Sunni-I think I remember the issues you had with your son last year! Right? Wow, he sure has grown up but then they do that, don't they?
I'm having a blast visualizing your Giant Hershey's Kiss :H
Bear-I couldn't stay away from my family when I first stopped drinking and a couple of them I believe are heavy drinkers so I had to learn very quickly how to handle these occasions. Luckily they didn't do anything but give me support when I made my announcement. On the other hand, do you remember me telling you I skipped my sister's annual Labor Day party last year? I was only 3 months into my sobriety and I just couldn't be around all those people drinking, with some (yes in their 50's with their kids there as well) getting shitfaced in front of me. I couldn't handle any questions that might come up because I believed they all were used to me getting shitfaced with them. It was the first time in almost 20 years I didn't make that party. My sister wasn't thrilled but on some level she tried to understand. I believe it was one of the best decisions of my life. This year I went to the party and had a blast! I had 15 months under my belt and felt very strong. The same people still drank too much but no, and I mean no one asked me why I wasn't drinking. I don't think they even noticed! I was having too much fun catching up with a long last friend and laughing my head off. I made my exit after eating way too much and before the "adults" got really bad. You can do this Bear, you just have to make yourself a priority and STOP worrying what everyone else is thinking!
M3 and Lav-wasn't today just gorgeous? Sigh, all I could do was watch from inside and wish I was outside. I did stay out with the pups when I got home for just a few minutes longer than normal, until it got too dark to see them.
Blonde-hope your day was good at the store. I think I know what town you live in now and I'm very jealous!!

Kas-I'm so sorry you can't afford to move back to Victoria and that its not the same as you remember. Everything happens for a reason, you current house and property are gorgeous and you will end up where ever you are supposed to be.
So you guys won't believe what I did at work today. I offered to stay on on Thursday nites!!!

Guess I should rustle something up for dinner. I feel so lonely when I get home at nite that making dinner is a huge effort and has been for years (hence part of the AL problem). I really need to put on my creative thinking cap and figure out a way to make the rest of my house as cozy as the back part (kitchen, bedroom and office). I do think some sort of fireplace is in order!! See, my mind is alway in overdrive. I can't relax for even a minute or to read the sunday paper!!:H