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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Bright & sunny here this morning kids - don't be jealous :H

    Getting myself ready for a trip to Curves & possibly (just possibly) a little Black Friday outlet shopping with my daughter ~ we'll see! I've been to the outlets before on Black Friday & had to turn around & go home becuase there was no where to park

    Will be back later - wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!

    ps: it is very entertaining watching YB jump through his self-imposed hoops........
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      Morning everyone,
      Boy is it hard to keep up with you guys. Sounds like everyone is doing well and that people had a sane holiday. I went to an AA Thanksgiving and my husband went to his brother's house. My kids were all in California together. I think I'm at a time in my like where I'm just about done with doing things the conventional way. I used to have such high expectations of how holidays should be celebrated and it just got me in trouble.

      Lav, it's overcast, windy, and rainy here. Don't be jealous. Do you want YB back in your life? It seems like he's very slowly creeping back in. Good luck shopping.

      Chill, recently you wrote something about backing off on gift giving at Christmas. My Christmas gifting gets less every year. Just don't want to be part of the materialism this country is obsessed with. Saw that Walmart and Toys R Us were actually open yesterday. Why wait til black Friday?
      OK, off the soap box, Shelley.

      This thread is easier to keep up with if you do it everyday.

      I'm off to the Rescue Mission this morning. Working at a homeless shelter has kept me pretty grounded these past 5 months.

      Almost forgot, the shamanic healing experience. I don't really know what to say. She shook rattles, adjusted my energies, lives in a beautiful house in Santa Fe and cost lots of money. This is not a quick fix, I know that but I don't really feel any different and I don't know that I trust this woman to know what she's doing. She wants me to call her today to check in. I'm going to be honest with her about my skepticism.

      Anyway, all of y'all, here's my shout out and love coming your way.
      Happy Birthday Pap!


        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        I want to take the time to thank everyone for their wonderful birthday wishes yesterday! Everytime I logged on there was a new one! Wonderful and so affirming!

        Our get together yesterday was just super. My little nephew is growing up very fast and the older kids are well, pretty much grown. Didn't like how the 2 older boys pounded down 3 beers in a row but at least they didn't have any wine with dinner and one of them had 3 cups of coffee. I know he went out last nite and I voiced my concern to him about driving after consuming the beer albeit hours after.

        Dinner was just superb. I really didn't think I over consummed but I was so stuffed after and could barely keep my eyes open for the drive home. Can you imagine if I had also consumed my normal amount of wine??? Ewwww. At any rate I was in bed by 9pm!!

        My family was very generous to me for my 55th birthday. They gave me 2 full sessions of agility classes (12 weeks), a rolling sewing machine tote, a GC to Home Depot and a very nice work casual outfit with a beautiful necklace and earring to match. Puuurrrrrr.

        today my oldest neph is coming over later this morning to rake leaves for me. double purr.

        I just found out I don't have to work tonite!! My NH boss called to confirm that last Friday was my last friday. I told her no, I was planning on coming in tonite but she won't be there and there is no volunteer so I don't have to come in!! :happy:. Sure the paycheck will be extremely lean (10 hours instead of 14)this week but sometimes time is worth more than money!! To that end, I will brave Trader Joe's later today (armed with a $10 GC) and pick up a Turkey breast, potatoes and laughing cow cheese. I will be making Blonde's crock pot Turkey she posted on yesterday's daily thread. We had no leftovers as my sis only got a 14 lb bird but it was a TJ organic BRINED bird so I forgive her not going bigger :H. I'm going to make my OWN leftovers. I already have stuffing mix and will add some sausage I have in the freezer. She gave me the rest of the Green Bean Casserole so I'm all set there. BTW, I made that with coconut milk and I liked it. Don't know if anyone else noticed the sweetness to the dish.

        I talked more with my bro yesterday and I start with a report review on Monday plus start beefing up his website. He's also talked with 2 other people who might want my services!! Whoo hoo!! As soon as my neph creates my new logo (wait till you see it!) I'll make up business cards and post them for you all to see. I've got my app for the sole proprietorship ready to be notarized on Monday and then I'll send that in to the city. I'm so excited!

