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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Baa Humbug to you all, Lav that is fab! Loved the photos Chill, Elle is lovely.

    Weather here absolutely awful, it's raining so hard and the wind is so strong, it's scary. I'm staying in and keeping warm and watching tv. I might even get organised and wrap some Christmas presents!

    I hope everyone is keeping dry and warm.

    I love Diligent too!


      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      Deadly Piccies Chillblains!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        Good morning friends,

        The rain has arrived here, oh well - better than snow

        I have been described in the past as being 'persistent' but usually it was followed by PIA or something of that nature :H
        At any rate I know that once I set my mind to do something I stick with it to the very end. That includes my quits, runaway husbands, family, pets, etc.

        Rusty, I need to email you today

        Good day wishes to our New England girls papmom & Blondie!

        rustop & chill, hope your day dries up enough so you can get outside for a bit!
        Great pics chill

        Star, hope you have a productive day as well.

        OK, time to get moving!

        ps: have we heard from Cassia at all????
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

          Hi guys,

          No time to check in with everyone, miserable windy, rainy night here ? yuck. Pink boots on my Xmas List! I?ve a busy day tomorrow, I have my 3 month check up at hospital in the morning (keep your fingers crossed guys) then flying down to London at lunchtime back late Friday night ? boy do I hate that late Friday night trip home. I probably won?t be about till the weekend so I?ll check in with you then, quiet weekend planned before the Christmas rush starts so hopefully find the time to catch up with you all then. Might paint my kitchen this weekend but then again I might not ? I?ll see how I feel.

          Thinking of you all,

          Dewdrop :h
          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

            Congrats everyone on overcoming the holiday cravings - I am not able to load all of the pages, so I'm behind on some news - sorry Sped for whatever disappointment you've had -- Dew, will keep fingers crossed for your exam. Rusty - you said it - what a great piece of writing, putting it all in perspective, thanks.

            RE; HBs, I feel like Goldilocks and the 3 bears - one way of living is too quiet, but when my hi-maintenance HB shows up and the hurricane follows, I think that maybe quiet living was not so bad! After so many weeks alone, it has been hard to have non-stop people around, and meals to fix and places to go people to see. Oh well, just a couple more days and then we leave for a quick trip to see friends in MN...and me with racoon eyes!!!

            Again, congrats to all who have risen above those cravings -- I'm always thinking of everyone, will try to carve out some 'alone' time to write something a little more meaningful -- in the meantime, wishing all a peaceful time --
            to the light


              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

              Hi November Abbers!

              One more day to go for this thread, can you believe it? Let's go out with a bang, shall we? I am so glad I joined it early in the month and look forward to our new December thread! I think it is now mandatory that we get pink slippers . Too bad we don't do a secret Santa thing on here and send each other presents from picking one from a hat. Wouldn't that be fun? Although expensive to ship as we are so spread out. But I suppose we could do a US one and a UK one? Just a thought .

              I just posted a long write up in the daily thread so I will keep this one short. Thinking of all of you...hi to Chill, Papmom, Lav, Cyn, Dewdrop, Rusty, Sooty, SD, Rustop, Turn, Star, Oney, Bear, DG, Sunni, Accountable, Momof3, Universal et all. Lav, you mentioned Cassia. I was wondering how she was doing as well. When I first started on MWO earlier this year she was posting often. Bump to you Cassia if you are reading. Hope you are doing well. Sorry if I missed anyone in the rollcall but without sounding too much like the Walton's, Good night everyone!!! I'm looking forward to my days off coming up tomorrow and Thursday, plus my new oven which is due to arrive tomorrow by 3PM!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                Evening all! I'm a bah humbug sort of person I guess as I really don't like yankee swaps or secret santas. Besides, we'd all buy each other pink slipper booties, right?? :H

                Freakin' DD bit me again tonite. GDD!! I was picking the cat up as DD seemed nippier than usual towards him. I was right-he nipped me just as I got my hand around the cat. Barely broke the skin but it bruised right up. good thing I'm going to see Cesar Milan speak this Sat. nite in RI-think he'll grant me a private consultation? DD is spending the night in his crate and I don't care how long he barks.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                  Evening all,
                  Finally sitting as I just sent the grandsons home......I'm beat!

                  Dew, hope everything is wonderful with your check up. Boy, I wouldn't mind a few days in London right about now :H

                  cyn, I have come to realize the calm & quiet is kinda nice
                  Love my family & all but I am really learning to appreciate most of my alone time
                  A little foundation should help cover up those raccoon eyes

                  Blondie, enjoy that new stove tomorrow - what's for dinner??

                  papmom, your dog should not be biting you!
                  Is there something else going on with him making him so hostile?
                  I'll have to ask my daughter what they used to have their clients do in that situation.
                  Hope you are OK!

