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thu 1 dec af daily

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    thu 1 dec af daily

    Some very good advice here from people who really care about you, Bear....


      thu 1 dec af daily's all about you. Remember that. You control what you do.


        thu 1 dec af daily

        Hello All,

        I hope I can hop on board. Bear, I really sympathize with what you've been going through - I've been to that 30-day mark a few times myself and then thrown it away for no good reason. Read back through your old posts - especially Day 1 - to remind yourself why you don't want to be there again.

        Sending you strength and prayers!


          thu 1 dec af daily

          Uni that was a kickass post!

          Mylife. Good to see you

          On my phone here. Hard to see.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            thu 1 dec af daily

            Hi all,

            Quick read through been very busy today.

            Had our staff Christmas party and I stuck to ice water and had an expresso for dessert. Good plan because I was so wired when I got home I had to go for a run. If I would have had AL like many at the party I'd be back home looking for more. Yuck.

            Sorry about your frustrations Uni - Avoid that beer store you will be so happy and proud of YOU tomorrow. And it's YOU that counts right now.

            Bear - same thing don't let that AL BEAST get his filthy hands around you. And once you have the first glass of wine the Beast will be thinking he's got you back. Don't let him. You are free from that prison no sense in returning.

            Hope you all have a great evening. We may do a bit of decorating tonight and some steamers with the kids. Yummy and poison free!


              thu 1 dec af daily

              no sunshine no snow...I am happy to report.

              Bear I am the queen of the relapse (a title I am not proud of) but if there is one thing I know ... avoid situations if you feel like you might drink. Screw what others think. You only owe yourself your sobriety. Sid


                thu 1 dec af daily

                Heya Abadingos (thanks Det - you great phrase-a-rator, you!)

                I'm here to do a little whining.....skip this if you don't need this in your day!

                So last night, I missed the chat party here because I was at the vet with my pug. When I called, they told me they would take me as a walk in and that there was only one person ahead of me. When I got there....I was the 5th walk in waiting. I was there for FOUR hours! And my poor pug, he did so well. He was such a model citizen. Something happened to his little bulgy eyeball. It turns out he has a corneal ulcer which should heal up with the meds they gave me.

                There's more...the backstory to this ordeal is that I discovered that the only doggy opthamologist here on the edge of nowhere moved away and now some guy comes up every 2 months from the Lower 48. I am 22 on the waiting list for his next visit! AND, I found out that the animal clinic we've gone to for more than 20 years....just went bankrupt and closed abruptly a few weeks ago! I got home at 9 pm last night!

                This morning...I found out we did not get a grant for phase two of native language revitalization project I've been working on. The grants officer called me with the news and told me while we received the highest recommendation from the staff...the board decided to only fund applicants that did not receiving a grant during the last cycle. Understandable, but disappointing.

                This afternoon, we did a public presentation at the museum and it's like the universe opened its arms. We now have new meetings with three other organizations - including the Smithsonian - that want to collaborate and help support our efforts. Whew!

                I also got more good news this afternoon....the womens hockey league is letting me start the second half of the season early....that means I will be back on the ice tonight for the first time since last March. I promise to take it easy. The only bummer is that I will miss all of my chat buddies AGAIN! I plan to strap on the butt velcro and be ready for chat-a-palooza on Friday.

                I don't need to go to the ice rink to skate. Believe it or not...we have warmed up here after getting a near record snowfall in November of 32 inches. Last night, when I walked out of the Vet' was RAINING! We are supposed to hit 41 this Saturday. WTF? All I know is that it is going to be crazy on the roads for awhile. Rain on top of ICE is just heinous.

       my afternoon break is just about over....I wanted to say keep it up, are doing great and sounding stronger every day.

                LVT :h ....this is such a sad and trying time for your friend....and for you. It's such a good thing you are sober and present.

                Bear...I can so emphathize with your knee bummer. Your team will be glad that you are resting and'll be back soon. Ice and elevation, Ms. Basher.

                PMom...I don't every think I told you that your little pink trailer ALWAYS makes me happy. Is this yours? It is so lovely.

