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AF Daily - Monday

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    AF Daily - Monday

    Morning abbers!

    I am up and having coffee but I'm exhausted after staying up late last night watching tv. My own fault. I have a busy week, I see my therapist twice and the new psychiatrist tomorrow about my meds. Busy but good for me, hopefully we can figure out the best possible scenario for me.

    Good weekend, spent yesterday with friends, watched football and had dinner - it was really nice since I haven't spent time with friends that much lately. These guys have been with me through thick and thin and are really amazing friends to me. I am lucky to have them.

    I bought a Kobo Vox (e-reader, same as the Nook). What a pain in the ass. You would think that an e-reader would come with all the stuff needed to read a book but noooooooo, I had to download adobe, and a bunch of other crap and then the wireless function went out. 6 hours and endless calls and looking on line later and I still hadn't managed to get a book on the damn thing. I said screw this and returned it. Dissapointed because I really wanted one, I read a TON but that particular model is obviously not ready for retail yet. So I am bummed and kind of off e-readers now which sucks cause now I have to go to the library!!! LOL

    Ok, off to shower and get ready for my appointment.

    Have a great AF Monday, Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily - Monday

    Ahhh, here is Monday's thread! Hi everyone!

    Universal, sorry about that dang e-reader. I've never delved into that realm and rely on the good old library for my books, plus there's just something nice about curling up with a real book in your hands. But I'm sure the e-readers are sweet...if you can get them functioning like a top. Hope you have a productive appt. today.

    I'm heading to work which I assume will be busy. 3 more days till turkey day and I work in a food store, so it's been crazy! At least the weekend is over and I worked straight through with flying colors. My boss was so happy with the job I did keeping everything humming this weekend that she gave me a free organic turkey last night. Will make it at the end of the week as we are not hosting dinner this year, but hubs and I love turkey so it will be our celebration dinner after we put up the tree on Friday. Does anyone else put up their Christmas tree early or am I the only one???

    Hi to everyone who hasn't checked in yet...Sunshine, Lav, DG, Pap, LV, Rustop, et's been wonderful getting to know you all these past few weeks and I always look forward to starting my day on this section of MWO.

    Have a lovely day abbers and I'll check in after work...phew!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      AF Daily - Monday

      Hello friends,

      It's nice to hear from anyone we've done a good job, huh, BlondeAF? Enjoy that turkey. I love TG because of all the wonderful comfort food!

      Uni--I have been thinking about a Nook or a Kindle especially now that they have come down in price. What I really would like is a Kindle Fire, but think it would be a waste of money with the Internet I have. I can't stream any movies or radio or I use up all of our alloted bandwidth and then our provider slows us down to a snail's pace! I use and listen to a lot of books, especially in the summer when I am on the mower or trimmer.

      Peacnik--congrats on 2 weeks! Keep on keepin on.

      I seem to be having a little conflict with one of my siblings. I really should learn to filter my e-mail messages to make sure they won't be taken the wrong way. I was doing a bit of venting to my sil about a conversation I had with my other brother. All I said was with Terry gone, maybe he should make sure we can all get together once in awhile. And that maybe the rest of us can have more of a say about it. My sis in law (usually the sweet and kind one) obviously took offense to this. I apologized all over myself, but the fact remains, they still plan things without my input. It's time to accept that and carry on. It does hurt a little that this feels like they don't care if we can come or not. What happened in the past after my folks passed away, my brother decided we would have our Christmas the 2nd week in December. I don't think we ever made it to that. The kids are in school, and we usually had a Church program that weekend. Oh well.

      Today I need to tackle some projects around here and then off to my bookkeeping job in town. I had to get son up and out the door at 5 am, but I went back to bed.

      Have a great sober week all!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Monday

        Just a quick one from me this morning!

        I did nothing much this weekend other than the basic stuff like cleaning and laundry. I slept a lot. Been so tired.

        I have to get my blood work done before 8am then meet with the Oncologist at 9:30am today. Then tomorrow is that dreaded chemo - session 2 out of 6. Fun.

        I am going to go out and do some retail therapy today, if my Child Tax cheque shows up in the mail today. I should really get it direct deposited into my account. But, then it would have been spent this weekend, so prob for the best!!

