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sun 20 nov af daily

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    sun 20 nov af daily

    Sunni-I think I remember the issues you had with your son last year! Right? Wow, he sure has grown up but then they do that, don't they?
    I'm having a blast visualizing your Giant Hershey's Kiss :H

    Bear-I couldn't stay away from my family when I first stopped drinking and a couple of them I believe are heavy drinkers so I had to learn very quickly how to handle these occasions. Luckily they didn't do anything but give me support when I made my announcement. On the other hand, do you remember me telling you I skipped my sister's annual Labor Day party last year? I was only 3 months into my sobriety and I just couldn't be around all those people drinking, with some (yes in their 50's with their kids there as well) getting shitfaced in front of me. I couldn't handle any questions that might come up because I believed they all were used to me getting shitfaced with them. It was the first time in almost 20 years I didn't make that party. My sister wasn't thrilled but on some level she tried to understand. I believe it was one of the best decisions of my life. This year I went to the party and had a blast! I had 15 months under my belt and felt very strong. The same people still drank too much but no, and I mean no one asked me why I wasn't drinking. I don't think they even noticed! I was having too much fun catching up with a long last friend and laughing my head off. I made my exit after eating way too much and before the "adults" got really bad. You can do this Bear, you just have to make yourself a priority and STOP worrying what everyone else is thinking!

    M3 and Lav-wasn't today just gorgeous? Sigh, all I could do was watch from inside and wish I was outside. I did stay out with the pups when I got home for just a few minutes longer than normal, until it got too dark to see them.

    Blonde-hope your day was good at the store. I think I know what town you live in now and I'm very jealous!!

    Kas-I'm so sorry you can't afford to move back to Victoria and that its not the same as you remember. Everything happens for a reason, you current house and property are gorgeous and you will end up where ever you are supposed to be.

    So you guys won't believe what I did at work today. I offered to stay on on Thursday nites!!! Totally unsolicited too! I have no idea what came over me but my boss sure is happy!! I guess it's an insurance policy in case working for my brother isn't as profitable as I had hoped. I did say that I would revisit everything the first of the year and decide whether I was staying indefinitely or leaving completely. By then the locked dementia unit should be operational and new staff hired. I hope.

    Guess I should rustle something up for dinner. I feel so lonely when I get home at nite that making dinner is a huge effort and has been for years (hence part of the AL problem). I really need to put on my creative thinking cap and figure out a way to make the rest of my house as cozy as the back part (kitchen, bedroom and office). I do think some sort of fireplace is in order!! See, my mind is alway in overdrive. I can't relax for even a minute or to read the sunday paper!!:H
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      sun 20 nov af daily

      Sunni - does son go to AA or NA by chance? Just curious. There are lots of ways to "get responsible" in this life but I have to laugh imagining a tough old bird of a sponsor ordering a young 'un to do the right thing and pay back his Mom.

      P3 - I've missed some of your happenings at work but it sounds like you are managing the situation wisely putting short time frames on the things you are trying. That sure seems fair! Enjoyed your kid piccies very much yesterday!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        sun 20 nov af daily

        papmom3;1212093 wrote: M3 and Lav-wasn't today just gorgeous?
        What the hell? My kayaking extravaganza got rained out here. It rained almost all day long. However, I got in a good walk at the river (no collar found), 3 loads of laundry, and I got through some computer drudgery work laying the accounting foundation for my haircutting. Glad that's behind me, actually. It was a big deal.

        P3, ditto what DG said about the small time frames. Brilliant!

        For my b-day, my firend gave me a home-made TV antennae & I'm thrilled! I'm going to cancel cable (I hardly ever watch TV) and get a converter box thing. Think I'm going to cancel my land phone too.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          sun 20 nov af daily

          Doggygirl;1212112 wrote: Sunni - does son go to AA or NA by chance? Just curious. There are lots of ways to "get responsible" in this life but I have to laugh imagining a tough old bird of a sponsor ordering a young 'un to do the right thing and pay back his Mom.

          P3 - I've missed some of your happenings at work but it sounds like you are managing the situation wisely putting short time frames on the things you are trying. That sure seems fair! Enjoyed your kid piccies very much yesterday!

          LOL.. No, actually he doesn't! And he still smokes a bit of pot and has the occasional drunk night :sigh: But all in all, he's done a complete turn around.

