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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Good morning everyone

    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US. It is today right? Like you Chill I am so thankfull for all of you on this thread. Prior to joining it I managed days AF at a time, now its months. Sooty - I just love that feeling of waking up completely sober and remembering everything from the night before. No regrets and no hangover, certainly something to be thankful for.

    Lav - I would say SD has got it right about facebook. This friend thing is weird. People have friends they barely know and it probably does her ego good to add as many male friends as she can.

    Everyone else have a lovely day. I have to brave driving into the city centre to get some v-shaped support pillows for the girls for Christmas. I could not get them locally so no option. Not looking forward to it but I'll miss the Christmas rush!!



      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US! I am so thankful for all my friends here! You guys are the best! I have today and tomorrow off, too!

      I have so much to be thankful for....a wonderful family, compassionate friends and loyal customers.

      To all, have a great AF day!


        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        Good morning & Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

        Mine is postponed until Saturday but who cares? :H :H

        Thank you friends, I have let the FB thing go......
        It just amazes me how naive he truly is! He really always has been

        Emailing back & forth with my daughter last evening I hear that Ms Lily is sick as well. Some viral thing being passed arounf the junior community
        I hope by the time everyone arrives here Saturday we are all bug free!

        Rustop, sooty & chill - wishing you a graet AF day!

        Rusty. SD & everyone missing - wishing you a relaxed, AF holiday with family & friends

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

          There's a birthday party happening in General for a certain furmom we know
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

            Hi everyone! That furmom being PAP! Happy birthday lady! I think this is the 3rd time I have said it so far on MWO but you can never say happy birthday's your one special day of the year that belongs to YOU. I hope you are having a beautiful one! I was born in August and my mother tells me I was conceived on TG...too much information in my mind about THAT but it's kind of fun to know I started out after a big turkey Ok, enough on that subject

            I believe it was Rusty who said something about the FB thing and folks adding "friends" just for ego's sake is so true! I get friend requests or recommendations daily and I don't even know these people. And if I do, it's very casual. It's not like I would want them to keep in touch with me on a daily basis. Very weird. So I ignore them. I don't care if I don't have hundreds of "friends" on FB, it's the important ones who matter.

            SD, you are right...lazy man's holiday for eat eat and then veg out (some watching FB). This morning, after I finish up on MWO, I am going to bake my spiced pumpking cupcakes, have some breakfast (ummm, maybe a spiced pumpkin cupcake...a girl's gotta sample her wares!) and then color and blowdry my hair. Ummm, hair color? BLONDE. Then we are going to take that cute doggie staring at you all in my avatar for a nice walk on the beach and I have a bag of stale stuff for the seagulls to feed. Then maybe some house work just to keep up on things and then off to TG dinner 20 minutes away. We will pick up my mother at 1:30...she won't be drunk when we pick her up but by the end of the day...oh boy. Not looking forward to that aspect of this holiday as she really tries my patience when she drinks but I will just shut up and be strong. I have already mentioned that I am heading into winefest 2011 so wish me luck. Not the luck for not drinking because I have already promised myself that I will not, but wish me luck to not loose patience with those that are going to over induldge in front of me...sigh.

            Sooty and Chill...I love your posts about waking up sober and still being grateful for it...yes, the first few seconds is a relief. And yes, I can compare it to winning the lottery...not that I ever have but I think the feeling of wellbeing would be similar.

            CHILL! Thanks for the reach out across the pond on this holiday. I know you guys don't celebrate like we do in the "colonies", but yes, by all means, take the opportunity to indulge in some really good comfort food today of all days. I really love's probably the only thing on my low-carb diet I can have today. Hopefully they will have some roasted veggies. I know SIL got an organic bird, so that makes me feel good. Thank you to all of the beautiful turkeys who gave your lives to be the center of TG dinner...I feel sorrow about all that slaughter involved but at least by choosing a bird that has had a good healthy life so far makes a small difference.

            Sooty, ZUMBA! What is that like? I have the chance to try this out locally and I am interested. Do you really get a good work out? I like to sweat!!! Need to add something to my fitness routine. Good for you for your AF time and for taking the time to work out like that.

            Hi to everyone checking in today. Have a lovely TG to those who are celebrating and also to those who are not. One thing is for sure....
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Nouveau Novembre - week 4


              And thank you for the birthday wishes!! It's a big one-55!! Can't wait to check out my party in General! Thanks Lav!!

              Blonde-I've done zumba a couple of times-it's a blast!! Hope you enjoyed it Sooty!!

              Chill-how did the inspections go yesterday? You are one brave soul. I hope you are not going alone!! Enjoy your day of indulging!!

              Shout out to Rustop, Star, Dill, Sped, SD and anyone lurking (meech!!). Busy and wonderful day today!

