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wed 30 nov af daily

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    wed 30 nov af daily

    Morning all - still bit coldy but up and ready to go now.
    Off to collect wifi kit so can use my new netbook, collect parcels, get my fringe trimmed, buy some fruit and coffee.Then back here for cleaning, tree and decorations out of loft and throwing away/thinking about packing stuff away for decorating in Jan.

    I ready the post about feeling used by alcohol and can really identify with it - being honest I am getting the odd 'it's not fair, just one at christmas' etc etc - I know it's the booze monster talking and it's all lies and where has it got me..

    no hobbies for decades
    fear of change
    reduced fitness
    other stuff
    wasted money
    home not looking as good as it could

    I could go on... that's enough to be getting on with - I so remember dieting in my 20s and always going over my calorie limit as I had to have booze calories - or not eating enough so i could get wasted/not put on too much weight - secretly pleased when i vomited (which i did EVERY Friday night for a good couple of years in my 20s).That was fun?

    Anyway happy to be af - if a bit fat and know that if i can lose weight with little exercise/booze calories SURELY I can do it now with exercise and no alcohol.

    Good day everyone,
    one day at a time

    wed 30 nov af daily

    Mornin? All!

    Just doing a quick fly by. Things are going pretty good. Monday I think I hurt my ankle when I was running because Tuesday I was hobbling around like an old man. Needless to say, no running yesterday. I?ll be running at lunch today however, if I have to take a half bottle of anti-inflammatories!

    I have gotten two early Christmas presents. One, was a bottle of Rum. Didn?t want to hurt the feelings of the person that gave it to me so I just thanked them. Then I gave it to someone else ? no need to let temptation be around me. However, here is my big Christmas present. I?ve been like a kid in a candy store!

    My playing sounds like dog crap but I?ve only been taking lessons for about a month so I am cutting myself some slack. But I am really enjoying this. I?ve always wanted to play! Mrs. IJM lies and says it sounds good?.

    It?s a beautiful day here in God?s country. Hope everyone is going to have an awesome, rewarding, AF day.

    Take care,


      wed 30 nov af daily

      Wow IJM. SO COOL that you got yourself a piano and you're taking lessons. Yeah!!
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        wed 30 nov af daily

        Morning everyone!

        IJM - that's awesome! And I love the color of your room.
        Bear - I am so proud of you - that is all.
        Papmom - you know I love you girl - I saw your # on my phone and figured it was you but couldn't really chat at the time (therapy). I'll try to touch base with you tonight or tomorrow.

        I am feeling much better today after a good nights sleep. For a day that started out so horribly, it ended okay. That therpaist appt really helped and I'm so glad that Mike is going to go back and deal with his stuff. As for him and me? Who knows, probablyy over but I'm only going to focus on me and getting well. It's funny, I'm up and today I'm already wanting to do something whereas before I'd be ready to go back to bed. Hopefully this is a new beginning of a wonderful new life - with or without a man. You guys make me a stronger person. Thanks to all of you. kisses.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          wed 30 nov af daily

          Morning Fabbers!! Thanks for starting us off Bear! Sorry you're not feeling well but mentally you look marvalus my dear!!

          Awww Uni! So great to hear you feeling so well today after that traumatic 48 hours!! You can do this-no man needed. If he's not going to support you 100% then he's just dragging you down and impeding your full recovery. I'm glad he'll get to work on his issues too-sounds like he needs to.

          Liberace!! ahem, I mean IJM!! Beautiful piano there! is that what they call a baby grand? Love the chandelier over it!! Congrats on passing up the temptation-you rock! And, belated Happy Birthday!! When was it?

          gotta get rocking myself-dropping off my first new mortgage payment to the bank on the way in to work (long story as to why I'm not sending it in but all is good.... I hope).

          See you all later peeps!!

          OH, PS-I've PM'd and emaild DG and no response. I'm getting very worried! If anyone has her phone number, please call her!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            wed 30 nov af daily

            Mornin' Abbers! Thanks Bear for kicking us off on the right foot, as always

            Boy, could I relate to your list...I could have written it myself. Also, I played the game with counting booze calories into my diet so I could mantain my slender figure and still drink like a fish. I managed to look alright in my 20's and early 30's but really noticed that it was starting to take it's toll when I turned 35. Wine belly, bloat all over, blood shot eyes, sallow skin, brittle hair...pretty picture, eh? Not to mention I felt like shit all the time. In fact, now that I have been straight sober for about a month, I now realize that even on my "good" hangover days when I thought I felt "ok", it's nothing to the feeling I wake up to now.