                  OK, gonna call it a night!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                    both times my fault Lav. I've known from day one he will bite. I've just been more careful the past 4 years than I was this week. I shouldn't have been so concerned about the cat-he's got really thick fur and claws!! he can handle himself and although it looks like DD is nipping him, i don't think he's ever made contact. Bad Papmom is all I can say. I have got to get my act together and give this boy some consistent exercise! Thank goodness we're going back to agility in 2 weeks but once a week isn't enough.

                    Dew-good luck on your 3 month checkup! We'll be pulling for a clean bill of health!! Safe travels!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                      Trying to type from my my moms again for the past two days. Hot water heater exploded, ankle deep in water in my mess!! Should be back in my house tomorrow. Had to take the day off work today because my son is really sick too!!! Yea, I'm all for diligence!! Lol!! Anyway..I will write more tomorrow from home! Have a great night! Cute pix Chill! SD
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                        Good morning guys

                        Dewdrop - thinking of you today and wishing you well.

                        Papmom - Ceasar Milan! Wow, I'm jealous, I think he is fantastic! I'm sure he will take questions so get your hand up fast...

                        SD - so sorry about your house and wishing your Son a speedy recovery.

                        Blondie - enjoy your days off, I just had two days off and back to work today *sigh*. Actually I have two pairs of the pink slippers, both were presents so who ever visits me 1st gets them as a gift.

                        The weather was dreadful yesterday and there is severe flooding all over the Country. I spent the afternoon at home catching up on paper work and sending emails. I send one to Jason Vale telling him I'd be interested in working at his Portuguese retreat so let's see what response I get! I also finally booked my reiki degree one which isn't until the end of January but I'm very happy with my choice after wading through lots of different courses.

                        I contacted some more people in Portugal and the general feeling is that working in Real Estate over there would be too difficult right now as the economy is in tatters. Someone did say they thought there was scope for a dog walker in the ex pat community which would be a joy to do in that climate! I will also have hopefully completed my reiki course 1 and 2 by spring and in May I do my NLP training.

                        Ok time to get going and walk Elle, have a wonderful day guys, it's the last of November!
                        Is everyone happy with Decemeber Diligence for tomorrow?
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                          Good morning everyone

                          Hard to believe it is the last day of November already!!

                          Thinking of you Dew this morning, hope all goes well for you. Fingers crossed that you get your new business up and running in the New Year, that trip up and down to London must be hell.

                          SD - sorry about your house and hope your son is soon feeling better.

                          Pap - Ceasar - wow, we watch him on TV. Wish I could send my JR to him but I think he is a bit of a lost cause at this stage.

                          Sped - Sorry about your son not being able to come for Christmas, any way you could go out there?

                          Cyn - I too like my alone time, like everything in life it is all about balance.

                          Chill/Lav - we too got washed out of it yesterday morning. I just put on waterproofs and walked anyway. I actually enjoyed it. Just brought the goldie with me, the JR looked out and said no way.

                          Star, Sooty, Blond and everyone else big hello. Looking forward to sharing December with you all.



                            Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                            keep forgetting to give you all an update on Cass, im her friend on facebook and she is doing great. She has just finished an exam and has no more tax classes! She has a very busy life and is enjoying having HB with her. Working hard and has been running too, I will send her all your love.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                              Good Morning Everybody,

                              I am a bit rushed today but I just wanted to say how about Dazzling and Diligent December? We have sparkling and seriousness in one.

                              Sped-I'm sorry about your son's decision to stay in Indiana. Does he feel uncomfortable knowing there's strain between you and your husband? I was just trying to think of reasons not to come home on a holiday. Then again....if faith is something you and your family never embraced....I don't know what meaning Christmas would have for him/you.

                              Papmom-How fun do see Caesar Milan. Ask away and take lots of pics and post them for us. I had a dog for many years (I shared him as I inherited him from my deceased friend), and he was a Maltese/Scottie mix and just wired. My friend had suggested we take him to the Dog Whisperer and I remember saying, "we don't need a dog whisperer, we need an exorcist!":H

                              Chill:l I attribute a good portion of your mood to the weather in Scotland. My BIL goes there frequently and in all the years and times of the year he's been to Scotland, he has NEVER seen the sun. Do you know which city has the highest suicide rate in the US? Seattle....Washington....because it rains ALL the time. Good that you're keeping in contact there.

                              Ok, I will try and address everyone else later.

                              Dew, those Friday night flights home gotta change.

                              Have a great AF Humpday!


                                Nouveau Novembre - week 4

                                Good morning friends,

                                Actually woke up to some sunshine
                                Don't know how long it's going to last but I'll take what I can get!

                                SD, I have been thru that water heater thing so many times during my life
                                Hope you didn't lose too much stuff.....

                                chill, sounds like things are shaping up for the new year for you

                                rustop, my son's Goldens love water be it rain, a puddle or a swimming pool :H Hope you had a nice walk!

                                Rusty, I have had my share of psycho dogs too :H
                                Now I'm just here with a piggy swissy!!!!

                                OK, time to get in gear. Wishing everyone a fabulous AF hump day!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