              I too will watch my dad go through at least one small bottle of red today, my sis drink most of the large bottle of PG herself (I used to help but it was 2 bottles!!), my nephews, 19 and 18 have some beer and wine (please lord don't let them drive tonite!!) and my bro and his wife will take it very easy as they have the 1.5 hour drive home and my SIL has some sort of digestive ailment (undefined) that limits her AL consumption. She was never a big drinker. I must say that I was probably the catalyst for ALL arguments that started on the holidays. Now that I don't have to be right all the time, they are fairly peaceful. Can't wait!!

              I did get the new laptop set up last nite-for some reason most of my programs did NOT get backed up i.e. MS Office 2010, Quicken etc. The files got backed up but not the application. I was up until 1:30 trying to find my activation key for office (luckily where I purchased it from last year included an extended reinstall option for 2 years-whew!!!) and reinstalling the whole program. Finished this morning. Still need to find my Quicken activation key that hopefully is in a gmail email somewhere. Might just purchase the new addition since mine was 2 years old anyway. More $$$. Sigh. Happy Birthday to me :H

              Thinking seriously of taking one of the dogs for a walk at some point. Just not sure who!!

              I'll probably check in tonite as it won't be a late nite.

              Good eats all!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!

                Lav, I am friends with people on facebook and it means nothing to me. That sounds terrible, but it is true. So, maybe it is not a meaningful friend thing. I hope not. You have certainly put up with alot of aggravation from him. Kids always get sick on the holidays, I remember 20 years ago waking up to my son having a 105 temp and it being a nightmare. I am so happy they are grown.

                Chill, go for it,eat what you like, have a relaxing time. Are you off today? I know Americans celebrate this day, I did not think others did.

                Sooty, so happy you are back. It is awesome to wake up feeling good every day.

                Rusty, I am watching the game, or as we speak the pre-game. What fun!!

                SD, I worked for a community mental health center but was often in contact with CPS, probation, etc. It was heartbreaking and I often felt overwhelmed, but reported and did the best I could. Some days were better than others. I guess the part that was hardest was when parents were proud of the fact they "whooped," their kids, leaving bruises and emotinally scarring them for life. They just do not get that hitting makes kids angry and does not teach them how to solve life problems. We have to take care of ourselves to do a good job.

                My dinner yesterday was awesome, and today I have had leftovers and will now watch the game and put up Christmas stuff. I may be in for Black Friday shopping tonight! Everyone, have a great day and celebrate.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                  Happy Thanksgiving Friends!!

                  Happy Birthday Pap!!!:l

                  Just stopping by before I head out the door to my moms. Blondie-there is ALWAYS drinking at every function involving my family. This one shouldn't be too bad since it's just my parents, brother in law and sister (for adult drinkers)...although I'm sure plenty of wine or mixed drinks will be consumed before the day is over. Now Christmas on the other hand...ALL my siblings are home with their spouses or significant thats when some liquor is put away!! The last few years I've always left early...before the heavy drinking started (when they start playing games when the kids go to bed). Yea, that's kind of a hard holiday sometimes...I'm hoping since I'll be 6 months sober it will be way easier this year!

                  Star--Our CPS is so broken here right now...we are going through some HUGE changes in administration....there has been quite a few law suits and firings in the last few months...not good!! Lots of turn over, hence no one is really there currently to do anything for the kids that need help now. This town is in such sad shape right now as far as being able to protect the children that are being abused/neglected. Like you, I'm shocked at the parent's mentality of their treatment of their child(ren). Sick.

                  Enough of that...I'm am thankful for people like you, Star, in your profession, that do what is right and what they can to help protect children everyday. I'm also thankful for each of you, my dear friends, on this site, that have given me constant support and encouragement not only through this journey of becoming sober but with so many other obstacles and bumps in the road in my life. I can't even begin to tell you how much you all mean to me!!:l:l I wish you all a VERY HAPPY Thanksgiving!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                    :day5::bday3:HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAPMOM!!! You add so much joy, life, energy and wisdom to our thread. I am so glad you are with us!:h Our thread would be empty without you. Here's to splendid AF birthday, and many, many more!!!


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                      Hi all,

                      Papmom - yes I am lurking but absolutely needed to send you a BIG BIRTHDAY HUG :l:l. Have a great Thanksgiving and I'm glad you are looking forward to it. Us Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving a while back (2nd week of October).

                      I guess that's because we all live in Igloos and it's too cold for harvesting and thanking at the end of November :H. Just kidding, it was pouring rain yesterday where I live - no snow yet for us.

                      HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our American MWO Friends!! Have a glorious weekend where the only over-indulgence is food, laughter and couch time!