            Bear, I too, have been having those thoughts of "geez, maybe I will just drink at Christmas and THAT'S IT", but we know ourselves too well that we can't stop there, so let's not entertain those thoughts. I have a huge favor, can y'all PM me on Christmas morning and say some words of support? Seriously...not kidding. If anyone remembers this, I will send you a pair of bunny slippers
            Bear, we will make it through and be better in shape for not indulging in AL over the holidays, which always means indulging way more in food too. We loose our inhibition and when we normally would be able to resist treats, somehow AL makes them all the more easier to EAT.

            I have been following a low carb way of eating since I stopped drinking AL and I have lost about 4-5 lbs. And I've been eating like a horse! Lots of salad, protein, eggs for breakfast, low carb candy/ snack bars (the ones I get are made by Atkins brand) which are pretty darn good and take the sweets craving away. Butter, cheese, olive oil for fats. And I've still lost weight and feel good. I think it curbs your craving for sweets. Low carb isn't for everyone but I really enjoy eating this way...never feel hungry and therefore, helps to not succumb to AL. Right now, I'm about to have some baked eggs for breakie .

            It's Just Me-Wow, that is a beautiful piano!!! Thanks for posting the pic. Your home is lovely too, by the way. I took lessons later in life also...always wanted to play the grandfather was a piano tuner by trade and I always wanted to play since that heritage was in my family, but my parents couldn't afford to buy me lessons or a piano when I was growing up, so I ended up playing the instrument which was leftover in the school band...saxaphone. And that was cool too! Then in my late 20's, I took lessons once a week and even bought a beautiful grand piano, an antique one, very ornate, from the Victorian era. Had it refurbished, re-keyed, about 5K worth of work. I kept it up for a few years but then I ended up getting a divorce and had to really downsize everything. And I went from wife to bachelorette with the party girl single life that goes along with that. And sadly, I gave up interest in playing and moving my piano around with me (2x in one year...that was expensive and rough on the piano itself). So I sold it on eBay of all places and got back the money I put into it. I always think that someday I will take it up again and maybe just get a modest upright that isn't so hard to move. You have just inspired me! There's nothing like having a grand piano in the house. I do miss mine, especially over the holidays as I loved to play carols on it. Enjoy your early present and I wish you the best in your musical endeavors!

            Mornin' Momof3! Looks like we are all up and at it bright eyed and bushy tailed! Let's all have a great day. I have to get my butt off this chair and get dressed. That stove is being delivered today and I don't want the delivered boys to catch me in my bathrobe and bunny slippers
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              wed 30 nov af daily

              xpost Papmom and Uni-Mornin' to both of you. Uni, hope you slept well and will have a better day today. Keep us posted, we are here for you.

              Papmom, I am also wondering about DG...did we miss something that she was going to be away or something? I hope she is alright.

              Good luck at the Mortgage office...reminds me I gotta get our payment out ASAP!!!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                wed 30 nov af daily

                Morning Abbers!

                On my way out right now on this sunny but chilly morning

                bear, hope you have a great day & accomplish everything on your list!

                IJM, very nice gift
                What did ya get me? :H

                Greetings M3 & papmom! Uni, glad you are feeling better today.

                Blondie, what's for dinner today? Make something good on your brand new stove!!

                Have a great day!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  wed 30 nov af daily

                  quick flyby to let you all know I just heard from DG and she is fine. Super buried in homework (it's very near the end of the semester and finals) and just can't spend anytime social networking right now. She sends her love to everyone.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    wed 30 nov af daily

                    Morning chatter boxes!!!

                    Bear - you rock. I could add to that list but I don't want MWO to run out of server space.
                    IJM - NIIIIICE present! Love it! So will you be posting home spun Christmas Carols for us?
                    Uni - so glad you're feeling better. Remember Lav's message from the Universe last week?
                    Papmom - sorry you have to part with mortgage payment. Uggh. And thank you for checking up on DG!
                    Blondeness - Yay on the new stove. I really miss my purdy glass top stove (went with the house when I sold it)
                    Lav - not so bright but plenty chilli here. Hrmpfh.

