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wed 30 nov af daily

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    wed 30 nov af daily

    Hi all Faboohoos and Fabhahas. LOVE the pix of the piano IJM, good for you taking up something creative. At least no one has to end up wearing it, like my sewing enterprises. A big shout HUGE shout out to M3, Sunni, Uni, Pap, BlondAF and Bear who is amazing and inspiring.

    I've discovered that Skype can be used to cut your own hair. I tried this last night with my younger daughter. I had the ipad up against the Jenome sewing machine, yapping away, scissors right there, and noticed, hey, I can just snip my bangs using my own, truly hideous image of myself in the lower right hand corner, together with the reactions of my daughter to guage if I am getting it right or not. Mostly her response was to peep through splayed fingers and shout, NO MOM NO STOP. But really, Greenie may confirm this discovery, it actually works, and I think it has applictions for things like home-done cooking lessons, minor appliance repair and eventually brain surgery.

    Upon looking in the mirror, this morning and seeing the results I may have to skip directly to brain surgery.

    Everyone have a great AF day. I have two papers due, one on the effects of flooding, and my statistician is in Thailand, escaping floods so I have used that as an excuse for an extension. This is a really good one, this time. They are getting harder and harder to come up with every year. Dog ate it, dog died, mom died, dog ate mom, alla those have been used up. Of course impending brain surgery could be useful next year.

    Love, kas

    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
    Status: Happy:h


      wed 30 nov af daily

      Hope everyone is having a nice AF day. Love that beautiful piano...what a stunning setting.
      Uni glad you worked out for now your difficulties at home.

      So I can see a lovely piano and nice stove how about Kaslo's hair? Sid


        wed 30 nov af daily

        Yeah - I wanna see Kaslo's hair too :H :H

        Oh boy - had a great visit with my daughter & grandaughter today - now I'll be working until midnight to catch up

        DG, thanks for dropping in.

        Waiting for my meatloaf Blondie
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          wed 30 nov af daily

          Hi Gang!

          Kaslo, you crack me up! I'm sure you look FABULOUS!

          Lav-I had to skip the meatloaf as I forgot hubby was teaching tonight and usually likes a lighter meal before he I did something with shrimp instead. Tomorrow I'll do the meatloaf and be sure to save you a piece, ok?

          The day went fast for me today...lots to do around the house and never enough time. I took the dog for a nice walk and then spent some time decorating my front porch planters with holiday theme since the weather was so nice. Got most of the tree decorated and also decorated a plain wreath I bought at the same nursery where we bought the tree last weekend.

          Feeling a bit blah tonight...maybe kind of bored even though there is so much to do. Thoughts of drinking crossed my mind and then I inhaled dinner. Tomorrow is 30 days for me and I don't was to mess it up. And I want to abstain from here on out. I guess there will be ups and downs like this. Tomorrow will be another busy club meeting at 8:30AM, have to pop into work to prepare some cheese platters for a special holiday shopping night we are hosting at the store starting at 5PM. It's officially my day off but since I'm the cheese monger, I agreed to come in and put together some nice platters. Then I'll be back home to get some stuff done around here.

          Made a doctor's appointment for a check up, which I have been putting off for months. I can't get an appointment until early January anyway since the only day I can do it is on Thursdays when I have hubby's car (my Doc is the next 2 town's over). When I was drinking I was always afraid of having my bloodwork done due to the liver damage from AL and I did in fact have one test come back showing a slightly swollen liver. I had to be retested and I waited for months to do that...I actually waiting about a year...can't believe I toyed with my health like that. Anyway, the 2nd time I had it tested per the Drs orders, I was sober for a few weeks and beefed up on Milk Thistle. My liver was back to normal, thank goodness. Hope it will be this time too, despite years of abuse.

          Bear, I hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you are enjoying your new Netbook!
          Thanks all for listening and I hope everyone is having a great night. I'm off to do some reading and I have to finish getting invitations out for my mother's birthday party which is on Dec. 14th.

          Peace to all!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            wed 30 nov af daily

            Kaslo;1217920 wrote: I've discovered that Skype can be used to cut your own hair.
            Can ya see the back?

            hey ho... hit the gound running after T-day trip which was great!

            Uni, you absolutely can do this. And you can do it by yourself if you need to. Maybe you need to do just that in order to believe it. I believe in you. :l

            Shout out to meech and sidney!

            IJM new piano!

            Blondiegirl new stove!

            AFM new hat! (you are such a sweetie-pie, lav)

            DG homework!

            bear new notebook!

            P3 birthday! :bday3:

            M3 assistant yoga teacher!

            Hi to turn, treya, chief, LVT (sorry about your friend - try to not carry that around too long, OK? :l), jitsu face oops I mean Det, sunnybutt (proud of you in the robe!), and and and and is that it?

            Have to go toss a chicken in my old 30" GE stove with regular burners......
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              wed 30 nov af daily

              Hello All,

              Blonde...I love your new stove "Bridgit" and I love the New England decor. Makes me long for the beach. Love your description of baking cookies, having tea, etc. Being AF really allows you to fully enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

              DG. Keep plugging away girl.

