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Nouveau Novembre - week 4

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    Nouveau Novembre - week 4

    Mornin' Fabbers!

    One more day till our December Diligence thread takes hold! I'm all for that name too!

    Sorry to hear about your doggy woes Papmom. Yes, maybe some exercise will help him loosen that aggression? How many dogs and cats do you have?

    Chill, sorry the weather has been gloomy. That sure does affect my mood. I am a leo and therefore ruled by the sun. I have a different energy when the sun is shining than when it's not. Today was supposed to be raining buckets but we now have bright sun so I will enjoy that while it lasts. In New England, you wait 5 minutes and we could have totally different weather.

    Rustop-Looking forward to sharing December with you. Think of what a fun time of year it will be for us to stick together. Is anyone going away for the holidays this year? For me, I am hosting Christmas Day at our place. I'm also hosting my mother's birthday party for her friends mid-month, about 15 ladies. So, I will be getting ready for those 2 events...but like Star said about TG, I'm not going to get too stressed with all the the teenie tiny details of cleaning. It's company that is the important thing.

    Today I am off from work and will be anxiously awaiting my new oven's arrival. For dinner Lav, I'm planning meatloaf .

    Off to clean and I will be doing the same thing Bear73 is doing today...decorating!

    Before I log off, I promised a pic of my bunny slippers. Here are 2 pics, one of the slippers and one of Clawdia sniffing the slippers. I think she only came over because I was paying attention to the slippers and not her for an Aren't they darling???

    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Nouveau Novembre - week 4

      PS, SD, I forgot to mention that I am sorry about that darn hot water heater. What a pain! We had one fail on us a few years ago...didn't get to the point of flooding but darn close. It had so much sediment in it from our crappy town water. We have the worst water in the state of Mass, I swear. It's brown lots of times and gross. Sometimes our white wash comes out with rust stains on it. But guess what? We have the highest water bills in the country?! WTF? Anyway, enough of my rant but I wanted to say I am very sorry to hear about the trouble with that. Hope you have a great day despite that episode!

      Hi to everyone else and have a wonderful day!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Nouveau Novembre - week 4

        Hi guys :hiya:

        Blondie - Now yours slippers are mega cute!!

        I agree its wonderful sharing our lives on this thread. Its amazing how the internet has opened up the world and its so great to know what you guys are doing over in the States that otherwise we would never hear about. The opening up of world communication in this way is truly life changing as we saw in the fall of the many of the Arab governments. They shut down the systems but through mediums like facebook it was too late and word spread like wildfire. Censorship can no longer happen the way it used to. I think its really cool to have friends all over the world and even if you wake up in the middle of the night, someone from Oz will be posting on MWO! :kewl:

        Thrown in to work again today at the deep end but at least its a short week and I have another day and a half off next week!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Nouveau Novembre - week 4


          Quick last November check in....

          I'm finally in back in my home...(again)...nice to be sleeping in my own bed! I know some of my comments may be from a few days ago, but I wanted to make sure I commented on a few things.

          Dew--Thank you for your comment the other day about needing to just persevere through the rough times...knowing that they will pass, and I (as we all can) get through them! :l Thank you...I really needed those words of encouragement that day and the next couple days that followed!! I hope your appointment went well!!

          Cyn--When I read about your crash to your head, my eyes about started to water. Oh, I just felt so badly for you...there is just nothing worse then a full force smack to the head. I hope you are healing up ok!!:l

          Chill and Blondie--I want some pink fuzzy slippers (insert whinny voice)!!! I think both of your slippers are adorable!!

          Lav--Not sure how much longer were in for the nice weather we've been so blessed to get thus far...pretty sure it's ending like tomorrow as a matter a fact!!:H Oh well....BUT I did get my new snow blower from my sister...yea!!!

          Sped--If you don't go see your son for Christmas is there something on your "bucket list" you've always wanted to do, that you and a friend could do over the holidays??? Like I've always wanted to go to New York and watch the ball drop on New Years....I don't know....go on a Christmas cruise?? Maybe I'm just doing some wishful thinking for myself...hey go see Chill and get those pink slippers!!:H

          Well...I better get some rest....BIG HELLOS to Rusty, Rustop, Pap (tell that dog to stop nipping at the hand that feeds, sooty...and all the others I'll see Dazzling and being Diligent in December!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


