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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Week 4 Novemberites, can't quite believe it's gone so fast!
    Wishing all of you across the pond a wonderful Thanks Giving Week.

    Cyn - have a wonderful time in NY and a lovely reunion with HB. How long is your train journey tomorrow, I absolutely LOVE traveling by train!

    Papmom - you are unbelievable! How good of you to continue your Thursday work, just think of the money! I wish I could have had your dinner ready for you last night. Like Lav I make a pot of soup each week and keep it in the fridge to heat up fast when I'm too tired to cook.

    SD - wow! You are always a breath of fresh air and it's so good to have you back. Please know you will get supported here ALWAYS. Family can get very selfish and want you to do what they see as right regardless of what we want, follow your heart and you won't go wrong.

    Blondie - you have a wonderful attitude to your job! I can imagine you being the most friendly and helpful person in the store. What do you sell?

    I never made it down town yesterday, the weather turned bad and it chucked it down with rain! My Mum and Sisters came over for coffee and I summoned up the courage to tell them of my plans to return to Portugal. No one was exactly over enthusiastic at the idea and I have to stay focused and not let them make me feel guilty.

    Sometimes when I think of all the things I need to do to make this happen I get over whelmed with "it's too difficult" and I know how stressful it was to get here. It's easier to stay in our comfort zone even if it's not where we want to be. I spoke to a couple of friends last night in Portugal and a few things they said unwittingly gave me optimism at the prospect of finding a job. My biggest hurdle is finding the money to make the move and there are always a zillion hidden costs. Anyway a few weeks ago I was complaining that nothing was going on in my life, now I have plenty to be thinking about :H

    Have a great Monday guys and remember you are all Devine wonderful beings and can do amazing things!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Good morning Chill and all to come

    OMG - you miss a day on this thread and all sorts seem to be happening. Chill - returning to Portugal!! Well good for you, if it is what you really want go for it. Life is too short. We all get sucked in by family and what they want and neglect ourselves in the process and then end up with regrets later.

    Briefly glanced at last weeks thread so I want to go back later and have a good read. A Shamen comes to a retreat centre not far from me and it interested me some time ago but I never followed up on it so want to find out more. Dew - you have the type of lifestyle that I would adore, can we swop places?

    Blond - great to have you on the thread, enjoy your posts.

    Papmom - I want to steal your babies, they are adorable.

    Everyone else have a great week and those in the US enjoy your holiday.



      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      Just checking in here guys to tell you what a lovely, positive, uplifting thread you have going here. It's a pleasure to read!

      Happy Monday to you all, have a great week!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        Morning all - a quick hello post, and then I'm off to accomplish a few more things...

        Chill, where we are is about a 15 minute drive to the train, and 2 hours into Grand Central Station. Today however I'm going to drive closer to the city so that the train will be only an hour. I figure that we will get home sooner if I drive a ways in -- of course I'm worried about the dogs, so want to get home asap! Poor HB, no sleeping in for him. I was going to try to be heroic and drive into the city, but just reading the Mapquest directions made my hands sweat, so I figured no, not this time! (PS - good for you for talking to family about Portugal - whatever's in your heart. --)

        Rustop great to hear from you, hope you have a lovely week coming up. Interesting that you have a Shaman working at your retreat center...I always think of them as being related only to Native American culture, but I guess it's more far reaching than that. SD - great to hear from you, what a stressful time you've had, hope things calm down. Hello One2, nice to have you drop by --

        Greetings all to come, and wishing everybody an easy transition to the work week.
        to the light


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

          Hi Gang!

          Chill-I manage a health food/ gourmet food market so I sell everything from organic produce to supplements and everything in between. Dairy, dry goods, natural beauty products, you name it. We have department managers who specialize in their own areas but I oversee the operation and also manage the team on the cash registers. My passion is great customer service and the store has definitely grown in sales because of it, I'm sure. The market is right downtown and a 15 minute walk from my house, so it's a great little community market and I love that aspect of it. Definitely one of the best jobs I have had, even though the pay is humble compared to previous jobs in technology sales where I had to travel extensively but I always was too stressed out at those jobs and this one is more rewarding. Plus I don't have to have a car so I factor that into my wage (no gas, no insurance, no's like getting an extra few hundred a month saving on all those car expenses). Hubs had a car as he commutes about a half hour so when I really need a vehicle, we share his. I, too, love traveling by train and we are lucky that there is a station right in town that takes you into Boston, so I do that once in a while just to get "over the bridge" as they say up here where I live on the shore.

          Hi One2, thanks for reading our thread, glad you enjoy it! It has been a wonderful place for me to land. I feel more at home on this set of threads than anywhere else on MWO since I joined last winter.

          Cyn-I see you are an East Coast gal yourself! I'm in Mass. Have a safe, fun travel day!

