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monday 28 nov af daily

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    monday 28 nov af daily

    Back again

    Hello to Chief & OMW!

    Bear, hope your knee has been rested today!
    Glad your cat is OK

    Sunni, I have no idea but do you have any business insurance? Would it cover the cost of what you need to upgrade your system? That kind of stuff sucks

    papmom, I did my business license app online. It was fast & easy.
    Now you just need to find a way to make yourself work instead of napping or watching TV :H
    You'll get a routine going I'm sure!

    I am done for the day (yay).
    Will start again in the AM.

    DG - please check in.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      monday 28 nov af daily

      Yup, you are so right more feeling isolated and abnormal that there won't be wine around or that I will be drinking alone in front of people who do not drink. Just enjoying their company, I mean, really enjoying their company, will be enough for me!

      PS, I may have to borrow your pink camper and do a cross country trip to Phoenix...Hubs would really love that! LOL!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        monday 28 nov af daily

        P3....You're still a Queen in my book even if you don't go to Curves

        Blonde...what a fabulous vacation you have in store for you and a sober one too. BONUS. Looking back, I excluded myself from so many relationships and friendships because of my drinking. It is true Freedom to not have to feel that way anymore.

        Lav, How did your Thanksgiving dinner go this weekend?

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          monday 28 nov af daily

          Hi alla you Fabulous Abstainers. Blond, we vacationed in Tuscon AZ and really enjoyed it. The desert is incredible and I would go back in a heart beat. We photograph plants and birds and there was so much subject matter for photography...just amazing.

          Well I seemed to have substituted sewing for drinking. Had to sneak out to fabric land and came back with some ripstop nylon and fun fuzz wear for the gkids, and had to sneak it past Mr Kaslo...

          Gotta go bye.

          Ha ha Everyone have a great evening.

          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            monday 28 nov af daily

            Hey Blondie-the pink camper isn't mine-just one I covet. I do however have the paphut-which is smaller and not so pink. It's also for sale.......
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              monday 28 nov af daily

              Blondie... you must indeed have interesting family dynamics :H
              My huband's wife even works in a recovery facility.
              Great news on the vacation planning! Cannot give one iota of advice as I have not been to AZ. So you go and give ME tips when you get back - deal?

              Lav, how were the rug rats? I trust everyone is back to fabulous health? And no, no business insurance - we're not talking thousands here and the lion share is always my time.

              Mom.. I'm SO disappointed! That's NOT your pink camper? Darn :H

              Kas.. Secret trips to Fabric Land? You rebel, you!

              Okiedokie.. I was up past 2am last night or this morning or whatever... cannot do that again. I think I'll crawl under the covers and let the TV bore me to sleep

              Night night, sweet dreams!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                monday 28 nov af daily

                What's up withthe spammers tonight??
                They're popping up everywhere!

                A trip to Arizona this winter sounds very nice Blondie, enjoy yourself Have never been there myself.

                papmom, how did the 'home' work go??

                Kaslo, I spent half of my life sewing for myself, kids & anyone who wanted something but I haven't done much the last few years. I hope to get my sewing mojo back - it was always a fun & relaxing activity for me do you actually have a fabric store nearby? I don't anymore....

                M3, Thanksgiving Saturday was great & the birthday boys (son & grandson) enjoyed their celebration too

                Day is over - night all.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  monday 28 nov af daily

                  Hello Abs,

                  Not much to say. Had a very nice night with the kiddies cuddling and having steamed milk and a movie before bed. Now that's quality time! much better than becoming numb and disconnected with AL.

                  Had a busy weekend working so didn't get on MWO at all. Will catch up with the daily news tomorrow.

                  Good night all. Time to rest my sober head on my pillow.


                    monday 28 nov af daily

                    Hi everyone, sorry kind of noncommunicative, due to a hundred things happening at once. Snuck Fabric past Mr. Kaslo only to discover shedded fringes from the white fake fur shag fabric had stuck itself all over the front of his pants. In an, er, ah, compromizing position. He was quizzical. Where did all this white hairy stuff come from he sez. So much for keeping a low profile. The stashed pile of fake fur and assorted fabric under the kitchen table was revealed.

                    Lav yes we do happen to have the only fabric store in the entire west Koots, people come from all around, and re sewing again, I am really rusty, and just as I would admit to any drinking faux pas here, I must confess to having ....

                    a. sewn the hood into the sleeve opening, fixed that.
                    b. put the zipper in backwards, wrong way out, ripped out, put it in again (basting it in and all)
                    c. put the second bash at zipper in upside down on one side, ripped this out a smidge more vigously, very quickly basted back on again. All of this with no zipper foot, cant find the damned thing.
                    d. pockets dont quite line up, ever so slightly off on one corner.

                    However it was fun, despite the smoke coming out of my ears, I had to laugh at myself. my mother was a home economic teacher, (and a drinker too, and now I am starting to understand why, lol. just kidding) so I DO actually know how to sew but boy I should know better than to just assume I have it right the first time.

                    When I had small children I just could not envision sewing for them, they grew so fast, and I worked so hard at building the company. Now my grandkids will be stuck with grandmas hideous tailor made outfits, poor buggers. (We wish you'd just drink instead grannie, really.)

                    TURN I have been thinking all day to thank you for the kind words.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h

