Hey all,
It was a balmy 18 this morning when I went for my run. A little nippy at first, but comfortable after the first mile. Thanks for your support yesterday. Cravings pass. One thing I know about my alcoholism is that if I take that first drink, all bets are off. I don't know what will happen. Will I stop at one or oblivion.
Lav, thanks for the web site. I will check it out. Do you or anyone ever read Pema Chodron? She's wonderful, a Buddhist who really has a lot to say about addiction.
Star, good for you for saying "no"to your daughter and understanding what you can and cannot do. I hope you feel better soon. Did you ever go to a doctor about your eyes? I know Lav talked about Prednisone, a miracle drug for allergic, inflamatory stuff.
As for Xmas, nobody in this family nobody cares about it but me. I've given up trying to make everyone "enjoy" the holiday. I'm just looking forward to family time and good food.
Chill, I am so in touch with the moon phases. Always feel better when the moon is waxing. Right now, at least here, there is a very bright celestial body very close to the moon. I think it's Mercury. Anyone know?
PAguy, hey fellow runner. So proud of you for doing a marathon. I know I've got at least one in me, even if it takes me 6 or 7 hours to do it. Which one did you do?
Good news. All 3 sons are coming home plus one DIL and one long time GF.
Sooty, Blonde, Rusts, Lady bird, SD, all of y'll have a good day.