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sat 26 nov af daily

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    sat 26 nov af daily

    Hey all - up again and feeling good.So far only side effect of chromium is vivid dreams - not bothering me though - quite entertaining - almost like free films!Can reduce the dose though so may look at that next week.I lost a pound this week - mind you was shattered yesterday evening - from hard week at work - had Chinese takeaway and didn't feel good - MSG. Home made thai curry is waiting until Sunday evening now.

    Today off for Christmas lunch with old friends - booze doesn't tend to be a big feature anymore - then 50th party in the evening - no booze for me - no way. Then up early for skating tomorrow. Pottering about this am and thinking about Christmas food, bought some magazines last night.

    Not planned who is coming to us, if anyone this year yet - but we always have traditional turkey, not Christmas pudding though - yuck. I LOVE Christmas - putting decs up on Thursday night after work.May make some mulled apple juice as well to feel all festive.
    Seafood sounds amazing though.I have 9 days off then work for 1 day then 3 days off. 2 days off before to get into spirit(not literally!) do big food shop and bit of festive baking.

    I am so happy to be sober and here - and papmom - happy belated birthday
    one day at a time

    sat 26 nov af daily

    Mornin' all! I'm off to work in a minute but wanted to wish you all a super sober Saturday!

    Bear, sounds like you are starting the day off right! Good for you on the weight loss. I'm trying to shed a few pounds and glad to put the big eating holiday behind me. I managed to not gain any weight but didn't loose any either. They say a real optimist would have to start a diet on TG!

    Put up my tree yesterday (with hubs help, of course!). It's like 9 feet or something crazy like that. And then I got a wreath for my front door and also one for the bedroom (what can I say, I'm crazy about balsam!) and a 25 foot strand of pine garland I'm going to put around a mirror in our livingroom. I haven't put any decorations or lights on the tree yet...just put it in the tree holder and gave it a good dose of water so that the branches will fall out. She's a beauty! PS, Bear, I love Christmas too

    Have a great day to work...prolly a busy Saturday ahead of me but I'm well rested and ready for it!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      sat 26 nov af daily

      Good morning Abbers!

      Just wanted to wish everyone a fab AF Saturday!
      Will be back tonight after the turkey is consumed & birthday gifts opened

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sat 26 nov af daily

        Zooming, at work. Just a quickie to say thanks to Papmom, Lav, Kaslo, Mom3 & Det for the support yesterday. Lav, can't imagine having dad live with me, that must have been tough. GF said her dad took about two years to start to get back into the land of the living after her mum died so I can see it might take a while. Pap- it hadn't occurred to me that he might be angry. He doesn't seem angry but maybe. Gives me something to think about.

        Hello to all, back later.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          sat 26 nov af daily

          Morning abbers.

          I am glad you all seem to be doing so well. Marshy, sorry about your dad.

          I am about to jump in the shower and get ready for the day. Feeling a bit anxious as I had a fight with hubby last night but we'll work it out I hope.

          It's actually pretty nice here today, albeit a bit chilly. But still no snow so I'm grateful for that.

          Have a great AF day abbers!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            sat 26 nov af daily

            Mornin' FABulousies!

            A day of puttering and final yard clean up ahead of me, nothing too exciting. Speaking of exciting... Mr. Wonderful put our coach lamps up on the front of the barn last night! Good thing, I'm easily pleased, huh? Oh, and I'm gonna work more on the dutch doors for the horse stalls today, too.

            Kas, if you're checking in here (I said this on the Canuck thread as well) put a STOP PAYMENT on your cheque, girl! It'll be worth the $7 the bank charges. Sorry they dicked you around like that :l

            Blonde, I'm green with envy!! A 9ft tree! The only way I could put up a tall tree like that would be in the middle of hallway kinda thing where absolutely nobody could get around it :H

            Lav - happy you survived the festivities.

            Hello bear, Uni, Marshy - oh that reminds me.. I did call my dad yesterday. Mostly good news but he's had some out of whack test results, additional results won't be back for another week or so - he's been on prostate cancer watch for some time. Thankfully, they're looking at it every 6 months, so he thinks even if it is cancer it'll be early in the game.

            Alright, off I go... have a super sober Saturday, everyone!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              sat 26 nov af daily

              Hello friends,

              Looks like everyone that has checked in had a lovely Thanksgiving or a regular Thursday for our non-USA friends.:goodjob: I ate too much, but I didn't feel as bad as I did when I drank too much and THEN ate too much--YUCKO!