          Hi SD! I just said hello last week's thread (this morning and I hope you are doing well this manic Monday!

 long ago did you live in Portugal? How long have you been back in Scotland? What kind of work are you looking for? Where do you live when you get there? I know it seems overwhelming right now but just take the steps necessary to make it happen, which is sounds as though you emailing prospective employers and keeping in the loop with the local friends there. If you want it to happen, it will. Be patient and look for miracles. Sending good vibes your way.

          Well, off to make myself breakfast and finish a cup of coffee. I work a bit later on Mondays so I have the morning to lollygag over coffee and catch up over the weekend. Glad to have 2 days off with my husband this week and kind of bummed that one of them has to be shared with relatives on TG. I know that sounds selfish, but we have totally separate work schedules and NEVER a day off at the same time which wares over time. BUT, this week we have TG off and Friday, which traditionally, we put up on Christmas tree the day after TG. Can't wait for the smell of that fresh balsam in the family room....ahhhhhh!

          Good day all!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

            Good morning all!

            I must have been insane when I made an 8 am Boob-o-gram appointment for today - but I did & it's done :H
            Went directly from the hospital to Curves & then home to feed myself & animals

            Chill, I am at the point in life where I am so disinterested in other people's opinions that I don't tell them much of anything.
            In other words - screw them - do what you want
            I hope you are happy wherever you are!

            Hi rustop & oney!

            cyn, my piggy swsissy dog must have dual tanks because (if necessary) I think she could go for 24 hrs before needing to go out for a pee :H
            Hope your dogs are fine & your trip to NYC painless!

            Blondie - nice that you can walk to work! I could walk all day around these parts & see nothing but cows & corn i would go nuts without a car!!!!

            OK, have a few work things to do then I'm off to meet a friend for lunch
            Have a great AF Monday one & all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

              Good morning, even though it's Monday!

              Chill, good to prepare your family for the changes you intend to make. It is great to have family support but not necessary to do what we want. I could see you working at a resort or at a retreat center, in Portugal. Wouldn't that be awesome? I would love to work at a resort in a warm climate, like South Carolina or Florida, but it is not going to happen for me.

              Cyn, have a good trip, your house will be in great shape for the holiday and your husband's arrival. I am purposefully NOT cleaning as much and guess one has noticed!!! I agonize over stuff that really does not matter and have for years. I am trying to relax and focus on what really counts for me, enjoyng my loved ones. I don't know if I have explained that right.

              Papmom, you are working all the time right now and it will pay off, but I know it is not easy and you would really like more time to do what you want. Sounds like you are neededat the NH and it is so generous and kind of you to continue. I like that you are waiting to see if it works out with your brother, just in case. I also cook something for the week so that when I come home I just heat it up. I have been really into canned tuna, tomato, avocado and onion, with balsamic vinager, easy and it fills me up. Plus, none of the bad carbs. Just throwing ideas out at you, I love to eat!!

              Lav, we finished all the raking, it was very satisfying. Next, Christmas decorations, so hope it is warm out on Friday!!

              Rustop, hello to you, a retreat center near you, how cool. I too notice that if I miss one day on this thread it takes me a while to catch up.

              Hello to all, have a great Monday.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                Good evening friends

                Oney lovely of you to stop by, its been too long since I saw you!

                Star - My absolute dream would be to work in a retreat in Portugal! I will keep my intention on that dream and see what happens..... Im loving my Jason Vale book on healthy eating and i am slowing making a shift away from certain foods. Your dinner is perfect for nutrition and sounds delicious! Oh and on the subject of Jason Vale, he runs a retreat in Turkey and is hoping to open another one in 2013........ guess where?! PORTUGAL!

                Lav - I love your Lavism's! "Screw them - do what you want!" :H

                Blondie - Its great to hear someone passionate about their job. Sounds like you have it pretty well worked out. I lived in Portugal for nearly 10 years and left last April so only been away 8 months. I came back because it was so difficult to make a living over there. The economy is one of the worst in Europe at the moment and as a Country they are bankrupt. However, i miss it SO much and dont feel at all at home back in the UK. I am totally aware how difficult it will be to find work but my confidence is much better than it was. It may not work out but I wont know until I try and I wont be at peace until I have.

                Cyn - Hope you are having a wonderful reunion with HB. I totally understand you fretting about the dogs, mine is my 1st priority and next week when my Parents are away and my dog sitter on vacation I have taken two days annual leave just not to leave her alone all day.

                Im getting tied in knots trying to choose the right reiki course! There are so many going on and although Im dying to get started, the one which sounds most appealing doesnt take place till end of Jan. There is another one however that I could start next weekend..... decisions decisions!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                  Chill - I repeat - screw them all as you never know how short life may be

                  I just got word that my SIL (2 years younger than me) had an emergency bowel resection & colostomy done yesterday! She has been sick for the past 10 days & receiving antibiotics for diverticulosis. Get your dietary fiber kids & eat less meat......her diet was most likely the cause of this.

                  Ugh, I'm tired this evening & think I'm going to kick back for a change
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                    Hi gang!