                Blondie...loved the pix of Bridget the Range. I had a name for my ex-range. I called it @#$#%(#@$*@#$)@#$ Piece of Sh*t.

                Sunni....are you getting the web mess untangled? I would like to cast those hackers out onto an iceberg with no internet and let the Polar Bears have at em.

                I had to laugh at the car convo. Sunni...we've got an ancient exploder in our lives too....along with a Rusty Kodiak Cadillac (1990 Suburban with 224,000 miles.) And Lav....the rockin' radio is just too much - You painted such a great mind picture!

                Det, Sid and Kas...have fun in chat tonight....I will miss you. Again!

                Doggy and Greenie....ALWAYS good to hear from's great you manage to check in even when you so busy! Good luck with those finals, DG!

                Chief, Meech, Mylife, Hulagirl...good to meetcha. This is such a great community here...glad you're a part of it now!
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  thu 1 dec af daily

                  Blondieness -

                  Just's your....

                  30 DAY ANNIVERSARY!!!!

                  It's so wonderful to have you as an AF friend - you are fabulous, my dear!!!!
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    thu 1 dec af daily

                    Turn - sorry you had such a crappy day. But hey, can only go up right!

                    Blondie - AWESOME!!!

                    no worries everyone - I didn't even go to the liscence bureau today - did wrapping and put up lights and all that jazz. The beast is not touching this little girl - too much to lose and I have so much to gain! I know the benefits, have seen them in sobriety. 2 stints of over 6 months - not going back so no worries folks! I am BACK and feeling GOOD! AND hubby said that he would take me to the bureau tomorrow, that he was sorry, just an old resentment and realized it was stupid. So all is good for now in Uni - world. Going to go lie in bed in my pj's and watch "weekend at Bernies" - Stupid movie but always makes me laugh.

                    nighty night all!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      thu 1 dec af daily

                      Bear, please just stay away from it. Skip the do, skip the party, stay away, stay clean.

                      Uni, big girl pants back on!

                      Go blondiegirl!

                      Two words for me today.... FECK! POMPADOUR!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        thu 1 dec af daily

                        A pompadour? Holy cats. Who ya got in there Greenie, Elvis?


                        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                        Status: Happy:h


                          thu 1 dec af daily

                          Aloha All. Thanks for the feedback Sunshine and Vet Tech. I have no one to bounce ideas, issues, thoughts off of. There is a huge part of me that is guarded and won't open up to people. Some of it may be that my husband and I teach at the same school so I am very cautious about what I let out about our relationship to co workers. I try to paint a rosey picture. One time early in our marriage I shared with my mother something about wondering if I married the right guy or something like that. She brought it up years later and I was mortified. (I must have been drunk to have that kind of conversation with her.)Any way, I am still thinking about this holiday travel dilemma.

                          Interesting post Turn about animal care in your neck of the woods. I hope your pup will be alright.


                            thu 1 dec af daily

                            hulagirl;1218300 wrote: We decided that we were not going to travel this Christmas. I was actually looking forward to being in my own home over the holidays without the stress of travel and all the expense that goes with it.

                            Well, my mother called, very stressed out about Christmas. She wants me to come and will pay my way. But the unspoken was that she would expect me to go to California for the Holidays.
                            Hula... if it were me...... I'd gratefully accept the offer of help at the same time graciously declining the visit.

                            Well, look at the first sentence. I think that's where your heart is. That sounds like the perfect idea; do you want to go share your mother's Christmas stress and create a marital riff with a price tag it holds? I mean the emotional price tag. I think it's unfair for your mother to use helping you out with your debt as a means of manipulation. Gifts with strings are not gifts at all. Maybe she could escape the stress by visiting you? On the other hand maybe she's not being manipulative at all; maybe that's just my emotional baggage showing.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              thu 1 dec af daily

                              Hi all, thanks for the 30 day congrats!

                              Bear, let us know how you are doing...I agree with the others, don't put yourself in that wine situation, maybe better to stay home to avoid being around all the AL? Best of luck, we are all rooting for you.
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