        Time to get moving and get presentable for my leaf raking nephew. We have gorgeous weather here today-high 50's and lots of sunshine. Doesn't get any better than that!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

          This is a test to see if I can upload a photo...just set myself up on Photobucket. If this works, you will see some of the beach-themed ornaments I made recently to put on my tree (which is hopefully going up today if I get my butt in gear!)

          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

            Oh dear, that photo is quite large, isn't it...hmmm...I have to figure this out.
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

              Another few ornaments hanging from recycled fish net I found on a local beach.

              To make these ornaments I bought sleeves of cheapo ornaments at the dollar store and hot-glued seashells on them. Viola! Easy peas and very pretty! Let's see if this one comes out...

              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                Ok, I think I have the resizing down...I hope. Sorry guys, bear with me. This is the last of the Christmas stuff

                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                  whoo hoo look who has mastered photo posting!! Great job Blonde and very pretty ornaments. You have a crafty gene in you I can tell!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                    Evening guys

                    Lavande;1214776 wrote:
                    ps: it is very entertaining watching YB jump through his self-imposed hoops........
                    Lav - you are getting as incorrigible as Rusty! :H

                    What a talented bunch we are! The ornaments are beautiful Blondie. Beach themed Christmas decorations are perfect for your part of the world.

                    Papmom - Im glad your family gave you the spoiling you deserve yesterday, it sounds like you had a really great time. Im praying this new business venture for your Brother leads to more, wow, how wonderful if you can do the extra work from home with the boys :l

                    Speed - I never was one for convention but now im AF i so cant be bothered with all the stuff other mainstream people get up to so an AA Thanksgiving sounds quite appealing.

                    I was driving home tonight and saw some young people dressed up on their way out. Remembering it was of course Friday night, I guess thats what zillions of people do. I just dont know what to do with myself any more life after alcohol sometimes feels isolating. Its not because I cant cope with being around people socializing, its just it no longer appeals to sit in a bar or even for hours in a restaurant. So i spend most of my time alone which generally is ok.

                    I had a chat last night with a dear friend in Portugal who I used to meet weekly for coffee and we would sound off to one another about everything. I guess I dont have that here and it leaves a big hole. My family quite honestly look at me at times like I have horns, they are so normal and dont understand that Im so not :nutso:

                    I had a crazy day at work doing more house inspections, its amazing how many people dont make their beds in the morning! :H Now im off work until Wednesday! I have opted out of meeting my Sisters this weekend and my Parents are away on holiday for a week so I have no one to answer to. I intend to fit in some serious exercise while I have time and apart from that to just chill..........
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                      Hi Everyone!

                      It was great reading everyone's post-Thanksgiving posts....

                      I had the loveliest Thanksgiving ever! To make my long post shorter....I was at my sister's and there were 12 of us....we all played the game "Catch Phrase" in front of a roaring fire. (I know it sounds kind of pukey....and Norman Rockwellian to some). I'd never had a holiday where 3 generations of people were playing....and it was a blast. My newly married niece's husband's parents are Greek nationals...and a delight to be with. They played the game happily. Their son is an only child and adopted...and fortunately, our family didn't scare them away. And yes, I was AF.

                      Chill-:l I so know where you're coming a life without AL and seeing people dressed all ready to go out on a Friday night. I think we're both very outgoing people, and we like to be around other people, enjoying meaningful conversations, not small talk...the kind you hear in bars/restaurants. Maybe you feel like I do sometimes....Friday nights are date nights, right? Especially around the's fun to have a partner...or have a close friend to do things with in the evening..and you're in Scotland....and your friends are back in Portugal. Have you made any friends in your yoga or spin classses?

                      Lav-I am sorry if I spoke out of turn about YB. I think he is truly a lost soul and I give you credit for having compassion and empathy for him. I should be as gracious as you are.

                      Papmom-I'm so glad you were spoiled on your birthday.

                      Sped-not sure what to say about the shaman but I am glad you had a nice TG with the AA group.

                      Rustop-I've never watched "The Celebrity" but I chuckled when Chill said she likes to watch "rubbish" (I love that word ) every now and then. I plead guilty to one count of being addicted to NCIS.:H

                      To everyone else, have a wonderful AF Friday night!