        Have a great day everyone !!!! I know I am gonna make the most of it seeing I will be down again for a few days after chemo.

        Love you all!! xo


          AF Daily - Monday

          Oh, and (((HUGS))) LVT. Sorry about your friend.

          Kaslo, Victoria is soooo beautiful. But sooooo expensive. That is why I moved just north of there a couple of years ago. I feel, when I go and visit family and friends, that there are simply way too many people!! Living in a smaller town has changed me and I am quite liking the slower pace. BUT, if you were to ever move back to the Island, please let me know. I would love to meet you!!!!

          k, gotta run.... shower....


            AF Daily - Monday

            Hi fABbies! Uni, thanks for getting us started today. Sorry to hear about your e-reader experience!!! :egad: I have been thinking of joining the 21st century myself. (but I admit I still like feeling and touching the pages in my books!!) You have given me an excellent excuse to continue procrastinating!

            Blonde - I was wondering what type of work you did. Someone who can "keep it together" and really get the job done when times are busy is SUCH an asset to any organization! And wow - an organic turkey!! That is a cool reward! I think the big hurdle over "what to say when/if people ask why I'm not drinking" is getting over it in our own heads. What I do is really of little interest to anyone else. (what a shocker THAT was to find out! :H) And frankly, I don't care what people think. The "change" in my mind was figuring out that I'm not a "lesser person" in some way because I don't drink. I'm just a non-drinker....that's all. I have been known to say stuff like "no I wouldn't want to drink all the beer and leave none for I won't have any!"

            LVT - I just wrote on the AA thread how I have such mixed feelings about the holidays. I always wanted it to be like the Normal Rockwell plates but it's just not that way. I'm always glad when they are over. I hope things smooth out for you and the family. :l

            AFM - I still smile every time I see your avatar! I know the chemo treatments must really suck. I hope it feels good to be knocking them off - there will be one less coming after today, right? Wishing you well. Retail therapy ROCKS!

            Hello to everyone yet to come today!

            I bought a blood glucose meter as I am always about my own blood sugar levels especially since my Dad is so sick with diabetes. I keep hoping I got my mother's genes. I wanted to know but didn't want to know.

            Anyway....unexpected results here this morning. Fasting BG = 85. 1 hour after (low carb) breakfast = 79. 2 hours after breakfast = 69.

            I've been eating such crap lately and having sugar extravaganza's, etc. I have a theory that my body is throwing out TOO much insulin when it knows food is coming.

            It will be interesting to eat sanely for a month and then see what the readings are, and also test after a bit more carbs (HEALTHY ONES PLEASE GOD!!) in a meal.

            Since I know my sugars aren't through the roof high, I think I will thank my lucky stars and get on with trying to improve the quality of my diet!

            One thing is for sure.....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Monday

              Good morning kids!

              Had an 8 am appointment myself so was up & out very early for me
              Went right to Curves afterwards since I was in the neighborhood!

              peace - CONGRATS on your 2 AF weeks, great!!!

              Uni, I have had a Kindle for many years & have never had a problem with it. My DIL has some of her college textbooks on hers & carries it everywhere with her!
              Hope your appointments go well this week!

              AFM, I hope your cap arrives very soon to help keep you cozy :l

              Blondie, I am seeing you everywhere
              Enjoy that organic turkey!

              LVT, I listened to an interesting report on NPR this morning on family dramas/angst during the holidays. Apparently it is more common than we think & is always related to 'expectations', met or unmet. I've always tried to keep the holiday stuff a bit minimal to avoid the craziness. I only ever had a problem one year & it was soley due to my (now) DIL. She had just arrived on the scene as my son's girlfriend & immediately became unruly (jealous I think) of my daughter - for absolutely no reason. I put her in her place & told her WE do not behave like that........that was the end of that! She settled down & learned how to behave in a family setting. She has no siblings & had no idea how to act around others....

              OK, need to do some work stuff then go meet a friend for lunch. Mild temps here again today but raining off & on. At least it's not snow
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Monday

                Cross post DG!