              I'm sorry your dad is sounding kind of mean Marshy. I also think it is part of the grieving process and probably not that he doesn't love you guys--it's just that your mom took care of all of those things for so many years, he just doesn't want to or know how to deal with it. My mom passed away 3 days before Christmas 7 years ago. My dad was angry because they were both sick and he REALLY thought he should go first because it made more sense. The next 6 months were VERY difficult until he passed too. Hang in there.:l

              Our friend with cancer passed away Thursday. I feel pretty depressed myself. I went to see my girlfriend yesterday late morning, and it may have been a bit too soon. She wasn't all that happy to see me. I know she is tired of people around so much. I don't think she wants my kind of support right now, too much going on. I've decided to just be patient and remind her once in awhile that I am here when she does need me.
              His service is going to be on his birthday. One year after his diagnosis.
              I will be the one to dig his cremation hole. That could prove difficult, but I want to do it. Besides, who else is there?

              Since my mom has been gone, and I guess with the boys being older, Christmas doesn't seem to hold the same magic as it once did. I hope I get into the spirit soon.

              Today I am going to tackle my messy basement again. The coach asked us parents to help provide a safe place for the kids to gather after basketball games, and I want to be prepared if it happens at our house anytime soon.

              Have a great sober day all.:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                sat 26 nov af daily

                With a Hey and a hi and a ho ho ho, fabinkas. Cross post and edited to say sorry about your friend LV. Edited again too. I,ll just stck with...There's no easy solution. Everyone meant well.

                Bear and Blond reading your opening salvo Iis like puppies. Or bubble bath. Or puppies in a bubble bath. Very refreshing. Glad you are doing so well. Bear did you see my earlier comment on degradation to chromium six? There may be a very good reason to curtail Cr to a short duration. pm me if you like. Meanwhile you go!

                Marshy yeah he's probably a bit browned off that he's left behind to do things she did. Your gf sounds super tho. Lucky to have her.

                Uni, enjoy your day, dear.

                Sunnii, I thought about stopping it but Revenue Canada is a vengeful god. I would of course send them a check to cover actual taxes owing, but they like to be The Decider (apologies to George bush ). It's not exactly clear yet and the fact that I have instantly remitted this is in my favor. This is a case where I was late for six months filing because I'd had hip replacement surgery , it did not go well, wont trouble you all with the details. Then rev can lost the filing and was behind also. They claimed it was never sent, my tax accountant proved it was. But they still charged a penalty from sept 2009 to now. With interest. So I have to let them decide how much of it they will give back. Canada is a wonderful country in many ways. We have a great medical system that is the envy of the world. A little spartan and rushed and sometimes delayed but it works. And we don't pay for it. Its a vast diverse wealthy nation. Best in the world in my opinion. But or tax system is very hard to accept. I actually don't mind paying taxes. But I'd like to know that the northern Ontario Indians are not living in tents. While Montreal contractors are being fed criminally over budgeted contracts.

                What was that? Kaslo, body was just inhabited by a wolverine! Did y,all see that? Cool.

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  sat 26 nov af daily

                  Well we do pay for it obvious. Med system that is....through taxes!! YAY! Not.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    sat 26 nov af daily

                    Oh and just to make sure the anti alcohol content is in my messages this morning, I believe my consumption of al contributed to the cartilage loss that gave me this arthritis and hip replacements, glad to have survived all that. One thing is for sure...

                    Kas. Who is going skiing....!

                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      sat 26 nov af daily

                      Hi all...checking in. I did the usual Saturday errands and felt great to have the energy and clear head to do them. Starting to get ready for Christmas. Wow a 9 foot tree that is going to take a lot of decorations. Bet it will look stunning. It has been so warm here it is spooky and I was even able to clean my car. Looking forward to another productive day tomorrow. Hoping you all are too. Thanks for the support I can feel your positive energy through the airwaves. Sid


                        sat 26 nov af daily

                        Hello AF Angels (in my best Charley voice)

                        Kaslo, so good that you are up to skiing! i really want/intend to go this season for the first time in many years. Inhabited by a wolverine? hmmmmm a rare variation of lycanthropy perhaps.

                        helped an elderly couple do some things around thier house this morning, now home fixing up wind damage from the last storm. I'm home, it's a loverly sunny day and I'm un-hung so what could be better?

                        be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          sat 26 nov af daily

                          LVT25, I am very sorry to learn about your friend's passing on Thursday. My thoughts are with you.
                          A customer of mine lost her brother on TG, right after they ate TG dinner. Died suddenly of a heart attack...very sad. Just makes you grateful for every minute...
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