                    Chill, love the new avatar! Wow, Jason Vale opening a center in me crazy but I got chills when you wrote that and really think you should pursue perfect!!!

                    Lav, sounds like you should kick back and relax tonight...hope you get some much needed rest!

                    Star-I can relate to what you said about not getting too crazy about the cleaning and just taking it easy and relaxing with your family. You are right, that's what it is about. I always have to have everything so darn perfect when I entertain that I drive myself (and my husband) insane the few days prior to a party. We're hosting Christmas this year and I have all these plans but I need to remember the true spirit of Christmas and just enjoying everyone and not getting too crazy over stuff that just doesn't really matter!!! RE: Is anyone going to take a white glove test to the molding that is hid behind a door anyway?!!!!

                    Hi to everyone checking in tonight. Hope you all have a peaceful evening!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                      Good morning everyone

                      Lav - that's pretty drastic surgery for your SIL and all seems very sudden. Did she have a bad diet? I try to do everything right but was actually watching a program last night showing a 94 year old woman who did yoga and tai chi every day, had eaten healthy all her life and never smoked. Then they showed a 85 year old who smoked ate at McDonalds and took no exercise who'd never been sick either. Their point was about our genes and how things like the lifestyles and stress levels of our parents at conception and during pregnancy effect us. Even to the point of males with junk food diets in there childhood more likely to produce children with unhealthier genes. Highly stressed woman when pregnant also produced sicklier kids.

                      Blondie - thank God my days of entertaining are over! Im a complete neat freak perfectionist and I don't think any poor guests used to feel comfortable in my home! Like Star I'm definitely more laid back these days about it all having to be spotless.

                      This morning i'd definitely like to stay in this cosy bed a bit longer but the day awaits! Have a great one and make it count.....
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                        Good morning everyone

                        Lav - sorry to hear about your SIL. My cousin got bowel cancer at 33 and died at 36. Ate extremely healthily, exercised, never smoked and ate very little red meat!! I am convinced her's was caused by stress. Nursed her Mom with ovarian cancer, qualified for midwifery at the same time. Nursed her new husband who also had cancer! I agree with Chill that a lot of it has to do with the genes and stress and diet dont help.

                        Thanks for the advice re cleaning Star. My Mom always did a big clean before Christmas and I always feel I have to have everything spotless. Lol Blond regarding the white glove test. Mind you my doggies make a right mess so I have to do a certain amount for health and safety reasons.

                        Hope you are enjoying your trip to NY Cyn.

                        Big hello to Dew, Papmom, SD, Sped, Sooty, MG., Mr G. Cassia and Jolie and Dill would love to hear from you all and anyone else I missed.



                          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                          A very quick hello from me, I?ve slept in this morning but needed to check in with you all. I had such a lovely weekend and came home with a happy heart and renewed optimism for the future. One of my DIL?s practises Shamanism and she volunteered at a Shaman Centre here for a while, I?ve also been to a Shamanic Retreat here in Scotland which was very interesting. Anyway later guys there is so much I could type I?d be here all day and work is calling.

                          Catch up later and give you all my news of which there is loads!

                          Dewdrop :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                            Morning all, sorry to hear about your SIL Lav, I hope she recovers.

                            Chill I had a look in my crystal ball and I can see you back in Portugal! I'm looking at the best route to take the bus!

                            Quick fly by from me I'm off out for lunch with friends I haven't seen for a while.

                            Keep safe everyone


                            If Lav says we should screw them all and do what we want then that's what we must do :H


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                              Good morning...

                              I really touched a nerve regarding the house cleaning! I stress over so much stuff that just does not matter and I guess some of you do too. It is good to be aware of it and if we find ourselves snapping at someone or setting up impossible standards, we can redirect ourselves. I am purposefully and mindfully doing this and I have to say I am much happier (I am sure my family is too).

                              I found myself stressing over Christmas already, wondering how I will pay for all the things I want to give to others and realized that I just cannot. I hate the fact that the TV ads push push for more and more. I mean, where are we all supposed to come up with the money and is that what it is all about? I hate that aspect of Christmas. I have not even enjoyed my Thanksgiving yet, but with all the commericials and Christmas stations (yes, around here radio has already set up Christmas only stations) I feel pressured.

                              My plan is to first enjoy my Thanksgiving, which I will celebrate a day early to share with my son who has to work on the holiday. I took the day off and I am looking forward to staying in, cooking, baking (no cleaning haha) and RELAXING, plus probably overeating. I am thankful for so much, health, family, friends, job, home, pets, MWO, good coffee, and just this time of year; plus, so much more. On Thanksgiving, more relaxing, putting up Christmas stuff, eating leftovers, taking a walk, reading my good books, visiting MWO, and looking at the sales papers and setting up my Christmas buying plan. Drinking has no part in this plan, just for the record. Actually, drinking would ruin everything, from my mood to my physical wellbeing, plus my budget.

                              Hello to all, have a great day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus

