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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Lav, so sorry for your SIL, the poor thing, this is something she will have to deal with her entire life.

    Chill, I am happy to hear you are taking a few days off, you deserve it. I know that if you focus on Portugal and a career there, it will happen in time.

    Blonde, your job sounds great, money is not everything if you are stressed and unhappy. Working for a good cause is so positive. It is so nice to have you on this thread, keep on posting.

    Sooty, what is new with you? So great to have you back driving the bus. Would love to hear more.

    Dew, thanks for stopping by, I am looking forward to hearing about your retreat.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      Hi all!

      Morning to everyone although I know a few of you are probably already near your lunchtime depending on where in the world you are perched! It's about 7:30 AM here and I have been up for about an hour...fed the cats and dog, put the dog out, had 2 cups of coffee and have been reading on here for a little while.

      Star-have a lovely "early bird" (excuse the pun!) holiday tomorrow. Enjoy your cozy time at home cooking and baking...your house is going to smell so yummy I bet!

      Chill-Yes, I really do love my job and am grateful for being able to say that. I did have my own business prior to joining the store I work at now. But with the economy in the dumps and being burned out from working 7 days for myself and not getting paid, (wow, talk about stressful) it took all the fun out of having my own shop (I had a bath and body themed gift shop geared toward's women's gifts). Granted, I am very happy I had the chance to do it as I always wanted my own business, but I am also glad that I work for someone else and can go home at night and not have to worry about it. Also, to get 2 days off a week and paid vacations and holidays is not something I take for granted now!

      For TG, all I have to do is bring a dessert. Just got word from my SIL who is hosting this year that they already have 3 pies on the menu (pumpkin, of course, Apple, of course, and Pecan). Methinks another dessert is a bit much but I was asked to bring one so I'll either stick with my cupcakes or maybe a fruit crisp (not apple, now) but I do have a neat Maine recipe I am dying to try called Blueberry Ginger Crisp...doesn't that sound delightfully different? Undecided on which to do at this point so I'll have to make up my mind real quick and get the ingredients!

      I hope you are all doing great today. So many wonderful folks on this thread, I really enjoy being part of it. Hi to everyone checking in and have a lovely rest of the day!:l
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        A lunchtime :hello: from me!

        Dewdrop - "a happy heart" is a beautiful expression, anchor that feeling!

        sooty;1213085 wrote:
        If Lav says we should screw them all and do what we want then that's what we must do :H
        Exactly Sooty! Im not going to argue :H

        Blondie - Blueberry Ginger Crisp wins it for me! Sounds yummy.

        Star - You have touched another nerve re Christmas! Aaagghhh.... Im not a fan and told everyone last year I wanted no gifts as I couldnt afford to reciprocate and didnt want to feel bad. I asked if anyone was hell bent on spending money on me they donate it to my fav animal charity. We end up spending money we dont have on gifts people dont want and we get more stuff that we dont need! Its insane! Ok i will get off my soapbox.......:soapbox:
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

          Good Morning November Friends,

          Cold and rainy here in Chicago...but I like the work so that's ok. Last day of the work week for me!:yay:

          Sooty-thank you so much for popping in. Great to see you!

          Regarding Thanksgiving....I don't have to bring a thing to my sister's house. . I will truly enjoy my family AF.

          Blondie-I'm glad you like our thread. It's my safe place.

 sorry about your SIL....but really, her diet could have caused that? Wow. That's too bad. I've been having conversations with myself about my diet as well.

          Ok, I hear my client coming. Back to work. See you later!


            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

            :H :H When Lav speaks, everyone listens :H :H

            My philosophy is not so new really......
            I have always had a touch of the rebel in me & what's wrong with that? As long as I am not harming anyone, let me do my own thing!

            Christmas gifts are for kids IMHO, the little kids. My grown kids get less & less from me each year & they understand. My focus is the grandkids now - they will get the gifts!

            Hello to Chill, rustop, sooty, Dewdrop, Blondie, Star & everyone stopping in today!

            I woke up with my SIL forefront in my thoughts of course. Hope to get some news about her & find out when I can go see her.
            Diet seems to be a major contributing factor to the development of diverticulosis/diverticulitis. I wouldn't say she has been a 'bad' eater over her lifetime but it's likely that she's has not included enough fiber & water. She has never smoked & is a light drinker. She's always maintained a decent weight. Now as far as stress - well, her 18 year old son was killed 8 years ago in a road accident & I don't doubt that stress has been a contributing factor

            OK, time to get some work done!
            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

              Hey Rusty - there you are
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                Hi kids - just a quick jump on to say hello, and I'm back from the city, HB in tow, dogs did fine. Now HB is filled with gusto for doing things here at the rental -- I'm so over it!! But must get another room ready for house guests, so I guess I'll just grit teeth and do it.

                Hope all is well - so sorry to hear about your SIL - I know that diet really does have a lot to do with that condition, hope she is ok eventually...

                Will check in and post more later!
                to the light


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                  Good Evening guys

                  Cyn - the house is a novelty to HB, indulge him and let him do the room for the house guests!

                  Lav - I seem to attract rebels, if my Mum told me not to play with a particular child, they would be my next best friend :H

                  I believe stress has a huge impact on diseases we attract and there are even studies to say what kind of diseases come from different types of stress. The impact of loosing a teenager cant fail to have an enormous affect on your health. I hope she finds some peace and can positively focus on her recooperation.

                  Rusty - I know you will have a wonderful time with your family, isnt it wonderful to have these experiences now AF! :yay:

                  Home for the evening after a trip to the gym, all quiet in Chillworld.....
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                    There has been so much happening I can?t keep up with you all! I hope all my friends across the pond are going to have a lovely Thanks Giving and are enjoying the anticipation of the festivities and holidays. It?s good to read all your news and everyone sounds in a good place at the moment so let?s all hang onto that for a while.

                    My weekend was great and I made some new friends who I will keep in touch with, there were 16 of us and we did a fair amount of meditation each day, had discussion groups and a group of us managed to do a bit of hill walking on Saturday afternoon. The weather was kind to us and the vegetarian food was delicious but very healthy so I didn?t feel guilty overindulging. I came away with even more book recommendations! However the time flew in so quickly and I wish I?d been there for a week not a weekend. It made me realise I need some time for me so I am taking next week off work. I came home via IKEA and loaded up the car so have been happily putting up all the flat pack since I came home (well maybe ?happily? is not the right choice of word)

                    There have been some interesting posts on healthy eating and how stress can impact on your health, I?m convinced that the cancer I had over the summer was directly related to the stress of my job over the years. The alcohol I consumed for years also had an impact I am sure. I am hopeful now that I have turned things around and am at least doing the best I can to improve my future and my health. I love Christmas (not the commercialism or overspending) and really look forward to it, of course it?s different now that the grandkids are here and they make it magical as they are all so young. We do a Secret Santa for the whole family and spend ?15 for one person so it?s fairly cheap apart from the kids and even they don?t get a lot spent on them. I just love putting up the decorations and the Christmas music on, it makes me feel young again.

                    I am meeting an accountant tomorrow to go over a few things and get some advice on starting my own business, it will only be part time at the moment but I am keen to start the New Year with a new venture. I know it will be tiring taking on extra work on top of my busy job but I certainly won?t get anywhere if I don?t give it a try. I?ve been doing a lot of networking recently and it?s amazing how things are suddenly appearing at the right time.

                    Well it?s getting late and I need my beauty sleep.

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                      Lav the tired rebel checking in -

                      I somehow ended up doing two shifts of babysitting today
                      Well, I love to see the kids & can rush to get my work done in between so I guess it's all OK
                      I never pictured all this in my life but that's OK too!

                      I tried but didn't get anymore info about my SIL. My husband's brother is probably the worst communicator in the world (even worse than YB himself). The guy won't answer the phone or return calls. I'm just thinking about her a lot & praying for her recovery. They just had their first grandchild born 4 months ago & have a lot to look forward to.

                      Chill, hope your evening was quiet & enjoyable!

                      Dewdrop, so nice to hear you enjoyed your weekend retreat. Good luck with your meeting with the accountant too! How exciting to be starting up your own venture

                      I'm going to hit the hay soon, good night to everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                        HI all!

                        Had a very productive but depressing day at work (another abuse/social service referral). This one actual brought tears to my eyes. What was worse was the P.O.S detective that came to interview the child was a complete moron and was completely incompetent at speaking with the child....SO FRUSTRATING!!!! We'll see what happens tomorrow...I may end up calling the wonder no one like me here!!:H

                        Dew--I'm so jealous!!! Starting your own business sounds wonderful!! Good for you!!! Are you hiring??! Oh....and your retreat sounded amazing!!

                        Lav--I hope you hear from your brother in law real soon and everything has turned out fine for your sister! Being with the grandkids I'm sure helped to keep your mind occupied today!! LOL!!

                        Chill--I'm really hoping that in 2012 that everything works out the way you want and that you end up happily in deserve so much to be happy!:l

                        Rusty--Your Thanksgiving sounds just about like mine...just spent being surround by family...nice and relaxing!! Are you (or anyone else) doing the Black Friday thing??? Has anyone shopped the Black Friday Amazon sales before?? (includes no tax, free shipping)

                        Cyn--Glad you and the hubby made it back home (and the dogs made it ok too)!!

                        Star--Hope your early celebration was wonderful!! BTW--don't tell Chill but I love Xmas!!! I always spend way too much, get stuff I don't need that I would never buy for myself...but I also always make sure to give to the needy as well and take names from our Angel Tree at school. We also do a $50 gift exchange in my family...we each buy a $50 gift, put it on the table when we get to moms...then when its time we draw numbers to see who goes first. That person picks a gift and opens it, then the second person goes. That person can either take the first person's gift or open a second unopened on and so on. This is what the adults do instead of buying gift for one another...we just buy for the kids. We are only allowed to buy "stocking stuffers" for each other...if we see something that is "so that person"...not just to buy something.

                        Blondie--Your job sounds like so much fun...and the town you live in sounds like the neatest place!! I bet it's gorgeous where you're at isn't it??? Does it snow there too?? Just curious, being so close to the water....maybe thats a dumb question???

                        Well I better head for bed everyone else Pap3, Sped, Sooty, G, Rustop...and all the other wonderful gals on this amazing thread a big hello!!!! Have a great Tuesday!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                          WAIT!!!!!!! :duh: Tomorrow is WEDNESDAY!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!:wd::yay::yay:
                          :H SD
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                            Good morning everyone

                            SD - I will excuse you for loving Christmas I used to love it in my previous life when I had a home and a husband, I decorated the house with passion and drove everyone crazy with Christmas music, I spoiled him rotten with presents and a stocking, did parties with all the festive canap?s and got as excited as a child! That seems worlds away now.

                            Keep doing what your doing at work whatever anyone thinks of you. You are vital to getting these kids heard and are doing an awesome job.

                            Lav - I never pictured my life like this either, you know what they say "tell God your plans and give him a good :H"

                            Dewdrop - your retreat sounds like its done you the power of good. Would you say doing all the meditating you did has given you more clarity of mind? You sound more confident about going ahead with your business idea. It would be so great if you can eventually quit the day job.

                            It's pouring with rain here and I have a very busy day carrying out more house inspections. It's in a pretty poor area and I'm not looking forward to it, hopeful most Tenants will be out which makes my job much easier. Happy humpback day guys!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                              Good morning everyone

                              Happy Hump Day to one and all. Have busy day ahead, swimming first then doggie walk. School pick up ( half day) then the horse and then we shall see.

                              We had frost the night before last and a beautiful sunny day yesterday. Had half of my windows cleaned on the outside, will leave the other half (living area) till nearer Christmas. I get the window cleaner during Spring/Summer to do inside and outside but this time of year it is a waste of money. They are dirty again within weeks.

                              Dew - your week-end sounds like heaven. I look forward to having time to do all those type of things in a few years when my youngest is in University.

                              Myself and a few friends are planning on climbing a mountain, about 4.5hr hike and having lunch afters for my 50th. Its hard to get everyone around at the same time and I told them that I would prefer that to a night out on the town.

                              I have mixed feelings about Christmas. Have had a few very unpleasant ones when my MIL was alive but do make an effort, all the decorations, music, candles, food etc. Have never gone overboard on the materialistic side, not even when the girls were small. Santa only ever brought one present.

                              Am looking out a the most beautiful red/blue sky at the moment, its only 7.45 and getting bright. Nature sure is beautiful.

                              Have a great hump day everyone.



                                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                                Hi abbers! Just a quick hello and I've got to dash for work. This is number 6 day of work for me before TG and it's gonna be a busy one. Hope everyone had a great Wednesday! I'll write more later when I get this day over with! Looking forward to my 2 days off!

                                Will have to drag out the rain coat this's pouring buckets out there!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

