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Dec. 31
Dec. 31
I have been trying to get on here all day. I was beginning to panic; not because I was slipping, but because I couldn't contact my MWO friends. Today has been good. I am looking forward to tonight; staying in with my grand-daughter. My son and daughter are off out for the evening... the usual madness. Andrew, my son, was supposed to be going into Glasgow for the big party there, but it has been cancelled due to a storm that we are in the middle of.
Still, I'm sure that he'll find somewhere else to go.
I really hope that you all have/are having a great time.
Peace and Love.xxooxxoo
Dec. 31
Sorry Lucky!!!
Well, I did it - that's 3 AF days for me!!
We went to the restaurant and boy did I resist temptation, some of my favourite champagnes and wine. We brought some french champagne and vintage red from our cellar. Although I could walk I said the weather might be changeable (and luckily it was, it poured last night) so picked up hubby and another couple after they went to the pub first (I stayed at home).
We arrived and met our other friends and the champagne was popped and as the waiter got to me last I said 'no thanks' and of course immediately it was 'aren't you drinking, what's going on etc' and I said maybe later, just really thirsty, want some mineral water, I am driving.
So they drank and opened up some beautiful NZ sav blanc, follwed by great reds. I just stuck to the mineral water and am very happy that I did. It wasn't that hard and although at the very beginning I would have loved some champagne, and was tempted to even just taste the wine I didn't.
Cheers to 2007!!!
Dec. 31
Great job louie,
I don't know if I could be that strong at a party with friends,also good for you 3 days AF. paulb sounds like your doing good as well, Scotland wow I would love to visit.
Happy safe new year!!!
2 days AF looking forward to it being thirty.
KitkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:
Dec. 31
HAPPY NEW YEAR...wooo hooo:wd: :yay:
Louie- I loved your story...felt I was right there with you! You did soooooo well! Best part is that You feel good about it.
Lucky- great job starting the thread today!
Paul - you sound very happy to be at home tonight- nice isn't it?
It has been raining here all day long. They say it should stop at midnight. My next door neighbor asked if I wanted to go to midnight mass with her and her parents and I think I will. I am a little uneasy about being out on these wet roads with other people not quite as sober as myself though!
Neighbor just called so I am definitely going to midnight mass. Nice start to the new year.
Have a great night everyone! I think 2007 is Our Year!
Peace - Love - and Happiness to you all
Dec. 31
Hi All, took the kids to a late movie, Eragon (they are into Dragons and things) then high tailed it down to the harbour (sydney that is) for the fireworks. That makes it 31 days AF YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! and first New Year sober in I don't know how long feels great and kids love it too we are getting along heaps better, I'm not cranky and hungover all the time. Hugs, kisses, peace and all that good stuff to everybody for 2007. We can do this together!!!!. Thanks for all the support everybody I wouldn't be up right and breathing if it wasn't for this sight and you guys on it, thanks for everything you have given me my life back. KimYesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!
Dec. 31
There did seem to be something wrong earlier, as I couldn't get on the boards either this am in the Eastern US! I was worried--seemed like the worst time for the site to maybe have problems on NY's Eve of all times!! It's good that things are up and running again!
I'm SOOOOOO incredibly impressed with those of you who are starting just now, I just can't find the words to express it, so I'll just say
I'm really impressed!
Lisa, I felt a deep tingle in my soul when you said that 2007 is going to be OUR YEAR!! Wow!! I'm starting to think so too! It's just a little feeling, but darn, a little feeling can really GROW! I spent my trip home to Maryland thinking about my goals for this year in between catching up with friends on the phone (with my headset on, of course!), so I had a great trip.
Lots of love and gratitude to all of you!
Kathy:hug:AF as of August 5th, 2012
Dec. 31
It's still four hours away here but we're safely tucked in at home and it feels goooooood!
We went to a movie earlier(Night at the museum) funny movie! Also out to eat, got a Birmingham news and headed home. The weather is yucky....I hope everyone will be safe.
Lucky.....love your new look! Never be afraid to be first!
Lisa I think midnight mass is an excellent idea!
Yes.............2007 is our year for Absville! Let's see how many new neighbors we can get!
Kim......Fireworks! I love that!
Paulb aren't grand-daughters just the best thing ever? Mine love to play cards and are very competitive.
Louie..you were so strong! Way to go...
Queen, I've got to try the elderflower tea. It sounds very organic!
Kitkat....you can do this...I just KNOW it!
Will say goodnight for now.
Be Blessed,
"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10