                Don't drive yourself nuts testing your BS ~ it's fine
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Monday

                  hey ho fabbies!! Going to do a quick swipe at the gutters before the gutterguards collapse (again) Check on you later!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday

                    Hi everyone, Uni love you comments on the library. Hope your visits to specialists are working out. Re reading aides, mr Kaslo likes the Kindle best, my iPad is ok but like all ereaders kind of fussy getting started with downloads. The kindle is the best I thnk and not too expensive.

                    Lav and LVT family things at Christmas are sometimes enough to make a grown girl cry. Mr Kaslos birthday is the 18th, granddaughters is 5 January Also exson in laws and their wedding anni was december 17!!!!! Thank dawg thats over with Can't catch a break in there and knowing how people feel about having their special days shoved into Christmas, some years I'm so exhausted by the end.... Plus I usually have reports due which clients are never gonna good old fashioned family angst over Christmas is something I just think...sure THAT TOO. Wtf. Why not. Might as well. Can't dance. Grams got the snowmobile.

                    Anyway, it's still fairly calm right I think I'll make some tea and go back to Woik.

                    Kas. Who also extends warm greetings to Sunni, p3' m3, Greenie (don't fall offa the roof Greenie please)turn, marshy, Det, Vladimir WAIT A SEC, no vladimirs here thank you. Very. Much. If I've forgotten anyone please fillin the----------

                    Did y'all know there is no underline on iPads stinky little keyboard??? Hmmm?

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Daily - Monday

                      Wait forgot to say to betcha darlin, and when I am back I will come see you for sure!! I cannae afford it now tho.:H

                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - Monday

                        Just found out my poor SIL had an emergency bowel resection & (hopefully) temporary colostmy done yesterday. Gosh, I hope she's OK! She has been treated with antibiotics for diverticulitis since 11/11 but the situation continued to grow worse
                        She is 2 years younger than I am.
                        The reason I'm telling you about this is so you know that diets low in fiber, too much meat, etc are usually the cause. Watch what you eat, please.

                        Hi to Kaslo & everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Monday

                          whew, insane Monday!

                          good news in diverticulitis is a Peleo type of diet is very useful to prevent/minimize such maladies as it keeps intestinal irritation, bacteria and systemic inflammation to a minimum. Sugar and grains are the big culprits in these areas as usual. I saw a funny Peleo T-shirt recently with a 'carb zombie' lumbering forward while groaning: "Grains!...... GRRRAAAAIIIINNNSSSSS!!!" it was pretty cute.

                          Lav, I hope SIL makes speedy recovery

                          AF shouts to one and all

                          back to the zoom-a-thon
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Monday

                            Hi everyone!

                            AFM-Best of luck tomorrow with your treatment. Will be thinking of you. :l

                            DG-Ditto what Lav said...I woudn't worry too much about the BS. Just eat healthy and be good to yourself

                            Kaslo, sure sounds beautiful in your neck of the woods...have never been out that way before.

                            Lav-Sorry about your SIL's condition...right before the big holiday too...poor woman. Hope she is alright.

                            Sure was a busy day on here! Monday's down and now 2 more days to go till a day off . Another very busy day at work today as expected and tomorrow and Wed are going to be even more so. But I can handle it much better not waking up with a hangover!!!

                            Have a lovely evening all. I have some quiet time tonight as hubby is teaching an evening class and so I will just catch up on some reading before he gets home.

                            Goodnight all!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              AF Daily - Monday

                              Hey all.

                              AFM - keep going girl - you are inspiring.

                              DG - like the idea that no one really carers if we drink or not - need to store that one in my brain. typing this just before work - another run in with boss BUT I am getting better at letting it go.My friend actually said how much happier I had seemed these last few weeks - power of positive thinking!

                              I am seriously thinking of coming off prozac - think part of weight gain could be due to that -I thought it was more of a weight loss drug - apparently it can go either way. i am generally feeling better. I was tempted to take myself off - think i best wait until new year.
                              Positive thinking/exercise and the 'let go what you can't change' philosophy that is here so much is really helping.

                              Day 4 of the chromium - I have more energy and better concentration and no noticeable blood sugar dips.I think mood may have perked up a bit as well - lets see. Payday tomorrow so gonna get my omegas and B vits.Once off prozac i may keep some 5HTP on hand.

                              Anyway ladies and gents - good to be AF - I keep popping in at work to read but can't post.
                              Planning my decorating prep for next week now!
                              one day at a time