              Uni, I read your posts from yesterday and I am happy you are doing better today. I have a brother who has a long history of depression and addiction to pain killers (Since his early 20s and now he is 50). Not quite sure what came first but I will tell you, it was very hard on my parents when they were alive. He has not spoken to me in a long time because I would not allow him to visit my home and children while he was actively using. He was and is looking for someone or something outside of himself to "cure him" and does not have a clue that he has a part to play in it. He has been on every AD and anti-anxiety that was ever made and he has even gone through ECT. He is mired in the past; still resentful and angry over things that happened many years ago and is constantly rehashing the past and what others have done to him. Over the years, I have supported him emotionally and financially but if you were to ask him, he would probably tell you that I was a horrible sister. I could tell you horror stories about how he has been treated by the never ending string of therapists, psychiatrists, etc that he has seen. He has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals several times. He has no friends because he either alienated them in some way or they gave up on him. So, I understand depression from the other side and I have some understanding of what you are going through too. I can tell you that things got alot worse for him when he got fired from his job (because he was always late or calling in sick). The lack of structure and sense of purpose gave him little reason to get up out of bed in the morning and get outdoors. My wish for you is that you find your way out and live a great meaningful life.

              Kaslo, I just can't get over the image of you cutting your bangs while you were on skype:H

              Meech, Great to see you here.

              Special hugs to you LVT. I am so sorry for your loss.

              Hello to everyone else!

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                wed 30 nov af daily

                Hidy Ho ABeroooos!

                my what a fun bunch we have today, new stoves, pianos, skype brain surgery. I'm impressed!

                BlondeAF so glad your doing well on a controlled-carb dietary approach, I also have noticed it's critical for myself. recently at the gym the guys asked me what I've been doing to get so lean. I told them it's not what I've been doing so much as what I've not been eating. the wheat products and sugars. now maintaining healthy weight is easy and I feel supa!

                ok, as amazing as this may seem....only last night did I see my first Harry Potter movie. the first one. and it was really cute!

                Uni, you feeling strong? please know yourself hon, and reach out if we can do anything in particular.

                alrightey then.... off to chat and continuing to enjoy a nice quite AF evening

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  wed 30 nov af daily

                  Aloha All! Yes, that AL will keep us from hobbies, interests and passions. Beautiful piano! I also play keyboard. Cheaper, portable and has lots of toys--percussion, accompianment, voices, etc, etc. There are a kazillion tutorials on youtube. I've worked on some Beatles tunes and Coldplay, one ZZ top song, Carole King, and anything else I think I could learn. No, I won't be performing any where in the near future. I had to give a presentation to our faculty from a workshop I went to..ouch. I was a nervous wreck, spent way too much time preparing but sailed through as though I was confident. Couldn't do that with a hangover. Hey, I have a problem and as I don't have any one to talk to about it I thought I could share here. We have a ton on debt. We have taken a trip (or trips) for years. Sent our kids on the High School band trip to Europe. Living 2000 miles and an ocean away from family has not been easy. In fact every trip we take is to visit family in Washington and California. (I can't really call them vacations) Also two kids in college on the mainland is way beyond our means. For some reason we said "sure go away to college, things will work out". OK, so I live with debt, who doesn't. We decided that we were not going to travel this Christmas. I was actually looking forward to being in my own home over the holidays without the stress of travel and all the expense that goes with it. Well, my mother called, very stressed out about Christmas. She wants me to come and will pay my way. In fact she began the conversation with saying that she wanted to help me out with my debt problem (she has no idea how deep it is). But the unspoken was that she would expect me to go to California for the Holidays. Well Hubby just heard one end of the conversation and went through the roof!!! There has always been tension between him and my mother (both controlling). The bottom line is that she will pay for me to come. If hubby travels too it gets very expensive because then we have to rent hotel, car, board dog. By myself is none of that. He is furious that she has ruined our plans and will take me away from him over the holidays. To make it more emotional for him is that his birthday is Dec. 23 and he is still the little kid who's birthday was always forgotten in the Christmas craziness. I'm thinking I'll go after the 25th (if I go) for 4 or 5 days. Maybe hubby will agree to that and Mother will only be 80% pissed. My mantra these past couple of days is "I will not drink, I will not drink, I will not drink".


                    wed 30 nov af daily

                    I just saw your post now, Hula!

                    Sigh... sounds like the sort of dilemma I used to be in.
                    Your compromise of going for a few days after Christmas is probably the best way to keep the peace (somewhat). If your mum really wanted to help out she'd pay for both you and hubby to come. Personally, I would not spend Christmas away from my significant other unless someone was critically ill, dying, that sort of unpleasant thing. And your mother shouldn't expect you to do so.

                    If I'd be the one left at home I'd be pretty furious, too, I think.

                    Best of luck to you :l
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013

