Last night's BB meeting was "To the Wives" which I have to reverse. It's a good wake-up call to how our drinking effected our spouses/partners. It's not pretty, but it keeps me sober to remember the damage.
With the holidays upon us, there's been a lot of discussion. I don't fear the parties ahead. Some of them are AA related, so there will be no drinking. Some of them will include drinking, but moderate drinking which doesn't bother me.
It was awesome going to a meeting w/my son while he was here. I think he was a little surprised as to how accepted his mom is in the program...even amongst the "biker dudes." As we all know, alcoholics come in all stripes & colors.
Please don't hesitate to share here even if you don't go to meetings. Asking questions is a great way to find out about it. Knowledge is power. Mary