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sunday 27 nov af daily

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    sunday 27 nov af daily

    Hey all - another sober day!Christmas meal was lovely - good to see friends and amazing how much their children have all grown.One friend not having such a great time so going to call her next week one evening.

    Off to skating in a bit then need to buy new rear view mirror for car and then look at a netbook (christmas present for ME!) - so I can surf net more conveniently. Did think about a tablet but too expensive for what I need it for.

    Off to look on e-bay now for christmas presents - have a good day everyone will post properly later.
    one day at a time

    sunday 27 nov af daily

    Good morning bear & everyone!

    Happy ebay shopping bear
    I bought myself an HP G series Notebook earlier this year - love it

    I am about ready to jump into a full day's work here - this is my busy season & that's a good thing!!!

    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      sunday 27 nov af daily

      Hi Sunday abbers!

      Off to work in a few minutes but wanted to say greetings to all. Will try to catch up more this evening once the weekend is behind me. It's been pretty chaotic at work.

      To be honest, I've had the most challenging weekend of AL cravings. I think it's due to all the holiday festivites which always had AL a big part of them for me. This year is my first sober Christmas season. I have remained in control but please send strenth my way. I don't want to be starting all over again in January...I want to succeed at staying sober this time. Today I will take it one day at a time! If it wasn't the holiday season, I don't think it would be such a challenge. I just have to replace the habit of drinking over the holidays with that of staying sober. It is so worth it and I know there is no other option for me.

      Thanks for letting me vent...geez, it's getting late and I gotta get to the store to open. Have a wonderful day everyone and I'll be thinking of you all!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        sunday 27 nov af daily

        Morning abbers - I am doing better today. Had a great conversation with hubby yesterday - he is so angry and resentful (which granted he should be I put him through hell) and he has never dealt with it so it has just stewed inside him and I actually feel sorry for the pain he has. i knew it was there but just didn't know what to do. So we talked and I feel better knowing that I at least now have an idea as to what he is dealing with.

        Blonde - cravings are brutal this time of year. I hear ya loud and clear - vent away.
        Bear, I am so proud of you for finding other activities and keeping busy. That is what I need to do but I think I have been just letting my depression take over. Time for me to take charge like you are.

        Have a great AF sunday everyone. Love and hugs,

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          sunday 27 nov af daily

          Hello Abber Fabbers,

          BlondeAmbition. You can do this!! Take a look at the toolbox thread of this monthly abs section and pull out the tools that make the most sense to get you through this holiday season. Just think how great you will feel about yourself once you get through your first holiday season alcohol free. Stay active, drink lots of fluids, and post here when you need extra support. I never thought I could make it and here I am entering my fourth holiday season alcohol free!!!

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            sunday 27 nov af daily

            Good morning Faberoonies!

            Rainy, grey morning here... so Mr. Wonderful and I had a traditional Sunday including _______ and cold coffee. It's past noon here.. I should probably go feed some hungry critters :H

            Blonde... you're not alone in having a more difficult time around the holidays :l Oh.. and what Uni and Momof3 said

            The strange thing is, I'm not even sure what 'cravings' are I've never felt a physical compulsion to drink.. it's really just a 'thought', a 'pretty, fun picture' (albeit grossly distorted). But I'm getting better at letting that thought run its course and correcting that distorted picture. Previously, I've tried to just push the thought away, only to have it creep up again and again and eventually manifesting itself. I'm babbling, aren't I? Sorry!

            Ok, up and at 'em. Boy, am I glad I got the final yard stuff done yesterday... would hate to have to do that today in the p*ssing rain!

            Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sober Sunday!!!!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              sunday 27 nov af daily

              Nice job on the spelling Sunni :H :H

              I found my 'cravings' to be of the mental/emotional sort too!
              Using the Tool box ideas & the Hypno CDs helped me figured that out

              Got a good bit of work done then headed outside for a bit more. Colder & damper weather on the way. I have enjoyed this unseasonably mild weather but now that it's pushing December I suppose things will change.

              Blondie, I am looking forward to my third AF holiday season. You can do it too ~ stick with us
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                sunday 27 nov af daily

                Lavande;1216213 wrote: Nice job on the spelling Sunni :H :H
                Two words:
                WIKIPEDIA, baby! :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  sunday 27 nov af daily

                  nay Sunshine you are a Mary Poppins fan I am sure. Dreary here today but still warm so I'll take it. I have had AF holidays before they beat being wasted and hungover.
                  I find if I plan to have a lot of alternative non al drinks at functions it is much easier.
                  Especially when I go to other's homes. It is amazing to me how many people don't offer something decent to drink besides alcohol. However I am going to stay close to MWO!
                  Hope you are all having a nice Sunday! Sid


                    sunday 27 nov af daily

                    Hi all. Good but short ski yesterday. Got smoked by a small pack of 80 year olds. Nice to get out tho.

