyone else... about to run out again (fat lie, it's more like crawling) to set up scaffolding and do some barn gymnastics. I'm not sure 29 year olds should be doing such things but here I go :H

                Have a fabulous AF Saturday, guys 'n dolls!!!

                Ohhh I forgot... I got another picture of Boris yesterday, right before he reached up to swat me (PET ME, woman!)

                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                  taking a quick break to wish Her Highness a very happy and royal birthday!! Hope your day is full of love, surprises and peace.
                  :l :h
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                    I have a B&w too, Sunni She is quite a character as well. Pokes at me till I pet her and yaks constantly.

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                      Happy B-day Greenie! that you are a great long time AF babe....the hands of time have slowed way down for you. I bet you look not a hair older than 28!

                      Lav - you are also my NF hero. Whenever I feel like lighting up....I air know...pretend like I've got one in the paw. I take a phantom drag....a real deep one and then exhale slowly. Usually does the trick. To keep the big urges at bay...I run to the hall mirror and pucker up....don't want any deeper lines there. no way.

                      I'm just organizing again today. Each week, I seem to gain more ground on reclaiming my life. It feels so good to feel 'normal' again (normal...being a relative term around here!)

                      Wishing all the rest of you a great AF weekend....
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                        Is the birthday queen cutting hair today???

                        Turn, every time a smoking thought comes into my head I automatically tell myself NO! YOU DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE! then I just forget about it :H
                        Whatever works, right? I just wish those thoughts would go the hell away once & for all

                        Sunni, I swear Boris looks very business-like:H
                        Hope you are not killing yourself on barn duty today.

                        I think I've used up all my energy cleaning up after myself & the piggy swissy today!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                          Happy Birthday Greenie!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day and birthday evening! Enjoy yourself...birthdays are SPECIAL! So glad you were born

                          Sunshine, another great pic of Boris...looks like quite the character. Can you or anyone tell me how to post pics in threads? I can't figure this asks for a URL when I click the little mountain/sun yellow icon whilst in the message...then what? Do I have to upload them to another site like that photobucket or somethin'? Would love to share pics of my cats/dog, turkey cupcakes and whatever else strikes me as worth posting .

                          Kaslo, yes I am pumped baby! Had a super day at work and I think half of that is because I really psyched myself up for it early this morning and hit the road running. The day was CRAZY busy but I handled it in stride and by the time I left, we had already exceeded last year's Sat. before TG's sales, and that was my intention. So, all is well in my world (really Louise Hay, it's true this time!)

                          Lav-hope you had a super day. Are orders coming in steady for Christmas? I hope so! Sounds like you are busy with the business!

                          Oh and Lav, WELL DONE ON 2.5 YEARS SMOKE FREE!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!

                          Bear, hope you had a great Saturday too, and AFM, hope you enjoyed a relaxing day after all that baking!

                          LTV, yes, it is Saturday and you shouldn't worry about lingering around in your robe this morning...if I didn't have to rush out the door to work, I would have done the same!

                          Turn, I know what you mean about feeling normal nowadays...and yes, it is a relative term!

                          Hi to everyone checking in and I wish you all a beautiful Sat. evening! Didn't have the urge to drink at all today...came right home and we had a delicious dinner and now we're checking to see if there is anything worth watching on TV after I finish my nightly MWO fix.

                          Love to all!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                            WOOP WOOP here I am! Yep I cut hair today. I even got one myself! Then took little doggie to the river where she rolled in fox or some such poop. (qualifies for a surprise doncha think P3?) Cold bath in the dark in the back yard when we got home. Ick. I'm thinking peppermint ice cream in a bit. Haven't had that in a long time.

                            Tomorrow is kayaking! Yay!

                            Lav, way to go on the NF time!

                            Hey ho everyone & thanks for the b-day wishes! Must run make sure I'm not burning dinner!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREENIE. SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A DELIGHTFUL WEEKEND LINED UP. Good job on the elephant pose Green Bean. That's a tough one!!!

                              Today was filled with gymnastics meets. I have 2 competing this year. It was my youngest's first meet. She was so excited and did really well.

                              Tomorrow is church then yoga. Looking forward to TG.

                              So sorry to hear about your friend LVT.

                              Hugs to everyone.

                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!

