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sunday 27 nov af daily

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    sunday 27 nov af daily

    Kas - you are impressing me to no end! skiing...Sewing...being all brilliant and scientisty....AND being sober. You are my idol. If you ever catch up with those 80 year olds again...tell 'em smoking kills.

    Lav- how did it go for you yesterday with the bdays and TG dinner celebrations? Hope the little one(s) got better. You sure are a creative and talented person - I'm hoping you'll have a great $eason!

    Bear - you sure are getting a jump on Christmas. Maybe some of that energy will rub off over on this side of the pond.

    Sunni - Two words: Funny lady! Pass the pantyhose. Wie bitte?

    M3 - every time I see your avatar I want to get off my butt and work out. Have you always been that buff? You do weights?

    Uni - It is great that you are feeling better. You sure sound more upbeat and hopeful.

    Blondeness - I have also been getting zinged by drinking thoughts lately. I've noticed that my mental desire is triggered by the holiday associations. But I have actually had physical desires and I believe those are connected to the carb/sugar intake over the holiday. Really. After eating pie, I felt bad....with hangover type symptoms. I'm already back to clean eating...but that was something. We made it...Good for us!

    Pmom....Better do another head count. Are you sure some of your peeps aren't out harassing Kas on the trail?

    Sids....I am just so happy you're hanging out here. Will you be in chat tonight?
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      sunday 27 nov af daily

      Ha ha ha! Except they all had German (or Swiss accents). I'm not making this up. They were eating lunch in the cabine when I came in to pay my membership for the year. I got half way around the easiest track we have, and they steamed by me. You are goink ze rung vey! sayeth the last one as she whizzed by. Found out later she likes to go last, because she's eighty-four. Son of a b....

      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        sunday 27 nov af daily

        Kaslo;1216347 wrote: Ha ha ha! Except they all had German (or Swiss accents). I'm not making this up. They were eating lunch in the cabine when I came in to pay my membership for the year. I got half way around the easiest track we have, and they steamed by me. You are goink ze rung vey! sayeth the last one as she whizzed by. Found out later she likes to go last, because she's eighty-four. Son of a b....
        Oh God, thank you. I've had a most rotten day and really needed a laugh.

        Night girls 'n boys... I'll be back in better spirits tomorrow!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          sunday 27 nov af daily

          So Kas, are we talking downhill or xcountry? I'm going to feel doubly bad for you if it's xcountry!! :H
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            sunday 27 nov af daily

            Turn-I so agree with you on the dessert thing giving you hangover too! I find that now that I have been a low-carber for a long time...I just can't digest high carb sugary foods...not even certain types of fruit believe it or I just stick to my low carb foods, which there are plenty. And I feel better for it. Sugar and I and AL and I do not mix!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