                    I decided to try sewing for my grandkids and bought some nice camo fabric, got as far as the zipper ie finished, lining and all, and the zipper I bought is too small so must go back to the store...but hey, I got that far. I used to sew my own clothes a long time ago..coats and all. So I'm finding stuff to do besides work and drink.

                    Hi Lav, bear, Sunni, Uni, m3, blond... Everyone have a fine Sunday!


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      sunday 27 nov af daily

                      Hi everyone!

                      Universal, Sunshine, Momof3 and Lav...thanks for the words of support. I guess I was feeling kind of alone with the AL addiction and not being able to drink over TG...but Sunny, you are right...I guess I am not alone. And Momof3, I will push forward so I can look back on the holiday season and not be disappointed in myself. Well done for you and Lav having racked up all those sober holidays so far.

                      As for me and the cravings, I know it has to do with being hungry...a definite trigger. And habit. That 5PM witching hour gets to me still. I, too, keep this image in my mind of drinking being a "pretty, fun picture" as Sunshine said...and I will try to distort that image in my head. Fast forward to a hangover are words I live by. That pretty image is not how it is in real life...never is. After that one drink, I regret it from there.

                      Thanks you guys for listening and supporting me. Love to you all this evening and here's to a sober start of the week!
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                        sunday 27 nov af daily

                        Evening all!!

                        Kas-smoked by a pack of 80 yos? you are too funny!!

                        Hey Sid-sounding good and strong. Keep it up! :goodjob:

                        Blonde-so glad you were able to surf the crave wave and come out the other side. All my cravings are mental not physical (in fact when I seriously think about the AL going into my body I tend to get nauseous) and usually I'm trying to beat myself up over something and want to use the AL as punishment. I'm learning to steer away from that type of thinking tho. Sid I'm with you-what is with people not stocking the bar with AF drinks when they plan a party? I'm starting to bring my own now.

                        Well, I did the turkey breast crockpot thing. All I used was chix broth, onions and smeared some veggie cream cheese over the bird. It was amazing to wake up at 4am to the aromas!! I stuck the whole thing in the fridge till I got home from work. then I picked off the meat and bagged it for the freezer-quite a bit! The bones and leftover crockpot juices and peices I poured into a dutch oven, added some water to cover and simmered for about an hour. Then I strained it all into another dutch oven and ladled it into 6 containers and an ice cube tray. Its all in the freezer now and that's all I know to do with it! Any suggestions?

                        Nice day at work today. I was pretty much on my own while my boss put up the christmas decorations. let me tell you-she could do this professionally. The girl is good!! We had a sing a long in the morning and in the afternoon I put on what I thought was the second half of The Sound of Music (they watched the first half yesterday). Unfortunately it turned out to be the last 20 min!! Disappointing. But, I had a Perry Como Christmas Around the World tape that everyone seemed to enjoy. I had 3 volunteers today which was awesome-made my life much easier. One of them was brand new, showed up late (she had been waiting in front of the building for over an hour for the other 2 girls who were already inside!) She was overwhelmed, embarrassed and the tears started flowing. I have never felt as much like a mother hen as I did today! Drama was quickly over tho and we got back to work. As I started to transport the residents back upstairs, I realized I was missing the 2 ambulatory ones!! Took me 15 minutes to find them sitting in the lobby- thank goodness! They both wear bracelets so i know they didn't wander outside as the alarm would have gone off. Heart Attack city tho as my boss had left for a few hours!! I'll know to keep a sharper eye on those two houligans from now on! :H

                        Where is DG today? Turn? IJM? Come out come out where ever you are?

                        I''m ready for tea and apple turnover and then hitting the hay. This holiday break was way too short!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          sunday 27 nov af daily

                          PS, Pap, sounds like that stuff you put into the containers and ice cube trays will make a great broth for future soups and roasts? Nice and easy to keep it handy when you just need a wee bit.

                          We must have been on at the same time Enjoy your tea and turnover, yummy! I am about to have a second cup of tea myself!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            sunday 27 nov af daily

                            bc wins the grey cup!

                            Congrats pap, on a good day at work!


                            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                            Status: Happy:h


                              sunday 27 nov af daily

                              Blondie - sober holidays rock, you'll see
                              Getting through the whole holiday season with falling on my a$$ is the greatest gift :H

                              Kaslo, you are one brave woman getting on skis.....I'm way too chicken

                              papmom, I commented on your story about the runaways on the other thread but just know that sometimes you just don't catch them in time :H

                              Greenie said she would be away for the weekend. But where are the others???
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