                        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                        Happy holidays to everyone!! Also Happy Birthday to Pmom ? hope you had a good one!!! Isn?t it great to be 29 again? SD I so admire you for the work you do on a daily basis, where would those kids be without someone like you to fight their corner. I know it takes a lot of courage and determination to do a job like that and you do it without any fuss or drama. You should be very proud of what you do. Rustop what a brilliant way to celebrate your 50th birthday and I bet you would never have thought of this if you had still been drinking.

                        ? what can I add on the YB scenario..... simply nothing Blonde
                        you seem to be doing great and very happy at your work, it sounds like a very positive and supportive place to be and that is what everyone wants because if you are happy at your work then life is more enjoyable. Chill
                        I do think that meditation gives me clarity and allows me the space to listen to what my heart and body is telling me. I wish I had learnt the practice years ago, however now I know how important it is to me I put aside the time to do it regularly. It?s like my way of recharging my batteries and keeping my energy up. I also really like the people I am meeting through meditation and Buddhism. I?ve looked at courses at Lendrick Lodge but think they are quite expensive, a friend was on one recently and felt it was very overpriced. How are you progressing with the Reiki and how long is the course? I think it would be a lovely relaxing thing to learn and to do.

                        All this talk of laptops, well I was looking at an HP notebook today and am going back to buy it tomorrow after checking the reviews online, lovely slim little thing but with dual processor, 4GB and 350 hard drive so more than enough for me and a great price. I also bought a mobile phone today, what with my trip to IKEA at the weekend I am spending way too much this month! :upset:

                        Hi to everyone I haven?t mentioned,

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                          Dewdrop, the phone & laptop are necessary for your new business
                          I really want to go to IKEA myself......

                          Thanksgiving greetings to Rusty, SD, Star & the birthday girl papmom

                          Meech, nice to see you here & happy you don't have snow yet! We have had tons of rain down in tehse parts as well.

                          Well, guess who is sitting in my living room watching football on TV.......the YB. You'd think he lives here :H
                          We ate pork chops for dinner & he's talking about Christmas so I suppose that means he'll be around for te foreseeable future. He just can't make himself put his thoughts into words.....always did have a hard time with that

                          Meech, when you hear me speak of 'YB', that's short for yard estranged husband (long story).

                          Awaiting the arrival of our son to take these insane dogs off my hands

                          Hope everyone is having a nice TG. I'm planning to on Saturday
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                            Good Morning gang

                            I hope everyone survived Thanksgiving and had a good time.

                            We had a storm last night and I lost Internet for most of it, it also woke me up at 3am raging against the windows and I couldn't get back so sleep. I ended up reading for a couple of hour so I'm going to be tired today. It's a good book though, called Marching Powder, the biography of a British drug smuggler in San Pedro prison in Bolivia. Boy what we humans can endure....

                            Lav - YB is becoming a more frequent visitor these days. As long as you are happy with his company then I thinks it's great. Who says conventional relationships work anyway?! This way you don't have to suffer him snoring or have to wash his laundry, sounds pretty good to me!

                            Dewdrop - it's good to hear the meditation gives you that space, I keep at it but most of the time struggle to truly quieten the chatter. Actually I'm consider doing my 1st reiki course at Lendrick lodge at the end of Jan. it wasn't much more expensive than other courses and they don't seem to cram it all in like some others do. I feel 2 full days is much more beneficial than one which most are and being there will allow me to focus better.

                            Papmom - Happy belated Birthday! :bday2: I hope you had a lovely day and pampered yourself.

                            :hiya: to Meech, Rusty, SD, Rustop, Star, Blondie, Cyn, Speed, Sooty and anyone else I've missed. I will catch up will everyone at the weekend. I have more yucky inspections today but it's friday and once it's over I will be off until next Wednesday! Yippee..........
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                              Good morning everyone

                              Chill - we must have gotten the tail end of your storm. Very windy and wet here yesterday evening. Put on a big log fire and watched thrash tv with my daughter - I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!! Hubby is away all week so it was just the two of us.

                              Dew - I found the same thing with the meditation but unfortunately I dont seem to get the time to fit it in regularly. That will be my new year resolution.

                              Hope all in the US survived Thanksgiving. Lav - I laughed when I read about YB, I think he is trying to get his feet under your table again but wont come out and say it directly. You are in a good place, so let him figure it out for himself.

                              Big hello to everyone I have not mentioned and have a great AF week-end.



                                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                                Rustop - I admit to watching "I'm a celebrity" too. I rarely watch tv but recently after working all day I find some rubbish light entertainment helps me unwind, and it is good fun! It was dark here at 3pm yesterday and is barely light now at 8.30am. I'm finding the long dark hours difficult :upset:
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

