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Dec 30th 2006

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    Dec 30th 2006

    Good Morning All-
    Thought I'd start a post for the day. And a special day it is for our one and only Southerbelle- Nancy!!:bday7: Any big plans for the evening for you? Are you being taken out for dinner? Hope it is great whatever you do.

    Well, we are on the eve of the biggest drinking day of the year. Even the Saturday Morning show is giving out recipes for hangover cures. I know I used to look forward to these kinds of holidays so others would be drinking as much as me. Crazy huh?

    Let's all be rebels and not drink. Not even a glass of champagne. I had a work function where there was a champagne toast but they did offer a sparkling cider- which I took. I have to say this is the first time I ever had a 'sparkling cider' and it was awesome!
    Anyway- just a thought. Sometimes when you make a different decision (like not drinking on New Years), you find something new - like sparkling cider, or having no fear of a police barricade :H
    There are some resolutions posted by some over on the Fitness Forum.....but anyone want to share theirs here??
    Happy Saturday!!


    Dec 30th 2006

    Happy Saturday all and Happy Birthday SouthernBelle!

    My resolution is to have 0's for the Drink Tracker. If I can just do that, other good things will fall into place.


      Dec 30th 2006

      Hi Everyone,

      For the record and for those of you who have visited recently, inquiring and wondering what works? This forum works. I am 29 days AF thanks to the postings and support of MWO.

      I was on Topo for a month or two earlier, and though it did help quite a bit, I finally decided moderation was not working for me. As many have said before me, something clicked. I tapered off, switched to Campral approximately two weeks ago, and all has been well. It's still far too soon to claim success, but this has been close to a miracle for me.

      My New Year's wish is for you to have YOUR's come true.



        Dec 30th 2006

        Congrats Cap and Lucky! Happy Birthday Belle! I'm the junior leaguer here, just day 3. I'm going this cold turkey. I had one moment last night, but it passed. Not even on my topa anymore. Will try it this way for awhile. If it gets too tough, I'll see the doc about campral. Really made a difference for you, huh, Lucky?

        I certainly am looking forward to what is ahead.


        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Dec 30th 2006

          Happy Birthday southernbelle!!! Congrats to Lucky and Cap...I'm close to 13 weeks AF! Just checking in.


            Dec 30th 2006

            Good morning all,

            I know today is done deal with alcohol free. My hair is wild though. Tonight I am supposed to go watch a movie at my parent's house from the 19somethings. Lisa, I thnik your aunt and uncle sent it.

            I am glad to be AF. However, I am noticing that my diet over the last 2 days has really hurt me. Generally, refined sugar does not touch my mouth. Now, I know that many will say that alcohol is all sugar, but red wine actually allows the body to become MORE senstive to insulin so while it does make me feel like shit, I do not get the ups and downs like ice cream give me. It goes like this - eat ice cream, pass out for -2, 3 hours - wake up - eat ice cream, pass out 2,3 hours - eat ice cream pass out for 2, 3 hours, and so and so on. All ic cream gone. THANK GOODNESS.

            SO Today is Day 4 AF?? Not sure Day 3 or Day 4. I have lots of work do, must go get "malled" really. Will also order stuff online from gift certificates. Since I have SO many of those. Going to go make coffee first. Yawn. Saddam is dead. Damn.



              Dec 30th 2006

              Hey Lisa Great job on 60 days!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!
              And Happy Birthday to you Nancy. : )
              Hi Kathy!!!!
              Happy New Year to all! gabbs
              Gabby :flower:


                Dec 30th 2006

                Hi All!

                Congrats to capto for 29 days!!!! I really hope in one month I can say the same !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not even going to count today even though haven't drank today still feeling a little hung over.

                Really want to do a month AF in January.

                Thank you so much to all the support over my latest blunder.

                I will have to aviod some social event coming up. Well thats later.

                Hugs Kitkat
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  Dec 30th 2006

                  Mornin peepul...big congrats to ALL the abbers on the board, whether 6 hours or 60 days ( da man....sorry WOman!!!!!) posted happies to SB on another post but here's another blow of the tooter to you!
                  Lisa, you are right...Noo years eve with no need of the H. O. cure for next day!!! I may go to families/no booze beach party...thought I would stay in, and have always thought of any party with no vino as ......NOT a party, trying something new for a change...why be AF and not celebrate!!!

                  Much love all...the countdown a new year of self love, health, pride and sobriety...ten, nine, eight......Weehappyhead xoxoxo


                    Dec 30th 2006

                    My resolution is to have an AF 2007, or at least the most part of it. I have been on here for a couple of days but haven't quit yet, to get around people asking me why i am not drinking i am going to say it is part of my resolution to be healthy, to not eat or drink anything that would not benefit my body. Good luck to all of you!!!!
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      Dec 30th 2006

                      Hi everyone,

                      well kept the 30th alcohol free so thats 2 days! As for tonihgt (it's the 31st here in Australia) I am going out to dinner with a group of friends (only 6 of us) and we can walk to the restaurant so me not drinking is going to be a huge thing. I am happy not to but the pressure to drink will be massive.

                      As for yesterday I went out to lunch with my hubby and we had a 3/4 bottle of champagne left over from my birthday and took that with us. Hubby had some, I had none. In the afternoon I dropped him at the pub where he had 5 schooners of beer - I drank water all afternoon and watched a movie. When he came home he picked a fight and would not let up getting at me for close to an hour. I tried not to fuel the fight and recognise it was mostly alcohol talking but it still hurts. He is an aggressive drunk, me a happy one - well, was.

