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AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

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    AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

    Hi fABbies and Happy Birthday Greenie! :crowned: Kayacking in November?????? :toodangfrigidsmilie:

    Congrats lav on the smoke free time! Hope I did not miss any other special occassions today!

    Long one here - class, then seminar from the state certification organization, meeting with debate team, then birthday party for sponsee's 3-year old at chuckee cheese. :nutso::egad:ull Got home and did a homework assignment to boot. It is looking more and more like I will be pursuing a masters in social work if I can sort it out financially. That will give me max flexibility in the future, and the way things are going in the treatment field it will be very beneficial. Lots to think about! Beats thinking about where my next drink is coming from , that's for sure.

    Nighty night all!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

      thought I would share pics of da boyz and kitties that I took today. Another friend does a yearly calendar for no reason but joy and has been after me to update pics.

      Blonde-I upload my pic to photobucket where each pic has an IMG code right underneath it. You can choose full size or thumbnail. I never use the pic icon on the toolbar above our post space. You just copy and paste the IMG code into your reply and presto!! Easy Peasy!!


      Freddy (The King)

      Devil Dog


      Loud Mouth

      Da Boyz

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

        DG-nice going on planning ahead. It will be a tough road but you will do it exceptionally well. I guess you don't plan to retire-ever!! :H

        Blonde-nice job today at the store! I guess it is true that you are what you think. Hmmm...

        Greenie-yep, that qualifies as a surprise all right but I was hoping for a less aromatic one for ya!! :H Glad you had a great day. I bought cutting sissors today so I can try to get the back of my hair shortened up. Even bought a mirror so I could see what I was doing. Thought that would be prudent. Will probably end up running to my hairdresser tho...

        M3-I actually remember how exciting gymnastics was! Glad your girls are loving it!!

        Sunni-great shot of Boris!! So he's decided to stick around? Hope you're still alive after the barn work!!

        Turn-we were organizing sisters today!!

        Well, I didn't totally declutter the DR but it does look a tad better! I did however finally switch my clothes around (summer to winter)-whoo hoo! I have a big bag filled with stuff that doesn't fit me anymore. You would think that would be motivation to lose at least 10 lbs but I have none right now. I'll keep the bag for a bit before dropping it off at GoodWill.
        I also changed sheets, did one load of laundry, vacuumed, unclogged the bathroom sink AND got the favors done for the party with the help of my friend. So glad that is done!! They are cute.

        Did a trip to Target before dinner and now I am wiped out!! Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. Could use a down day I think!

        Have a great nite everyone!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

          I see a lot of glaring eyes there papmom :H :H
          They were probably wondering where dinner was

          Yes Blondie, I have been pretty busy biz-wise & that;s a good thing!

          Greenie, happy birthday again & sorry about the roll in the poop. You shouldn't have to clean a dog on your birthday!!!! Glad you had a good day, poop & all

          DG, my DIL is starting to look at the cost of graduate school & so far she's not pleased. Her goal is a MSW too.

          M3, I always thought gymnastics was cool but my kids were not interested - glad your daughter is though!

          LVT, do you think maybe you could just drop off some food, a cake or something for your friend? That way at least you'll feel like you did a little something. That is a rough situation :l
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

            home! whew. AF and tired but I'm A ok with all that.

            Happy Birthday to her Greenliness! oooh how I love peppermint icecream

            Lav, what a fabulous anni day, hoooray!

            Hula, sorry I misspelled your name....good grief and I Lived in Hawaii for 9 years too. LOL! I think I need a day off and I'm taking it tomorrow! yay! going hiking and shooting with a couple AF friends in the mountains. and this time I have waterproof boots!

            Loving the critter pics Pap!

            going to pour a glass of raw milk and go straight to the emergency room. er... I mean chat

            be well everyone xxxxx
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily Saturday, 11/19

              quick check in to say goodnite! it's already sunday to most of you, this pacific time keeps me up late.

              feeling good and sober and ready for hot yoga tomorrow!