                    In honor of our green queen I'm writing to you fine folks from the comfort of my robe. Which is a state that I will unfortunately have to leave very shortly as I'm still on horse/cat feeding duty for neighbours. And then there's my own critters who are probably impatiently thumping their hooves by now. So off I go then! Have a happy Humpday, everyone!

                    One thing is for sure...
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      wed 30 nov af daily

                      Hello friends,

                      Wow, what a BEAUTIFUL piano, IJM! You are a wonderful example of how our lives can turn around without AL to mess it all up!:goodjob: We have an electric keyboard that we got our son for Christmas one year, that he lost interest in after a few months. I keep thinking I'll teach myself to play. I also keep thinking I'll start sewing again, do my scrapbooks, do some the end of the day I usually end up in front of the tv.

                      Uni--I'm so glad you and your hubby went to counseling together. It is a blessing he is willing to go because honestly, he needs to deal with his hurt and resentment. I know what it's like to not trust an alcoholic spouse, but since you are trying so hard, it would be a real shame if he gave up on you without trying himself. I really hope you both can heal. A little time apart-even in the same house can help too. Hang in there!:l:h

                      I am bound and determined not to let this overwhelming sadness for my loved ones get the best of me. Life goes on right? Soon I am going to have a talk with my husband about trying a little harder to be nice to each other.

                      This is a busy week, so I better go place my Amazon order for the boy's Christmas presents and start my day. Have a great sober day all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        wed 30 nov af daily

                        Hi everyone.

                        Uni, an angel told me you had a very rough day yesterday. (thank you angel!) I just wanted to pop on and offer you my support in addition to all the other fABbies here. We have to first get well for ourselves and believe we can be OK by ourselves if necessary. Then the men, right? I'm glad you day ended on a brighter note and that today is going well. One day at a time my friend.

                        I am OK - have not been around because when I come, I stay too long and I am buried in homework (plus my regular job, home, husband, dogs, extended family, etc.!) right at the mo. All is going smoothly - it's just one of those times I have to stay heads down. 2 weeks until it's all over for this semester! YIPPEE!

                        Take care everyone. THERE IS NOTHING IN LIFE THAT IS SO BAD AL CAN'T MAKE IT WORSE. One thing is for sure...

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          wed 30 nov af daily

                          Hello all,

                          So very glad you are feeling better Uni. Time for healing and getting your life back!

                          Great work DG good luck on these final weeks and all the homework.

                          Papmom, Lavande, Sunshine, Mom3, Bear, Blonde, Piano Man and anyone else I left out have a great day.

                          I am taking the day off from exercise although the amount of cleaning I need to do in my home might qualify as an endurance event! :H

                          Later Fabbers!


                            wed 30 nov af daily

                            typing on my new netbook - love it - I am on the sofa!Still not feeling great, coldy and tired. Would really like to take day off sick tomorrow, may go in and maybe come home early.Still not done cleaning but at least have taken some of the christmas decorations from the loft.

                            Reading through the discussions about thoughts of moderating - not because i plan to do it - but to remind myself why i don't/can't moderate. I want to feel clear headed and healthy not spaced out and ill - i love meech's phrase of alcohol sneaking up on us.

                            I still feel a bit bluesy - seeing old friend at weekend who has been very self centred in past/critical/ competitive and disdainful of me and my friends/lifestyle,she is a big drinker and has not been particularly happy whenever i have quit before. Feeling nervous about it - she lives long way away,see her few times a year so in the past have felt unsure about whether to tackle her about any of this. think not exercising is affecting my mood - tomorrow i will hit gym and do exercise that doesn't involve my knees.
                            one day at a time


                              wed 30 nov af daily

                              Hi Gang!

                              Good to see you around DG but I had a feeling you were knee deep in school and life in general!

                              Soooo, my new stove just arrived! Here she be:

                              I'm naming her Bridgit, Goddess of the Hearth and Home . I shall now bake an inaguaral batch of peanut butter cookies for hubs this afternoon! Couldn't believe how quick the installation guys installed the new and out with the old. Now I can get Coco out for a walk in the bright sunshine...may as well take it while it is here!

                              Just my mid-day off check in with everyone. Just had a salad and a cup of tea and now off for some fresh air. Got some cleaning done this morning but it never feels like enough. But nice days like this aren't gonna stick around for much longer so I am anxious to get out and enjoy them! Oh, I also did some more tree the garland and a few ornaments on. Maybe will finish that off tonight.

                              Enjoy your afternoon everyone!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