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                        Evening all!

                        Chill and Rusty-I feel the exact same way! I don't mind being alone most of the time but every once in a while I wish I had people who wanted my company and called me to see what is up. Well, my hoarder friend does do that so i guess I should be thankful.

                        Sped-I think you AA thanksgiving sounded wonderful too! I bet you had some great conversation!

                        Today was so nice. I did some reorg around the house (always looking for ways to utilize what space I have in the is tiny house with miniture closets and no linen closet), did some laundry and went food shopping at Trader Joe's and Stop and Shop. I was surprised TJ's had NO turkeys left or even breasts!!

                        Stop and Shop has a very generous policy of refunding your money if an item is rung up incorrectly. Well, guess what wasn't scanned in right? A six lb turkey breast costing $15.01!! Yep, right back in the wallet! My greek yogurt also wasn't scanned correctly so he gave me back the difference and one free. No complaints there! Can't wait to get that bird in the Crock Pot ala Blonde!!

                        My nephew also finally showed up and did a fab job raking the backyard. I now can see the poop! :H

                        It was so mild today I opened all the windows and shut off the heat. Came home to a very cold house so waiting for the heat to kick in. but at least the house smells fresh!
                        Have a great nite all!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                          Know what? We need a MWO girls night out!
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                            I agree! An MWO girls night out would be cool . Have a nice night everyone...tree is in the house and up but no decorations yet. Enjoying the smell and its peaceful simplicity. About to watch a movie with hubs now...we are turkied out after a second turkey dinner tonight. Must be up bright and early tomorrow so I'll say goodnight all now! Have a lovely weekend all!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                              I have the NCIS addiction too Rusty :H

                              Greetings everyone!
                              Glad to hear everyone survived their TG celebrations!
                              I spent my day prepping for tomorrow & did NOT go shopping. Really didn't want to go & Lily was still feeling under the weather. Hopefully everyone will be happy & healthy tomorrow tp consume my turkey & fixings!
                              Blondie - nice pics! I made the turkey cupcakes tonight because we are also celebrating 2 birthdays tomorrow (my son & grandson)

                              Shelley, glad you enjoyed your non-traditional day - make it your new tradition

                              papmom, glad your business venture is in the works!!!!

                              OK, time to say good night - this granny body is tired!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                                Hi All!

                                Well I did the Black Friday thing...out at Midnight last night!!:nutso: What in the hell was I thinking?!!?!? The line was so long to get into Target, once they opened the doors, it took me another 40 minutes to make it to the front of the store!!! So stupid...then when I did get what I wanted, I waited another 40 minutes to check out, weaving in and out of every isle!!! I went alone which brings me to my next thing...I am TOTALLY with you on feeling alone or isolated. I don't feel like I have anyone to do anything with or anyone here to even really talk to. I'm finding it harder and harder to even talk to my mom these days. I just find most of her comments very negative or very judge-mental...I've kept conversations pretty superficial. Being that I mostly work with children and talk with children all day...I really am missing adult conversation and companionship....I'm noticing more and more I'm getting very down when i get home again and I hate that...honestly, I feel like I only know one way to cope with that feeling and I'm starting to get really scared. Maybe I should start re-reading one of my books again or revisit the tool box....

                                On a brighter note...Blondie, those were very cool ornaments you made!! I'll have to learn someday how to post pictures too--not that I have any talent of any kind like most of you that I'd post, but I'd think of!! My son and I did put up our Christmas Tree tonight...we got a new one at the end of last season....its so big and so much nicer than out last one!!! I love it!! It makes me want to go out and buy all new ornaments for it...haha!!

                                Lav, Rusty--my addiction is to Law and Order that kind of the same?? I'm also a Biggest Loser junkie!!:H

                                Alright, so it's set then, Chill moves to Portugal and we all meet her there for "Girls Night"!! Yea...I'll finally have something on my social calendar!!! :thumbs::yay:

                      's now 2AM here....that whole shopping until 3AM last night kinda threw my sleep schedule for a loop I think!! But I suppose I better get some rest....I see more shopping in my future...I do believe I am out of double stuff oreos!!! HA!!

                                Have a great Turkey Day Lav!!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


