Thought I'd start a post for the day. And a special day it is for our one and only Southerbelle- Nancy!!:bday7: Any big plans for the evening for you? Are you being taken out for dinner? Hope it is great whatever you do.
Well, we are on the eve of the biggest drinking day of the year. Even the Saturday Morning show is giving out recipes for hangover cures. I know I used to look forward to these kinds of holidays so others would be drinking as much as me. Crazy huh?
Let's all be rebels and not drink. Not even a glass of champagne. I had a work function where there was a champagne toast but they did offer a sparkling cider- which I took. I have to say this is the first time I ever had a 'sparkling cider' and it was awesome!
Anyway- just a thought. Sometimes when you make a different decision (like not drinking on New Years), you find something new - like sparkling cider, or having no fear of a police barricade :H
There are some resolutions posted by some over on the Fitness Forum.....but anyone want to share theirs here??
Happy Saturday!!