          Papmom - wow! Where'd that come from!? :H Good for you though, for leaving all sorts of doors open!

          Sorry, greenie 'bout the non-kayaking. 'Twas a pretty day here, albeit very chilly. Not at all what they had forecast - thank dawg
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            sun 20 nov af daily

            Hello friends.

            "Being around people who are partying and drinking is another story. It is now boring to me and I find it a bit shallow and offensive to see a bunch of 30-40-50 year olds (and older) drinking too much. I think they should be explaining their drinking to me not me explaining my nondrinking to them."

            Me too, Mom3. It disgusts me to see kids drunk too. My lifestyle has changed so much as well as a lot of my friends, so fortunately I don't have to witness much of it. Just DH.

            Sunni--that is great about your son! I truly think their heart and soul are developed as little ones, some just tend to go astray. It is difficult as a parent to accept this and let things happen. I'm hoping our son learned that his dad and I are still "in charge" and if he doesn't like the consequences when he breaks the rules, he better make better choices. He hasn't screwed up too bad.....yet. He sure needs to work on his academic obligations more though.

            My friend asked us to come visit today-she's telling everyone to keep it brief. Which we did. What a heartbreaking situation. I'm going to miss this guy so much. He is one of my favorite people in the whole world. We did a lot of partying together and had some great times. Don't regret that at all. Having watched both of my parents pass from cancer I was not shocked by the sight of him, but sure feel bad that they have to go through this!:upset:

            I'm glad most of you got even more accomplished today! I did make homemade noodles most of the afternoon/evening yesterday. Then I made some yummy french breakfast muffins for Sunday school this morning. Cleaned up my mess this afternoon and that is about it!

            Good night my sober comrades.:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              sun 20 nov af daily

              Woweee...busy day here...just got caught up with all of your posts! Glad everyone had a super Sunday so far!

              Sunny-Happy to hear that your son is on the right must be proud and relieved at the same time I imagine! Sounds like you tackled lots of housework today...that's always so gratifying...even if it lasts for only a short while

              Pap, what line of work are you in? Yep, we live in a nice area...I've always loved the ocean and love the fact that I am always near it on Cape Ann.

              LVT25-My heart goes out to you on losing your dear friend that way. But as you said, you had many many good times together and may those memories bring you peace.

              I agree with you all about finding the irony in trying to justify why we "aren't" drinking to those who are going overboard with AL at social events. Talk about the tables turning, geesh! I am pretty new to this game so I will let you know if I encounter having to say more than a short answer on why I am not drinking over the holidays this year.

              Well, it's getting late and I want to start a new book tonight but I'm pretty beat from my crazy work weekend. Today was another humdinger (does anyone say that, really?) and I exceeded some goals that I had set for myself on daily sales. And boy, does that make me proud. My boss was so happy with me tonight that she gave me a free organic turkey to take home, on the house! I was going to buy one anyway and joked with her that if I paid for it tonight I would really make today's number higher than last year's Sunday before TG, then she said, I want you to take it for all the hard work you've done this weekend. That made me feel very appreciated. And it's not a cheap turkey either I'll prolly cook it up Friday just for hubby and I since we are going elsewhere for TG. At least we'll have our own leftovers!

              Have a wonderful night all and see ya in the am!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                sun 20 nov af daily

                So glad you were able to see your friend LVT. Things don't seem quite so mysterious when you can actually see & make a connection with someone before they pass.

                Sunni, you did something quite right with your son - good for you
                I think we need to remember that we are not perfect people so we shouldn't expect perfection from our kids either. Afterall, we do learn when we make a few mistakes, right?

                Det ~ how's my bread knife coming along? :H

                Greenie, sorry your day was rained out. The rain has just arrived here but it was a nice day!

                DG, are you taking plenty of deep breaths?

                Sunni & papmom, I can be in Hershey PA in less than an hour & a half!
                The whole town smell like chocolate!!!!

                Hi M3 & Kaslo!!!!

                Have to be up & out at the crack of dawn tomorrow so I'm calling it a night!
                Wishing everyone a good one!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  sun 20 nov af daily

                  hi folks! popping in quickly, i have been busy today...tomorrow is two weeks for me...woohoo...i'm in the groove.

                  take care


                    sun 20 nov af daily

                    I say hum-dinger!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