                      After that I stuck to my water and as I was not partaking in wine and he did not want to open a bottle just for him, he drank water too and the evening ended nicely with no more aggression.

                      Sitting there sober I do not want to behave that way and I will not. Tonight will be very tough for me with pressure to drink but the alternative to succumb is not an option I want to do.

                      I am going to go for a walk this morning. That always helps. Also a quick question - I want to read Robertas book and download, but on her website it costs 12.95 - is this correct?

                      Sorry for the long post,


                        Dec 30th 2006

                        Firstly, Happy Birthday to our Southern Belle, definitely one of the awe-inspiring members of MWO to me, and not just because of her commitment to sobriety, either!:h Lots of love to you, Nancy! How old are you now? 39 or49--I keep forgetting...

                        Lisa, it really is crazy how we used to look at drinking. New Year's Eve would be one of the great opportunities NOT to stick out like a sore thumb! I think my New Year's Eve will be a quiet one this year with no big fanfare. Maybe I'll have a date again with Anderson Cooper, like I did last year. I thought I would be really bummed out spending the holiday alone, but it really wasn't bad at all, and I had a lot of time for reflection instead of drinking.

                        lucky, you are doing so great. I am going to buy Allen Carr's book. I think that there is more that I can do to have my head in the right place regarding drinking, and I am impressed with where you are at these days. O's for your drink tracker sounds really great! Best wishes to you, love!

                        Thanks for your good wishes to everyone, Capto--you have a great generosity of spirit that really shines. Congrats on your success!

                        I'm glad that you are here, Sherry. Three days is great, and you know that you can keep building on that.

                        I'm glad that everything is going well for you Dilayne!

                        Pansy, ice cream sounds like a nightmare for you! Yikes! I'm glad that it is out of the house now. I hope that you have a good time online ordering fun things for yourself for a change!

                        Gabbsters, it is sooooo good to see you popping in! I hope you will be back more once the holidays are good and truly over! I've missed you so much!:h

                        Kitkat, we are here to support you. I've lost count of my blunders! Stay close! We'll be rooting for you to complete a month AF!

                        Hey Weehappy head! Happy New Year! It's probably pretty close, if not over yet. I'm lousy at keeping track of time zones, but I am keeping track of you in my heart! Lots of hugs honey!

                        Anyway, I'll be heading back home tomorrow after enjoying some DF time (daughter free time). No bickering, sulking, pouting, etc. I've had some great time with my mom. I've also played a little Santa with myself and bought some new clothing, which has been lots of fun. It will be a shock to get back to work and my "real" life.

                        One of my resolutions is to take better care of myself in 2007--namely, to get back to exercising and to work on my growth as a person in more ways than just not drinking. I feel like I have been floating lately, and while it sure is a lot better than drinking, I feel that there is more waiting for me. I have to pull myself together and go out and meet my future. It's not going to come looking for me!

                        Oops, Louie, we were posting at the same time. I've got to commend you on not drinking yesterday; you did a great job! You also did great last night with refusing to participate in the quarrel with your hubby. I wish you all the best on your outing tonight. You will really be proud of yourself if you are able to be AF!

                        Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to go scan the rest of the boards.

                        Hugs and love,

                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Dec 30th 2006

                          Hi all,
                          I rarely post here so i hope you dont mind if I've popped in. I"m going to try to post to everyone here cos I've been reading for a bit.. lets see how I go.

                          First thing I noticed was kathy has changed colour!!! You used to be green, pink, purple and now you are RED!!! Is there meaning in this Kathy? More seriously, Kathy, I think you are spot on about workiing on our growth as people...I think when I started this, it was all about having a week sober.. now I want to be happy and that has taken work and I think will take work for the rest of my life, but I'm ok with that. I wish you the best in 2007.

                          Happy Birthday Nancy. May this year be all that you want.

                          Lisa, I think something in your mind has changed and turned.. I think you may still be resisting the permanency of this happy change for some reason, (ok, I know, I did that too) but keep hanging in there and it will work out.

                          lucky, - here is to 2007 bringing you what you want.

                          Capto--I did this cold turkey also. Each to their own. The people I"m the closest to from this board have done completely different things to me and thats ok. Keep doing what is right for YOU.

                          Sherry, enjoy your happiness.. may it grow.

                          Dilayne hi.. i hope all your illnesses are over for the start of the new year.

                          Pansy, I wish you good things in 2007.

                          Gabby, hi. I wonder if you are still working so hard as you were.. i hope you are managing to do at least some nice things for yourself to take care of you. all the best for 2007

                          Kitkat, i wish you a complete month without alcohol if that is what you wish!

                          Melon. You are funny (and I"m saying that in the nicest way). You are also soft and kind. I hope soft and kind things happen to you in 2007.

                          Louie, for someone so new to this board you are saying all the right things about the reality of the poison that is alcohol. Seems like you have tapped into the strength needed to beat this.. so hold onto your strength and keep up the good fight.

                          There, I think I did it.
                          To those coming later on I wish you all the best for 2007.


                            Dec 30th 2006

                            Thanks for those words Brigid.

                            I really hope I hold onto the fight too - one day at a time!!



                              Dec 30th 2006

                              Ho, ho, ho, Brigid, it's just Christmastime, that's all. I'll go back to my usual colours after New Year's. But you are right about my wanting to take myself more seriously in the new year, myself as a whole, not just sobriety, although that is so RIGHT UP THERE, but the whole package.

                              You'll hold on to the fight, Louie. You're already showing remarkable maturity and insight!
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

